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Creeper McSexyPants

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Status Updates posted by Creeper McSexyPants

  1. hello! i just really wanted to ask you how the antlers gig was that you went to. i was supposed to go but couldn't make it :(

  2. Dude, yes. And I would totally support your acting, for sure. I'd tell everyone to watch everything you're in. And when we're both famous, me as a screenwriter/novelist, and you as actor/awesome person, we'll collab and it'll be the greatest thing of all time, yeah?


    Yeah, I understand it all, but it doesn't make me feel any better about it :( But so be it man, whatevz.


    I'm really not that great of a guy, she says the same things to me, and she always asks me why I care so much, because no one cares as much as I do and I really don't understand it. If people loved her, why don't they show care and support? People, man, people... Well, I'd really REALLY like to think she has feelings for me, deep deep down, but I really doubt it. Mostly because I hate to get my hopes up and finally give her the revelation of my love, only to be laughed at or shot down, which are both not likely to happen because she wouldn't do such things to me, but I have a cynical mind so ehh... But yeah, you're right, I'll always be there for her. I was pissed off at her for about a week, but she came to me for help and I still helped her, setting aside all my disdain. But I'm hopeless against her! For instance, the HP premiere. Her boyfriend doesn't hate me, but he's not exactly fond of me either, and he HATES when I talk to her, he gets all moody. So when he went to the bathroom before the movie went on, she ran up to meet me, and for the thirty seconds I had with her I just ignored her and gave curt answers, which I feel bad for, but I was upset for her not acknowledging my existence that night. But after the film, she called me and we talked for two straight hours on the phone about everything, and I swear to you I had a smile on my face the entire time. I just can't stay mad at her... But I think they'll last, not forever, but for awhile, I know it. They're not the average stupid high school couple, they actually love each other. But I'll wait! I'll wait as long as I have to, even though my friend says I'm mad to wait for her, I will. Thanks for listening and responding to all this, you're a great friend, man. :D


    Oh, jeez, thanks Dani! Well from all your lovely videos, of which I've seen all, you're quite the the actor and personality as well! Truly, I'd be surprised if you didn't make it in some wonderful roles, as perhaps the Doctor's next companion, hmmmm?

    I mean, technically I write fiction, but all the stories I write are auto-biographical, in a sense. I write about my predicament, but put it into words and scenarios and just write.

    Dude, Gary Oldman. You MUST go there, I will culminate a charity just for your cause to go to Rose Buford! My dream college is definitely Columbia. It's Ivy League and in Manhattan, and ugh it sounds so wonderful. My teacher who is basically my life mentor, says I should set my dreams on Columbia.


    You've been to London, haven't you?

  3. Dude, yes. Which city? I think New York would be great for you! Everyone says LA is awesome but really it's pretty shit, honestly. I go there all the time for gigs and it's just dirty and gross...


    Of course, I think everyone has problems. But they're not constantly fighting or the annoying happy couple, they're cool. But, like, I'm the guy that always comforts her, you know? If she's having a shit day, I'm always here to talk to her and I don't rest (literally) until she's all right. And I think it's funny, because he can be a huge dick to her (sometimes inadvertently) and she'll feel awful and I'll talk her through it and she'll feel better, but still upset. And then he'll just drive up to her house and apologize and she'll feel all better. I don't get it, it saddens me. I'm basically here mending her together, and he can just come apologize and everything will be fine! But oh well, you know? I just want her to be happy. If she's happy with him, then okay, at least she's happy. And I really don't know if she knows, I mean I'm really really affectionate towards her, not physically though. But I've made her three mixtapes, and the last one took me months to finish and had meaning inside every twenty songs on it, and I told her them all and she really loved it and told me she loved me, but as a person and friend. And I get her really cool gifts, but for special occasions, and she does the same. I'm surprised she doesn't know! But I think yeah, I should wait a little longer, but I don't want to be selfish and try to get in there when she fought with her boyfriend, it would just make her feel worse, I think. And she's a year younger than me, so I'll have graduated while she's a senior, but I plan to stay in this area for two years of college, so I would still see her. But after she's graduated, she wants to move as far as she can, like east coast, and I feel the same. But I don't know where we would end up at all. But I do know that her boyfriend is going to be stuck here because his grades aren't GREAT, so he'll be here while she's on the other side of the country, causing them to go long-distance relationship. So, I don't know, I'm just waiting for the moment that everything falls into place, and if it doesn't, oh well. Sorry for rambling! I don't talk to anyone about this!


