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Creeper McSexyPants

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Status Updates posted by Creeper McSexyPants

  1. I'm be back at 9:30ish, WAIT FOR ME!

  2. Ok, I guess you're not logging on tonight, I'm sure you're very busy doing something else, like studying or fighting off mythical creatures!


    So good night! Have a beautiful day tomorrow! :happy:

  3. Haha y'know what? I'm gonna assume that's some outlandish Star Wars reference and I'm going to say, You are such a damn nerd, and I LOVE IT! :happy:


    Haha yup, isn't tourism great? Watching the silly Asian people walking around with their visors and Hello Kitty backpacks on, and not to mention their fanny packs! :) Oh my back? Nah, I was exaggerating, and no I see how tasteless it was considering your scoliosis :( Sorry..


    YESSSSS! Thom is so damn sexy, even his droopy eye is enough to get me off ;)


    Uh oh, are we about to venture into another rant on mainstream? :eek:

    Cause I'm ready to go! :mad::fear:


    Oh man, how'd you find this band? Some Vancouverites? Or are you using your super secret method of finding awesome bands that I could only dream of finding?


    So you'll probably read this in the morning, so have a great day! Cheers to you my queen! :happy:

  4. YES! I cannot wait! You must mean it though! It's such a brilliant song, can't let it go to waste! :chuckle:


    Haha yeah pretty uneventful huh? You're ridiculous when you're awarded school colours for the arts is "casual" and "uneventful" to you. Let me guess? You also fought off a Rancor on the way to school today?


    It was fantastic! Haha Disneyland, can you say FUCKING PACKED?! Jesus, all of America was there, it was a walk-in clinic (sorry, that's a really terrible inside joke :facepalm:) But yeah! My back might be broken and I've yet to find out why I have a blood stain on my jeans from last night..... So Disneyland was a success :LOL: But yeah, there's this place at Disneyland where it's an insight to the future and stuff, and there was this massive mp3 player surround sound station thing, and I played Exit Music for a Film on it and I received dirty looks, but I didn't care, cause I was making love to Yorke's lyrics :cool:

    What'd you do all weekend?! :happy: BUT HOLY SHIT FANTASMIC BLEW MY SHIT ONCE AGAIN! :eek: To give you an idea of how badass it is, here's a video of the battle at the end.


    Oh mannnnnnn, I've been jammin' to it all day long, it's so relaxing and gorgeous, I <3 Albarn!


    YOURS IS SO DAMN BRILLIANT! I relate to it so God damn much AAAHHHHH!!! The lyrics, WHOA! I love it, damn Victoria you find the greatest music! :D

  5. Aw really? Not a single thing happened today? :(


    Well mine was alright, I said goodbye to the family after a longass weekend. