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Everything posted by Kris.

  1. from previous pmt. you should indeed. oh,excited already about this. is he? so many stuff in my head. need to sort out so many things! Yes they are. and my trainer at work is really hot irish guy.
  2. why thank you. :happy: i love your ava. :chuckle:

    do i know you? :shifty: I see you're a new here. I'm Kris,nice to meet you! :)

  3. My last night's dream. I was at the cinema and the gig took place there. I was at seats,they were massive,comfy chairs and there was a small standing area at the front. The band played at a small stage,no screens or lights. UD was about being played and Dom after MK Jam came offstage at the back of seating area where I was. He was wearing his wetsuit. I was like and the asked to him : ''hey,Dom,what's up?'' He looked at me like and was mumbling smth like ''hey,how are you doing.'' Then I said : ''You look very tired!'' Then he said : ''I'm so fed up with Matt making me the things I don't want to do!'' I was like and then UD started,the whole song was without any drums. Afterwards I asked him to sign my Absolution copy and that was the end of my dream.
  4. Kris.

    Happy birthday to you! :awesome::kiss:

  5. Well,on YouTube there's Hysteria only as someone else did put it. Liam from messageboard recorded both pro-shots as he made them private on YouTube afterwards. :( The videos are up on Channel 4 website but before that you have to enter 4 digit pincode (just randomly 4 digits. :LOL: ),and then you can watch them.

    The link is http://www.channel4.com/programmes/oxegen-festival-2010/4od#3121479

  6. Yeah. :( Oh well,life's a fucking bitch. :fear:

    How was the gig,tell me about it! :kiss:


  7. No worries,love!Can't always get what you want,right.I'm very happy that I had a chance to see them twice this tour!:) Yeees,tell me about it,want to know everything.Have a fabulous time,will meet some day for sure. :kiss:


  8. Have fun,the gig is in 2 days! :pope: Won't be able to make it,though. New job ahead.

    I'll have to wait many years to see Muse again but it will be worth it! :)

    Enjoy the show,hun. :kiss: <3


  9. Have fun,love! :kiss: We won't meet at Wembley,I have new job ahead!

    But I keep my pwomise as I said : Finland. :ninja:

    Enjoy the show,hope you'll have a fantastic time. :happy:


  10. Have fun tomorrow,love. Enjoy the show. :kiss: We'll meet one day,I pwomise!

    Too bad that I won't be able to make for Saturday as I wanted. New job ahead and life's changing! I'll wait a thousand years just see Muse live again! :LOL: BUt it will be worth of waiting.


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