    He works in the offices near it, but yeah working at Disneyland, not too shabby :cool:

    UGH I KNOW. Well, I love writing, and all my teachers have told me I'm really good and especially my journalism teacher, who says I was born to write. So perhaps that, but I also love psychology so ehhhh, I'm not sure yet. What about you?

  4. Ah, shame. Sorry about all that man, I get what you mean by needing to get out the house. I can't take it here anymore!


    No, I'm absolutely 100% in every way in love with her. I never joke about love! And I've thought about telling her, but I don't think I can. Because she's in love with her boyfriend now, who she's known for two years, but they started going out on Halloween. They were best friends before, now they're together. And if I tell her, I'm afraid she'll never talk to me again, which is very plausible because whenever someone confesses they like her, she slowly drifts from the person. But all those people weren't as close as I am to her. But like, I don't know man. I want to scream it out, but I don't want to lose her in the process :( And oh no, it's the girl I made the mixtape for, remember? From my journalism class!


    Ha, no my life is pretty lame, honestly. Well my dad's pretty high up in the Disney offices, so he can get me a job easily once school starts. So I'll be working at Disneyland! And ugh man AP Literature, AP Government/Economy, and AP Physics. I'm going to die :'(

  5. Why two years ago? So you could avoid high school altogether? Because I would do the same :'(

    I know I know! It took ages, and I STILL compare the two in my mind, urgh.

    Yeah, and he's really not a douche at all. That's what sucks, because I'm also in love with her which is bad... but yeah I would love to hate him, but unfortunately he's not a hateable guy :indiff:

    Yes! My friends and I bought these cool firework thingies and let them off at the end of the movie and since we were in the top row the confetti flew everywhere among everyone and it we're so awesome :cool:


    HA! I hate people, they have no decency whatsoever! You should definitely rewatch soon, and bawl again during the Prince's Tale :(


    I am and yes! I'm going to have a job and license and get out of school at lunch time everyday and ugh, I really cannot wait! Except this year is going to be my hardest with my AP's... but still! And only two more years for you! You're almost there! ;)

  6. Well, are you going to be a senior this year?

    Ah, it's fine. I'm just moody.

    UGH. I thought it was wonderful, I really, really loved it. I think once you begin to separate the books from the movies and treat them as two different entities, you enjoy the movies a lot more. I actually midnight premiered this one again! With my two bros and my best girl friend who was supposed to hang out with me but I only got thirty seconds with her because her boyfriend was there so whatever... And the crowd was awesome, they clapped and cheered for every appropriate scene, and it seems I'm the only one who enjoys that from viewing the HP thread here :LOL:


    How did you like it?

  7. School? Already? Do you live in Japan or something, I have more than a month left of summer! Eh, I'm doing all right, pulling through, the usual.

  8. Dani! I've missed you as well, what is up in floggedbymuse's world?!

  9. Bit late, but thank you very much!

  10. I'm continuously mesmerized by the photo in your signature every time I see a post of yours. May I ask who it is? Looks a bit like Ian Curtis...

  11. Ha, everything is so skewed at the moment. I'll be back to tell you tomorrow.

  12. Still ruthless..

    Haha yeah, the shirts never happened, she made one for herself but none for us. But one of my friends dressed up as Harry and I went as casual Dean Thomas :cool:


    Haha, so I've been getting closer with journalism girl, we're texting buddies now and we contemplate life together. She basically confessed I'm a superior version of her boyfriend today, but who knows... At least it's something?

  13. Uh uh! Gale just wanted to kill, he hardly even remembered what he was killing for! But I do love him, but Peeta is just too damn wonderful.

    Ha! I wish, but nah, I'm George and this girl is going to be Fred :cool:


    Uh, it was 21 songs, I'll hit you up wit da list later, I'm on zed iPod. Ha, well she asked me to make her one, I didn't just decide to creepily make her one, took me 3 damn days though, I wanted it to be perfect. And she said it was perfection!

    Dawg, I feel ya! Boys are nasty and rude anyway.

  14. Nah! Katniss needs Peeta, the timid artist who shows affection and love, unlike bloodthirsty Gale :phu:

    No costume, but my lovely friend is making these shirts for our group, with a different Weasley on every one :) You?!



    Ha, I guess not. She's coolio though! And yeah, journalism girl is the one I made the CD for. She texted me today and said it was the most she's ever loved an inanimate object :happy: Hopefully, but I mean, (no way to not sound sappy here,) if they're meant to be together, I feel terrible for wishing they'd breakup... But who knows... How's Dani's love life?

