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Everything posted by Luigi.

  1. Don't worry about it,your english is good.I'm from California,I like it here,it's a fun place to live in,except the state has budget problems right now.Where are you from?


    Haha thanks :D.

  2. You're welcome,I'm good too,thanks.Barely got finished with my spring college semester,time to enjoy the summer.What are you up to?

  3. Thanks for accepting :D.

    How are you?

  4. Thanks for the invite :D.

  5. Thanks :chuckle:,Mythbusters are great:awesome:

  6. That's cool,hope it's fun for her there.

  7. I'm thinking maybe the university of Stanislaus nearby Modesto.

  8. Awesome,hope you have fun hanging out with her.

    I'm currently going to a community college,then going to transfer afterward to a university.

  9. Haha I'll wait to see then.So how is your week going?

  10. That's good to hear that freshman year is enjoyable.All my classes this semester have been easy so I'm happy with that.

    Well keep hoping that you will win,maybe you'll be the lucky winner and then start freaking out uncontrollably. :chuckle:.

  11. Do you like the university at Texas,is it easy?Good luck in that contest,that would be cool to return home to see Muse live.Any idea what kind of questions you would ask them?

  12. Heys,I'm from the middle of nowhere known as Modesto.It's nice here though,but still a bit in the middle of nowhere :chuckle:.

    What part of Cali are you from?

  13. I've had one dream of Muse,in which I got to meet Chris after a gig,and I asked him to take pics with me and he said yes,then my camera started malfunctioning several times and by the end he got annoyed and impatient and walked away and I didn't get to take one pic with him,it sucked so bad.
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