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Everything posted by Luigi.

  1. Poor Cap doesn't get any love.:chuckle:


    I agree,hope they do them again.


    Just saw that JJ Abrams isn't directing the fourth one though.


    Nah you don't need to.:p


    I really hope they don't do that.


    Ah I see,you have a lot of catching up.Still haven't got around to seeing the season premiere.


    It is a scary game.One of the worst things about Amnesia is the music that it plays when a monster finds you.It's best to play it at night so you can get scared more easily.I've never played Bioshock,I have been curious about it since I have heard a lot about it.

    Also here's a funny Amnesia video.:chuckle:




    Hoping they play rarities when they come back in December.Legs still hurt a bit but I'm mostly good now.It was most definitely worth it.I did get to see the drummer of A7X talking to someone backstage but yeah he's the only member that I saw.Also loved a band that was playing in a van at the festival.They had great energy and it was a blast seeing them.They're called the Athiachists.

    It was dumb.:facepalm:


    Wanted to see that one when it came out in theaters.Good to hear that it's great.Planning to see The Thing during the week.

  2. Movie looks like it's going to be fantastic.Looking forward to seeing Tony Stark bickering with everyone else on the team.:chuckle:


    Wonder if they're going to show random tease while recording like they did with The Resistance,like the drumming in the field video.


    I like the third one and I'm looking forward to the fourth one,looks good.


    Bring on the quotes.:phu:

    Ah I see.:chuckle:


    I guess they really believed in that the world was going to end.:noey:


    What issue of The Walking Dead are you on?

    Sounds promising,I'll check it out.The song is probably on youtube by now.:chuckle:


    I've played it on a friend's computer,it's pretty damn scary.You have no weapons to defend yourself and the monsters move very fast once they see you.:chuckle:


    Uproar Festival yesterday was awesome,loved it.However Avenged Sevenfold didn't play M. Shadows was sick so that disappointing.Still loved seeing the other bands live though.Three Days Grace was better than I expected.TDG even covered a Limp Bizkit song and I have to admit that it was pretty fun to jump to.Sevendust also stood out on the smaller stage.I was in the center of the pit for Sevendust and they were great.I'm so sore today,been moving like an old man all day long.:chuckle:

    There was also a religious person with a megaphone near the entrance protesting the concert and saying that we were all going to hell.:facepalm:


    Saw another funny picture Random picture thread,thought it was hilarious.:LOL:




  3. I saw that,thanks.:happy:

    I think Edward wanted to be more than an actor in the film and have control over the script.Not sure though,there's a lot of rumors why it didn't work out between him and Marvel.


    Well only time will tell how it's going to sound,hopefully not that poppy.Then again I wouldn't mind the poppy songs as long as they're evened out with rarities on the sets.

    SP used to be one of my least favorite parts of HAARP.:chuckle:


    Traditions can't last forever.

    Well with JJ Abrams as the director,there probably will be mind games.


    Hmmm did you win?

    Here's my answer:





    Yeah I'm surprised that they're being so quiet now.I guess they learned their lesson from earlier this year.Probably afraid to turn out wrong again so they're not making a fuss about it.


    The Walking Dead this weekend.:awesome:

  4. You're welcome,hope it was great.:happy:

  5. Surprised no one has posted the Avengers trailer on the board.Still looks fantastic.

    Edward Norton got replaced because negotiations with Marvel didn't work out.


    Aye it's a terrible feeling.:noey: Honestly I'm just hoping it's heavier and less pop.

    Really liking Soldier's Poem at the moment.


    Maybe it will finally be said.Also in the film I was surprised that Leonard played the old version of Spock,didn't expect that.I thought he was actually going to play Spock's dad.:$

    It should last at least last longer than ten minutes.


    :shifty:I do not recall what you speak of.I have no recollection of ever saying that.:shifty:


    In nine days,it's going to be the "apocalypse" again.:facepalm:

  6. Happy Birthday! :party:

  7. I'm looking forward to it too.

    I'm loving the Avengers trailer.:awesome::awesome::awesome: Can't wait to see it next year.


    It wasn't serious but I had to help them out.

    No worries though,there's next year.


    Yeah it's best to keep checking tour dates on the web.I know I've missed a couple of shows for not checking.You'll probably see Muse in 2013,if they release the new album in 2012.It'll depend on the setlists if I go see them in 2013.:shifty:


    I've heard about a lot of non ST fans who loved the film so I don't think that had anything to do with it.More Simon Pegg is awesome.:yesey: I wonder how that line got famous then.:chuckle:

    Well if they do have Klingons as villains in the next one,then it probably have a big space battle.


    I'm not jealous,you're delusional.:p

  8. Ah I see,that sucks.:chuckle:

  9. Be sneaky about it.:shifty:

    I'm watching some new clips and The Thing is looking a bit better now,showing the paranoia and tension side of it.It's been said a few times now that it is connected to Alien but not directly.Wonder how that's going to work.


    Didn't actually go to the zombie walk :$...Something came up and had to help the family.

    I'll go next year for sure.


    Yeah it's less than a week away now.:happy:

    Don't worry,they tend to tour a lot so you'll see them.

    That's great.:awesome:


    It was a bit underwhelming to be honest.It was a good film but maybe I was expecting too much.

    Simon Pegg's scenes in the film were my favorite,especially with the short alien.:chuckle:

    The villain was defeated too easily.Nevertheless it's still a good film.


    That's awesome.

    Pumpkin pie,I'm not jealous.:phu:

  10. No problem,hoping it was a great one.:happy:

  11. Happy Birthday! :party:

  12. Happy Birthday! :party:

  13. Procrastination is inevitable.:noey::chuckle:

    You're welcome.


    Probably from movie to move immediately,I do that all of time.:shifty:

    It's going to be longer than the tease from Cap America too.Still no trailer from Prometheus though.:phu:


    Good point.:yesey:


    You're welcome.:happy: That's no problem,you're still new to them.I know most of their singles,bit too lazy to type all of their titles.:shifty: Going to see them with Avenged on Saturday.

    Here's a live video of them if you want to see it when you have time.




    She should have checked the backseat,it's a rule in Zombieland.Zombie kids in the web series reminded me of the zombie kids in the second Resident Evil film.


    That's actually so bad that I liked it.:chuckle:

    Star Trek(2009) is going to be on television tomorrow so I'm watching it.

  14. Happy Birthday! :party:

  15. Few hours to cram in the material.:p Well that's what I do....sometimes.:shifty:

    Good luck buying it.


    I think we'll need more than popcorn to get us through that day.:chuckle:

    Also the new trailer for the Avengers is premiering next week.:dance:


    Yeah it's in the seventh season now so it would be a lot of catching up to do.


    I think I'm going by myself.:$


    Same here,only know a few singles.Nice to hear that you're into BFMV.:happy: What are your favorite songs right now?


    Wow,they couldn't have gotten anyone better than a food caterer?It sucks when you get killed by two zombie kids that are smaller than you.:chuckle: Also there were axes down there,he could have used them.The axe to the head was nice.


    Have you seen this?




  16. You're welcome again.:happy:

    I'm good,chatting with friends on the net.

    How are you?

  17. No problemo,hope it was fun.:happy:

  18. Happy Birthday! :party:

  19. Happy Birthday! :party:

  20. Happy Birthday! :party:

  21. Luigi.

    Happy Birthday! :party:

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