  15. Haha, yeah a lot of people I know either hated the ending or got bored of the book and quit halfway. Personally, I liked the ending. I mean, Collins left like a million loose ends, but I'm whatevs on that. I've always been Team Peeta anyway :cool: (btw I'm totes reading DH right now in preparation for Thursday night :awesome:)


    Ha! Uh, not much to say. We got partnered up for a poetry project and she's actually really cool, but I don't see it going anywhere. On the other hand, I met this super amazing wonderful girl in my journalism class who I've been talking to everyday, and I really, really like her. Only problem is, she has a boyfriend, and that boyfriend has been her best friend since like kindergarten, soooooo..... Yeah..... There's my little update :chuckle:

  16. Doesn't count against the Knicks.

  17. Please explain to me what a Diandra is.


    Wait, what does E-Wat agree to?

    I recommend you make it a high priority to listen to it once when you wake, once at lunch, and once before you sleep, then we'll be cool :cool: Haha I really can't get over the fact that you've fantasized about your break-ups! But I'll admit, it sounds pretty awesome...

    Subliminal message? "Maybe he's trying to say I always loved you and I always will"?


    NYC was lovely to me actually... And you don't come off as the party girl:eek:

    NooOoooOO! I'll go NOW to Paris and apologise! After I've finished this message :happy:

    Ahh man, tell me more about London! Please! Megajealousy :(


    So your guys' music is most like... say... Gwar?



    No, don't know those bands, sorry :( I actually feel really ashamed because I can't stand Christian music, because it all sounds exactly the same and completely commercialized... But I do know Loretta Lynn! :LOL: NASCAR drivers? Omg you're so redneck! :chuckle:

    Hmmm, I've met Will Smith. But it was a passing thing, like I just saw him while passing by the mob that attacked him.


    Just like Romeo and Juliet, isn't it? :eyebrows:

    Haha and just last night you Facebooked me! Hector relapse already? Just can't get enough can you? ;) /pretentiousasshole


    YES! YOU NEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDD TO! And I asked because Trent Reznor and Atticus Rose did the soundtrack for Social Network! And the music in it was so gorgeous and fit every scene uuughghghghghghghg gooooooo see it!!


    Haha well I really love the Spyros, Halos too (haven't gotten Reach 'cause I'm BROKE). My top 5... hmmm... ok Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Soul Silver, Shadow of the Colossus, any FIFA game, and all Kingdom Hearts games! :awesome:


    Isn't David Tennant in his, like, 40's? And you're what? 16/17? I smell a Jerry Springer episode...

    I'm sorry! I've been busy with school and all this other bs! I'm free today so I'll get around to watching all these episodes! Promise! And I'll fa sho watch that one! Trust me :)


    Haha all right, I'll try, but usually when we see we've been caught we both immediately look away. So what if there's no time for sexy spontaneous smiles? :(


    Ughhhhhhh, Idk! I'll just say, (500) Days of Summer, Alice in Wonderland (old Disney version), Into the Wild, Moon, and uhhhhhhhh, Social Network, for shits and giggles.

    Stupid sex! I mean, sexy sex!

    SRS?! Maybe I'll go later! But then I feel like I'm ripping off the unfortunate by taking all the best stuff :(

    No way! Everyone I know loves the uglyass sun! I don't really enjoy the beach either! Let's just runaway to London, I wanna!


    You're a facereader now? OMG that's so badass! How good would you consider yourself?


    Envious of Mexicans? Haha that's probably the first time I've heard that! I'm envious of your NOT average French-Canadian/English/Irish mix! Trade for a day?


    Autobiography of Sylvia Plath! How have you not heard of her?! WHAT?! GREATEST POET EVER!

    http://www.stanford.edu/class/engl187/docs/plathpoem.html Here, check out Daddy first, it's heartbreaking!


    Sorry I take forever to message back :(

  18. What album is this man?!



  19. Our conversation is pretty long :stunned:


    Omg basically the same order, except switch 6 and 4! Ahhh! PoA was so genius, srs!

    Have you not listened to RBS enough, or are you just a heathen? Because RBS is teh bestest :phu: HCM is so heartbreaking... And that's kind of weird with the whole breakup thing... haha. I always thought girls dreamed it like John Hughes, with the stereo and the guy professing his love, but if you're all about break-ups then ok! :LOL:


    O.M.G. That would be mega sickkkk!! But I'd rather it be in Florida at the Wizarding World! Or NYC, whatevs.

