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Everything posted by Elise<3sMuse

  1. IKR Looks like our poll rigging skillz are required once more http://www.nme.com/ratemy/199488/hottest-men-in-music-2010/item/199687 Holy neck porn on the 2nd one! & that last one...
  2. :LOL: Glad to be of service :happy: Hope it actually happens!! :awesome:
  3. Hey Liz, I just found this picture, where it seems this girl has also tried the technique of wearing leopard print to attract teh Dommeh's attention & Look where it got her! :awesome:



    check out who's also wearing leopard print :chuckle:



  4. :LOL: The other night I dreamt that I MET KIRKY!! It was so cool! I got a hug and 2 pictures, though when I looked at the pics later, they were bad quality really zoomed out And I met him in a queue for this huge blow up slide Other Musers were meeting him, too. And my mum was there, as well, and even though she didnt even know who he was, Tom just assumed she was a fan and gave her a hug anyway When I woke up, I was like *le sigh* Damn. I wish that really happened
  5. You're welcome :thumbsup:

    Radiohead, lol.

    (it had to be said).

  6. Oh. My. God. Your new sig has SO MUCH WIN IN IT!!! :awesome::LOL:

  7. :LOL: It seems like the sort of comment to stick in one's memory.
  8. thats ok :thumbsup:

    For some reason I think it'd be in an older interview :erm:

    :facepalm: I still can't get over it :LOL:

  9. :wtf: say what?! My, my ,my, Matteh :LOL:

    Is there a link to this interview?

  10. Matteh must steal a lot of people's innocence :LOL:

  11. :LOL:

    Why does that remind me of Dark Shines? :rolleyes::LOL:

  12. :LOL: Nothing else could compare


    HOLY BEJEEBUS! There goes all remaining innocence of my mind. I've never even thought of that before :stunned::eyebrows:

  13. I'd most likely do the same thing :LOL:



    Sweet jesus, just imagine if all 3 just jumped over the barrier and right over you. :eek: Life accomplished :awesome:

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