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Everything posted by Kris.

  1. Hoping for the same. :erm: When have you planned to arrive at stadium?

    I'd love to be there when doors are opening and to see all supporting bands.

    Would like to meet you too,could take a pic. :happy:

    Will be in London early morning.. So,probably I'll go to central London then. What's the best transport from Stansted to London,train,isn't it?

    Oooh,I'm hoping for some rarities and for a decent setlist in general. :chuckle:


  2. Um,I'm so,so. Feeling annoyed about some stuff.

    OMG,500 egs each?:eek: That's impressive!


  3. Ko tu nenocitēji? :awesome: Awh,fuck,man jādodas uz darbu. :indiff: ārā tik jauks laiciņš. :supersad:

    Jāpazūd gan! see ya later. ^

  4. Yeees,it's been a while! :supersad: My tickets came yesterday too. :dance: But my friend got them in the UK. But the problem is - she has changed her plans. Originally we were supposed to meet before the show,she'd give me my ticket and we'd go to the stadium. Now her husband and sister are coming over for the show and they'll go to the stadium right before Muse. :( She said that she'll send me the ticket via post. And,probably I'll meet her only at our seats..

    That's pity,though. For now I'll be going to the Wembley stadium from Stansted airport alone which sucks. And now I'll supposed to find my block and seat alone,I haven't been to that massive stadium and even alone! :stunned: This is scary.

    I think I have row 4. :chuckle: We're neighbours then. :eyebrows::LOL:

    On the other hand,my life's been a bitch lately,got fired and stuff. :( Damn.


  5. Jām,sapratu,ka viss būs beidzies. :chuckle:

    Yus,bombas. :eyebrows::LOL: nu,īstenībā ir tā,ka man jābrīdina,pirms eju prom,2 nedēļas. xDD mmkay. Whatev.

    uhhh,man laikam jāiet gulēt tomēr. :stunned: *pazūd* :ninja:

    So sorreh. :supersad: Es uzpeldēšu rīt pēc darba. :yesey:

    Arlabunakti. :happy::kiss:


  6. Esmu kompī. Un bāc,man nāk lūziens,esmu samērā daudz iedzērusi. :LOL:

    ahaaaaa. :eyebrows::LOL::awesome: hm,jāiet iečekot. xD

    ah,jā. Strādāju debilas stundas,besī ārā,sāku pusdeviņos šorīt,kaut arī parasti sāku 12os,besī ārā. :indiff:

  7. Ah,lol,pareiz. :LOL:

    es varbut apskatishos velak.Varbut rit,ja. :chuckle:

    Ok,atstashu,atstashu. :happy::eyebrows:

  8. Pag,kas ir YMT? :$ Es nav banter wanker. :LOL: Pec ka nogribejushies?:eyebrows: :eyebrows: :chuckle:

    aww,negruzies,bus ok.

    Ja,es zinu,pat jutos nokaunejusies,ka kozhu. :$

  9. PMT? :awesome: lol,jk jk :chuckle:

    Um,es ir foruma no tel. un mani mazliet apdzirdija. :$ Kkad driz jaiet gulet,darbs. :stunned: Ka tev klajas?

  10. Hey! :happy: Are you excited?:awesome: So jealous that you're going to Manchester's gig!I was going to ask you - you're seated at Wembley?Can't really remember,I think we spoke about it a while ago already,my bad. :$:facepalm: I'm sooo excited! Will be in London for a day only,will fly back to Dublin next morning.


  11. Hewwoo. :kiss: Excited?:awesome: Dayum,it's next Saturday!:pope: Which row had your seats at Wembley?We might meet somewhere around there. :chuckle: I'll be in London for a day only,flying back to Dublin next morning. :( How you've been lately,love?


  12. Kris.

    The best greetings at your b-day,Pip. :kiss: Stay as awesome as you are. :happy:


  13. Yeah,I'd love to meet you both again! :happy:

    And grate news,finally we'll see some Oxegen's footage! :dance:

  14. The dweam can come twue! :happy::LOL:

    I know,I've even planned to see them twice at Wembley,to get a ticket for 10th Sept gig too. :shifty:

    Let's hope for the best. ;) Hope you'll see them live soon,one day. :awesome:

  15. haiiii,Jack. :happy:

    You got flu? :( Hope you'll get better soon!

    How's it going with lobsters? :chuckle: I've been good,thanks. Today was a superb weather,sunshine all day long! :awesome:


  16. Oh wow,that's a impressive amount. :awesome:

    Near the beach? :eek: Damn,I'm jealous.


  17. Well,it was okay,were some parts to laugh at. :chuckle:

    Awesome. :chuckle: Lobsters must live near from you. :LOL:

    I wish I had some rest but there are so much to do for today,sis is returning form holiday tomorrow. :indiff:


  18. hi. :happy:

    Lobster invasion,this is epic. :LOL: aww,didn't sell any of them yet?

    Awh,it was good,thanks. Went to see Knight and Day. :chuckle: Woke up very tired.:LOL:

    how's you,how's it going at school? :)


  19. :happy: As I got my dream seeing live 2 times,my next wish is meeting the band in person. Don't think I'd be able to say anything without being nervous,maybe a mumble. :chuckle:
  20. Sorry,love for the late reply. :$

    omg,the excitement is one of the best parts. :chuckle:

    Da Myooze bring you the wings!:awesome::LOL:

  21. Aww.I just hope that those 2 or 3 years will pass very quick!And then we must meet again. :happy: I'd love to queue all day long with lovely people.

    So do I,missing my home a little bit. :chuckle:

  22. ohai,Gary. :awesome:

    Thanks for the friend request! :happy:


  23. Well.. I just smoked a one cigarette yesterday,that's it. :$

    Finally headache's gone,feeling good now. :happy:


  24. hey, :happy:

    Was it? :chuckle: Not that bad then! :)

    ffffff. I'm suffering from goddamn headache all day long,ooouch. :( ghh.


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