    Ah, shame :( My views have forever changed... But you've been to LONDON?!?!? WHAAAATTT?!!? Tell me EVERYTHING!


    Soft Metal? I don't follow...


    Have you met any celebrities besides T-Swift?


    Haha no, it was in queue for the doors to open. Neither of my parents know I talk to people online... And if they did... I'd be dead. So if for some reason I don't message back for like a month, you know what's up.

    Lucky duck :( English people must be awesome... And why don't you hang with Seth? Lulz.


    Dude, I can't even explain. Just... everything was too perfect. The writing was PHENOMENAL! The music, ughhh the music! The actors, the directing, just EVERYTHING! Are you a NIN fan?


    Haha dude! What games do you play? All right, see what you do? Now I'm asking for your top 5 games.


    You creep on David Tennant's wiki page? :shifty: Haha the dude really is great! I haven't been keeping up with my Doctor Who viewings... sorry :( But I finally added you on MSN! HA!


    Idk... I mean, it's that kind of eye contact where we lock eyes then immediately look away... And I think if I smiled at her, it'd be a little creepy, no? Good Lord I'm pathetic! And no! I haven't spoken to her yet! But we do peer edits for our essays, so I think I may ask her to edit mine... then we'll see what happens?


    I'm all about top 5's today, 'cause now I want your top 5 movies! :awesome:

    Oh I know... Nick had Rocket Power, Rugrats, Doug, the works! Disney with Even Stevens, Boy Meets World, Lizzie McGuire! And MTV actually was music television! What happened Dani? What happened? :'(

    Haha of course we have Goodwill! I donate something every month! :happy: Never shopped there though! Should I?

    Hmm... Well I hate hot weather, like the sun beating down, and I'd much rather live in cold, gloomy weather :) YOU!


    OH SICK! Did you guys cover songs? Did you guys do encores?! :eek: Hohoho Lie to Me is :awesome: I really need to watch more though. Why?


    Haha the racism continues! But I guess I do... You should have known me 3-4 years ago! I had an afro, and I looked more like Dean then :chuckle: What are you? Whatever it is I want your heredity too! Let's swap for a day :cool:


    I got the Bell Jar! Have you read it?! Or anything by Sylvia Plath?


    I know it's so difficult! Having to delete the smilies you deem unworthy...

  20. Psh, so,e HP fan you are! I kid. Ok, list your favourite HP book in order.

    Ha, what? Ok! I'll say RBS, MotP, Hoodoo, Glorious, and Hyper Chondriac Music! Tell me my list is :awesome:

    Your friend went to preschool with her?! Hahahahaha ohhhh man, Miley must have been a little toddler slut, I can just feel it. And I see what you did there with the Paramore crowd ;)


    NYC HOMEGIRL!! Mmmmmm, Times Square, Central Park and 5th Avenue... I miss it... Let's go!

    Seduction will get you nowhere :phu: Really, tell me how it was!!


    What genre of music would you classify yourselves in?


    Haha really? My dad took those and they're God-awful! :LOL: Oh, and it's Steve Nash :cool:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31284287&id=1231992903&ref=fbx_album


    Ehhh, not technically. I mean, do you remember how all the Musers were planning a massive Arizona meetup? Yeah, I was there, but didn't hang out with them, said hi though! My dad was pinning me down :indiff: So you haven't met a single Muser yet?!


    Have you seen The Social Network?!?!!?!?!


    Damn! A model on an internet message board? I'm not quite sure that's how it's supposed to work :chuckle:


    What is it every girl loves about Tennant? His ruffly good hair? His charming and witty attitude? His bulldozing features? His nerdiness? Or is it just...



    No, unfortunately I didn't :( She told that to our English teacher before class, cause our English teacher is really cool blahblahblah anyways no I haven't spoken to her yet... I'm just nervous, I don't really know how to approach it... And I'm quite positive she's not new... The only way we connect is we're the first in our rows in class, and the half the rows are on one side and on the other, so we face each other all class and we make eye contact like, at least 5 times each day. That's about it... OH! And she wore a Kurt Cobain shirt today! :happy:

    Haha you don't have to make me feel better about my tape addiction, it's really odd if I actually look at it... I've studied it somewhat... I'll have to watch and yes... I do too... before Disney had to take the wrong path and ruin tv and music for everyone :( Give me a random fact about your life!!


    Have you played many gigs? And ah man, I really hope UCLA takes me... Maybe USF, and hell yeah it is! Music journalist for me :cool: Maybe one day I'll interview your band for NME or something! :LOL: Ah, fellow Psych fan?


