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Everything posted by Luigi.

  1. They're on youtube if you want to watch them.Yeah Dom is wanting to play Muscle Museum but Matt came up with the lame excuse of losing the pedal.Wish a fan would walk up and ask him about it.Don't know why anyone hasn't asked about it but yeah it's a really lame excuse.


    Hell yeah.:cool:

    That comic series is actually pretty funny too.


    Who knows,maybe in a few years you'll be able to go too.


    Go ahead and try,nothing bad will happen.


    Seriously though,you should try to do a caption for the Chris contest.:yesey:


    Saw this on IGN.


    Made me tempted.

  2. You're welcome.:happy:

    Hope it was a great one.

  3. You're welcome.:happy:

    Hope it was fun.

  4. Happy Birthday! :party:

  5. Wembley shows were fantastic(judging by videos) were great.Except for the first Wembley show last year where it had NSC+Guiding Light.Earls Court 04,Glasto 04 and Montreux 02 are better than the Wembley shows in my opinion though.I would even be happy to settle with Unintended or piano Cave but the US didn't even get those.:noey:


    Also have you seen this comic? Pretty funny.



    I don't know why they did it but now there's no big convention here.Still saving up to go to Comic Con next year.


    Aye,the 3D effects aren't that great.Tends to ruin the movie a bit.


    Lurker.:shifty: Thanks.:happy: Honestly I started posting in that Caption thread instead of the LOLs thread mainly because I didn't have to use Photoshop.(lazy)

    I already posted my caption.

  6. Really like the Wembley version of COD,it's great.Would love to see Showbiz return to close a set but that's really unrealistic.It appeared a couple of times in the setlist polls but Muse ignored those results.:noey:


    The video description says it aired on April 6,2011.Pretty freaky seeing double of them.:chuckle: Grant's reaction was great.


    That's good that you're a proud Trek fan.Also on a side note,it's been announced that Wondercon(Comic Con but smaller) is moving from San Francisco to southern California.Now there's no big conventions in Northern Cali,it sucks.


    3D isn't impressive at all.They are more expensive and aren't worth the extra dollars.


    I'm not jealous at all.:shifty:


    There's currently a picture caption contest in the Other Muse Topics section.The prize is winning a signed soccer ball from Chris.Don't think I would win but it would be nice to get a signed ball from Chris.

  7. I would prefer the awkward order of the album so that it's special.TAB into Starlight would be a bit painful though.What would you answer then if Matt asked to choose between KOC or COD for the next tour? :shifty: The extended version is similar to the DMG version so it's understandable.


    I actually haven't seen that episode,is it one of the newer episodes? Don't have cable so I haven't seen the newer episodes,sounds pretty funny though.I don't think he would hurt you,just try to disgust you in someway.:chuckle:


    Oh wow.:chuckle: Hey that's nothing to be ashamed about.:yesey:


    Me neither,it's a classic.Battle of Hoth is fantastic too,even though it's pretty dumb how the fighter pilots keep flying straight into the AT-AT's line of fire.3D films haven't impressed me either,hoping the fad goes away soon.I blame Avatar.Not everything but I do prefer that deleted scene to the actual scene in the film.


    Ah I see.I will take my time.:yesey:


    Well now that you mentioned them, I have heard about the maple syrup and hockey ones.


    Root beer float? :fear:!

  8. Aye I wonder about the transitions too.I wouldn't mind Knights being replaced with COD on the next tour but that's probably only me.I don't think they would bring back the original version but nevertheless I would love to see the extended version from the BH&R tour live.


    Stone faced Jamie only smiles/laughs when Adam is in pain or he gets his "big boom".:chuckle:

    You're welcome and that's true.If you were to get hired,you would have to put up with Tory's daily pranks,just like Kari does.


