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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. I like it, it's fun. I wonder if this got Muse and Rich Costey talking about working together for LP8. I know people have issues with him but I'd like to see it. Edit: I mean as the producer.
  2. Does it sound like he's saying "dick" at the beginning?? Not sure how I'd feel if a Muse song had a lyric along the lines of "suck my dick."
  3. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I'm unreasonably excited for whatever they're planning. Hope it's a new (and good) song, but I'd be happy with a cover of any Halloween/horror themed song.
  4. I've tried contacting MuseLive multiple times about this, they never respond. It's unfortunate how they managed to ruin that site and then immediately abandon it.
  5. As far as the instagram thing, I thought Matt was making a joke saying his turtle's name was Dom, and that he's the one that removed Assassin. Just a cheeky way of saying that Matt himself regretted it after he heard the fans chanting it or whatever.
  6. I think there's something about music in particular that can tap into raw, personal emotions in a way that other art forms often don't. Not to say that other art forms don't also have profound effects on people. I'm sure there's a psychological/physiological reasoning behind it.
  7. Downloaded the 2015 Vieilles Charrues Festival video from Musebootlegs. I was completely unaware of the gig until today. What was everyone's opinion of it? I've only watched a few songs, but it seems like one of the better gigs from the last year or so. It's cool to have a recent pro-shot of The Groove, and I thought the performance of Citizen Erased was fantastic. And AP coming right after CE is just perfect.
  8. And then we got Township+Execution Commentary+Endless Nameless. Fair trade if you ask me. I had heard the Micro Cuts riff live before, hadn't heard Execution Commentary, so I was ecstatic.
  9. Except the most upvoted comment right now is "I hope they had an intern write that list, because two are play back and one is a drum and bass jam. And every song that has been played at every gig is on there. Pretty lame." The complaining about Muse apologists on reddit is just as bad as the complaining that everyone on .mu is a miserable fuck, except the latter is probably more accurate.
  10. I think I'll wait to judge the poll too harshly until I see the setlist. Maybe they're going to pick the top voted rarity anyway, and just included the staples on there to see which of those fans like the most, as well.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6tqMVcbRe8 Would have loved to hear OoS/Hullabaloo era Muse do this song. Especially when the guitar kicks in at around 2:03, it sounds like it would fit right in on Hullabaloo.
  12. I like IBTY, it's one of those "so ridiculous it's fun" Muse songs. The "You are my Muuuuuuuuu... [French Interlude]... uuuuuuse" part cracks me up every time.
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