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Everything posted by Luigi.

  1. Finished second season of Breaking Bad,it was simply amazing.





    Haha it would show that.


    Vegeta from DBZ is even nicer than Kaiba.:chuckle:


    I would want to get a walker.Saw the newest episode of The Walking Dead on AMC and it was great.Have you seen it?


    Hmm surprising to hear that there was few security guards.Would be pretty painful to be hit by a walkie talkie.:chuckle:


    Saw Star Trek 4 a few days ago and I loved it,it was hilarious.Personally for me it's Trek 4>Khan>Trek(2009).The film had a lot of funny moments,like the old lady in the hospital,"The doctor gave me a pill and I grew a kidney." :LOL:

    The bloopers are hilarious too.:LOL:




    Also here's some news about Trek 2.


    Benicio is a great actor but I don't know if he can pull off Khan.

  2. That's fantastic.:happy:

  3. You're welcome,hopefully it was fun.:happy:

  4. I don't mind and you're welcome.:happy:

  5. Happy Birthday! :party:

  6. Happy Birthday! :party:

  7. You're welcome.

    Haha would be funny seeing you trying to get sick on purpose.:chuckle:


    Yeah there's like a group of six or eight people playing it.That technology would make it more fun to play.Haha wow,that's a nice saying.


    I remember that one,I got Father Figure too.I took it last year.


    Wow! That's a great cast,I would have been excited some of those cast members.Anna Kendrick is pretty cute too.Would had been very excited to meet Robert Redford though.

    Haha only get a foot close to the actors before security pulls me away.

  8. Aww damn that sucks big time,it looked great too.Damn Luke and the rebels for meddling.:chuckle:

    Try to avoid dressed up Star Wars fans.:p It'll probably to hard to see where you're going while wearing Rorschach's mask.:chuckle: Practice on his voice too.:p


    I see a bunch of people playing it at the college cafeteria each day.The show also has those holograms that make it better.Ah Kaiba,I don't think he's ever smiled.


    Other ones that I would have considered.


    What was the name of the film? Ohh other actors,which ones? Lots of questions I know.:shifty:

    I would be tempted to jump into the camera at least once to ruin it.:chuckle:

  9. Is that a pumpkin Death Star? :awesome:

    On a semi related note,went to a presentation at my college on Friday and there was someone dressed as a stormtrooper,it was great.


    Still hooked on Breaking Bad.You should check it out,it's great.Big Bang Theory is hilarious and Sheldon definitely makes the show fun,even though he can be a bit annoying sometimes.I don't think that I've ever played it.Strangely though I still remember how to play it though,from the show.


    Yeah we should experiment.I chose different answers and ended up with T-Dog this time.:chuckle:

    AMC is having a month long preview on Dish Network during November so I should be able to watch The Walking Dead.:happy:


    I'm hoping too.Well next year you'll get lucky.:yesey:


    Did go talk to him or was he surrounded by bodyguards? :chuckle:

  10. You're welcome,hope you had fun.:happy:

  11. That's good to hear and thanks.:happy:

  12. No problemo.

    Hope it was great.:happy:

  13. Happy Birthday! :party:

  14. Hopefully it doesn't inspire chemistry teachers to cook meth,could turn out very bad.Already into season two and it keeps getting better.Well I'm also busy with Supernatural,Nikita too.:chuckle: Too much good tv.I've seen a few episodes of Big Bang Theory,pretty funny show.Seen the X-Mas episode with Leonard Nimoy's tissue.:LOL: I saw a commercial for Yu Gi Oh Zexal and it looks pretty bad.


    I don't think she would try to steal a guy's gun though.:chuckle:

    I wonder how you get Daryl.:shifty:


    Maybe next year they'll have one there.Zombie walks are becoming more common now,this was the first one for my city.




    I liked Leonard Nimoy's song better.:chuckle:


    New trailer for M:I 4.



  15. You're welcome,hope it was fun.:happy:

  16. Hopefully it'll get updated.Got finished with the first season of Breaking Bad,loved it.:happy: Amazing show,starting on the second season tomorrow.I've seen trailers and promos of it,looks good.Bit busy watching Breaking Bad and catching up on Being Human at the moment.I'll get around to watching American Horror Story later.


    Here's my answers:


    1.Offer to help but keep away from my family.

    2.Go to the hospital by myself,not risk other people getting hurt.

    3.Spot a lone walker,I sneak past him.

    4.Several walkers in the hospital,kill them to put them out of their misery.

    5.Run into the guy with a gun,I would keep quiet and take away his gun the first chance I get.

    6.Finding the large load of medicine,I would take only what I need.

    7.The survivor's condition getting worse,I would comfort her but keep her away from the group.



    Saw the videos of the zombie walk from last week and saw that I was in one of them,briefly.:chuckle:


    I'm the guy with a cap on,looking at his camera at 1:19.I'm all the way in the back.:shifty:




    Damn schoolwork.:noey:


    Had an interview to be a police volunteer today,hoping I get chosen.:happy:



    The full version is definitely something.:LOL:



  17. Haha nice.

    You're welcome again.:happy:

  18. :yesey:


    I didn't know about that until you told me and the first episode on the AMC site.First episode was amazing,loved it.The second episode isn't on their site though so that sucks.Got around to watching Breaking Bad,seen the first three episodes of season one,living up to the hype.:happy: I got Lori twice.:chuckle: What were some of your answers to the quiz?


    Also attended a zombie walk yesterday.It was great,I had an awesome time there.:happy:

    Here's a corny video promoting it.




    Aww damn that's a shame.Hopefully the school work will let up soon.

    It was a prequel,not a remake.


    Hoping they get the same cast members for the television show.


    The peace between Trek and Wars fans can't last forever though.:p

  19. Don't worry about it.


    You're welcome,hope it was a fun birthday.:happy:

  20. Happy Birthday! :party:

  21. I'm on team Stark too,but Cap is a cool guy too.


    Me too but I then I looked it up and saw that he didn't.


    I didn't get to watch it,I don't have the channel anymore.I'm thinking about waiting until season two is over to watch it on Netflix but that'll be until next year.Seems like my only option so I'll be patient.Also been wanting to watch Breaking Bad on Netflix,heard that it's an amazing show.


    Maybe have some recording equipment around to record your reactions.:p

    Haha yeah know what you mean,grew up playing in horror games with weapons to defend yourself.


    They were already playing rarities on the festival,so I'm hoping they still do in December.

    What did you think of them?


    Why can't you watch it?

    The Thing was a good film,not as great as the Carpenter version though.Liked the ending and how it tied in into the other version.One transformation was really messed up though,felt bad for that guy.Also saw 50/50 which was hilarious,left me feeling good afterward.:happy:


    Zombieland is going to become a tv show!:happy:




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