    Well we're the same then,we haven't read the novels. Also someone showed me this video today.:chuckle:




    Maybe they'll become valuable collectibles,but I wouldn't sell them though.:chuckle: Aye the effects are a bit outdated.Strangely though,I prefer the space battle from Episode VI over any of the space battles from the prequel trilogy.It's way better than those in my opinion.Probably in twenty years there will be 4-D and an Inception remake in production.:chuckle: Really liked the new deleted scene that was released today from Empire Strikes Back,it was a different take of Han and Leia arguing.


    Are you interested in checking out more Blink songs?Still busy checking out the songs.:p


    Not really,only the Eh stereotype to be honest.I can't think of another one right now.

    Free root beer? :fear: Jealous.:p

  9. You're welcome.:happy:

  10. No problemo.:D

    Hoping it was great.

  11. Aye it's a great song live.They probably wouldn't have to practice that much,would be fun to see Exo Politics again.I have a feeling that Starlight,SMBH,and KOC aren't going anywhere.The rest of the BH&R songs probably will disappear from future tours.


    Adam would probably be laughing the loudest and probably tease you,that's who he is.:chuckle: Meanwhile Jamie is standing next to him,stone faced.You probably would pass,no worries.


    There's a lot of Star Wars novels and yeah I'm too lazy to read all of them.:chuckle: Wonder if that makes me a bad SW fan.:shifty:

    Yeah I'm going to keep my Star Wars VHS versions to enjoy them.Who knows,maybe I'll keep them around to show them to my kids in the future.The deleted scenes trailer is less than a minute long but it got me so excited.:LOL::facepalm:


    The non believers.:chuckle: Never got into Blink-182 to be honest.Aww that sounds nice.I actually did like 2+2=5,liked the intro and the "heavy" second part.I'm going to check out the other songs you mentioned.I don't mind,at least it gives me something to do.:chuckle:


    Sadly the suntanned stereotype is true.You're welcome.Have fun! :happy:

  12. Sadly I agree,shame that FG won't be leaving.Well the only video of Endlessly live is actually great in my opinion,have you seen it?I wouldn't mind seeing it live.Yeah he would practice more to get it better the second time.


    It would be worth it.:yesey: During the initiation,Kari and Tory would probably be laughing at you from the sidelines.Adam too probably.




    I haven't read them either,like I said in the previous message,I did research on the web.

    Not sure if I want to see to buy the Blu-Ray.George has messed up and done some weird changes to the film.I prefer my VHS versions.I am tempted to see the deleted scenes though.:shifty:


    That sucks about your friend.:chuckle: I would have probably been really excited too about having seen one.Maybe you should brag about having seen one.:p It was worth the pain I bet though.Have any RH songs to recommend that are a bit heavy?


    Must have been a really short summer.A lot of people in California like looking orange.:chuckle: Wow,that's a lot of material,good luck and have fun in them.

  13. You're welcome,hope it was great.:happy:

  14. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  15. Aye,FG needs to go away and have AP and Hoodoo take it's place.It would fantastic to see those rarities live,maybe they could re-order it to make it better.I don't see why haven't played FAWY live,it doesn't seem like a difficult song to play live.Actually they have played BH&R in full,back in 2006.People on the board say it was bad though,Matt messing up the lyrics and on guitar.


    The application process to his assistant would probably involve you getting humiliated somehow.:chuckle:


    I actually didn't notice it until you mentioned it.:chuckle:


    Apparently in the novels,it does say that he blasted his way out so he did survive. /research

    Also it sucks how George Lucas is messing up the films once again.:noey: He just can't leave them alone.:facepalm:


    You'll never truly know if it was one.:chuckle: Would be cool if you did see one though.Have you seen RH live yet?I checked out the song,I liked it.Nice message behind it.:chuckle:


    You're welcome.Yeah it's pretty hot in California,especially during the summer.My sunburn is mainly gone now,I'm not orange anymore.:happy: Also random side note,there are a lot of tanning salons in Cali.:chuckle: Yeah it's pretty interesting so far,won't have this upcoming week though because of Labor Day. What classes are you planning to take?

  16. Happy Birthday! :party:

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