    Omg you did not just say I should dress up as Dean!! Dean is BLACK, I am MEXICAN/SPANISH! so prejudiced :phu:


    Guess what, I'm going to the library today. :kiss:

  21. You know! In OotP, when Mrs. Weasley came upon a Boggart, and I forgot who, but the boggart took form and there were people laying dead on the floor, and she was in tears :(

    Nope, I heard it SHOUTED, like that :) MotP is one of my favs! Ok give me your top 5 Muse songs of the moment! And yeah it was lies, but they got RBS and Bliss! And 10 minute riffage after SS! And I got Feeling Good! :O

    Ah hell yeah! Usually crowds are dead here in Cali, but they kicked ass. How are the crowds in good ol' Tennessee, where Miley's from..........


    Paris?! Lucky duck! I think the farthest was NY for me... So how was the most romantic city in the world? :eyebrows:


    DUDE! SICK NASTY! I'm so happy for you! OMG I can't wait to hear some material, or hear about your :awesome: gig where you melted everyone's faces off! :\mm/:

    OH! Thanks! Ha, hey hey hey, you're hawt :eyebrows: That's two eyebrow smileys I've used now /ultimatecreepo


    Damn! I wanna join one, they sounds so cool! Have you been to a Muser meet?


    A college graduate kid, mega smart, was going to go to Harvard, instead donates all his funds to some poor family and begins a journey to Alaska, where he will live in the wild. It's one of the most heart-wrenching films I've ever watched, you need to see it! PLEEZ!


    mmmmmeeeeeehhhhhhhh!! on you! And what's with the modeling pictures in your album? You're a model?! You really are super pretty though... :$


    Vaughn? :LOL: Oh well, maybe you're a Depp girl or something, idk, women these days... Haha what?! Threesome with Haley or Zach? 'Cause I don't do devil's threesomes! :phu:

    Yeah, jerks! That sucks that you can't see 'em though... You saw them when they came around like 6 months ago, though, right?


    Haha she wears Spanish singer shirts, so I'm out on that one, I think she's a Radiohead fan though... And that's the thing! I don't know any of her friends, and I don't know anyone that knows her friends! how mysterious!! All I know about her is that she's on the message board for her favourite Spanish singer and she goes to meets like we do for Muse and she wrote a review for his album and it got published in some magazine, I'm terrible at this...

    Nah, I tried to get pics on my phone, but it was too dark so nothing came out :( And yeah, haha. It was this creepy dude with a ponytail, what a champ!

    I dunno why, I just love touching the stickiness until it wears out, then I get another piece, odd really... Ah! I still haven't seen 300! Am I a heathen for this?! Hmm, in my journalism class we reminisced about old Nickelodeon and Disney shows and how tv's gone down the shitter since. You?


    lolololololololol. you're too punny! Give me a good joke.


    Studying abroad?! I want to so badly :( I don't have the money yet though, so I have to go to community college for two years then transfer into a uni :indiff: But NYC and Seattle would be the bee's knees! I'm thinking UCLA actually, they have a nice psych/journalism course... Oh yeah! What are you going to major in?

    I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW! The whole good vs. evil thing man! And Jo even confesses to being Christian, or she is sometimes, and sometimes not. Ya know, fighting from both sides of her beliefs? And I'm pissed at the HBP movie for not showing Dumbledore's funeral! :fear: 11? That's not early? Ok cool then man! Thanks! You dress up? Ah! What/who shall I be then?!

  22. I hate you, and I hate Muse.

  23. Mrs. Weasley! :happy: Oh I cried so hard in OotP (I think) when she saw the people dead on the floor, so so sad :( Details? Uh... ATE was awesome, it was seated, so they invited to people to jam in the front, so of course I went. I stood with my left ear basically touching the massive amp, no I impaired my hearing in my left ear :) And Muse was obviously spectacular, setlist :srsb33f: or not, but I got MotP! Did you hear Muse might perform Exo. 1, 2, and 3 tonight?! :eek:


    What's the farthest you've traveled? /irrelevantquestion


    Oh yeah, 8th grade memories! AWW what? No :( WELL, they weren't good enough for you anyway, they can go blow themselves. Side note: Are you ever going to accept my request on Facebook? :shifty:


    Haha thanks... So tell me of these YMT/Banter mass convos! When was the last one?


    Psh, whatevs she has like 10 minutes in the film! And she actually acted well! This was before Twilight, ya know, and this is one of my fav films ever, so :phu: on you.


    I know, oh I know :eyebrows: COME OOONNNNNNNN, I WANT DANI JAMS!


    Haha no? I coulda sworn Vince Vaughn turned teh ladies on! David Tennant, shit, even I'd go for that UNF. Uh, yeah around it, by one the gates. Same thing as last time, we got to see their buses loaded with equipment leave the venue, fun times, really... You should travel! I travel 6 hours for stupid Raider games every year, come on! Muse is better this second tour! And details about what?


    I've never spoken to her :LOL: But I just have that really odd hunch, y'know? Oh hell know that's not me, I'm really reserved in class :chuckle: But uh, yeah, my friends are major asses and will do obnoxious things... I think I do need the luck, so I'll take it... How do I go around talking to her though? Just go up and say hey? Seems spontaneous and odd...

    Oi! He was so cool! He hung around for the entire time and until every fan got an autograph or photo, what a chill dude! And he was actually talking and being really chill! The violinist was really cool too! But I guess her stalker showed up and she left, lulz. I'm sorry about the whole band thing, really :( But something better will come up, promise! Ok, another tidbit, I love tape. Ok you.


    Tis actually true, as proven by my English class peers :facepalm: They also thought that Seven Nation Army was by Coldplay, so they really don't know much...


    WHHHOOAAAA hey! It's not like I play that close enough attention to shitty artists, sheesh! And havde your parents pay for it, damn! What uni's are you looking at? Haha uh, ok get back to you on that one in two years! AND HELL YEAH I AM! This will actually be my first midnight showing because... would you like to know an embarrassing secret?


    I just got into HP about a year and a half ago, and the HBP movie release. I never watched the HP movies or read the books because my private Christian school condemned them of pure evil, and I was young and stupid to know that it was fiction and harmless. Well I came to my senses last year and watched movies 1-6, then read DH, which was an IDIOTIC thing to do! Should've read the books, then movies :facepalm: But yeah, that's why it's my first...


    So what goes down at midnight premieres? How early should I get there? Should I dress up?!


    Trust me, I've missed you WAY more :kiss:

  24. OMG! I now feel like a major ass! I need to stop having hectic weeks, I miss our convos! :'( Ok after you cut your toe nails, what else did I miss? :LOL: Muse last night, Airborne Toxic Event the night before, I'm so EXHAUSTED!


    looooooooooool intuition! Seriously though, strollin' through Oakland and I saw that and was all, "Dani would probably dig that ride." Orrrrr, something like that.


    And I really honest to God DO WANT TO HEAR YOUR SONGS! pleeeeeeeez. Make that band your bitch! :LOL: I love it! It has now surpassed Handjob Hector, another song written about me :chuckle:


    So danisbitchhector isn't available because of profanity or something, so I just made "danismegasluthector". I hope that compensates for not using your idea :$


    Oh yeh bb? :eyebrows: Come watch Into the Wild with me, I'm not feeling like being alone tonight.


    I understand it :cool: Yeah, we be homies gurrrl, DJ Dani and Handjob Hector, kickin' ass and takin' names! I so read it, and don't expect jam sessions anytime soon SORRY! I'm not even good! Why must you pressure me?! :'(


    :LOL: Marry Haley?! Chyea right, she's too cool for me, and I'd be way too intimidated. BUT, if it does happen, HELL YEAH YOU'RE BEST BRIDESMAIDMAN! Then with your stardom, you could marry Vince Vaughn, or something I dunno what y'all dig. MAYBE SOME RDJ?!?!?!?!

    And I did wait, promise! Only for an hour though, no sign of them :( Are you seeing them this tour?




    I really dunno, I mean I haven't had a girlfriend for 2 years... And I really don't know how to actually communicate with women anymore, if I ever really did... I just need to know what the hell to do, I'm so lost!

    :LOL: UH, yeah I do know it, haha. I guess it's good? Ok, my turn? I met the lead singer and violinist of Airborne Toxic Event :cool: NOW YOU!


    Do you live in a massive redneck town or something?


    I JUST REALIZED THE OTHER DAY FLO RIDA was Florida! How friggin' dumb am I?! :LOL: PSH ah! 11 hours is nothing! Take a plane! You can't miss it! AND OMG new HP trailer! Are you going to the midnight showing?! :awesome:


    Ok Perks of Being a Wallflower was CARAAZY! Very good, and reading Still Alice and I'm loving it, very sad though :( And no, I haven't, I watched The Road though. Book's better, right?

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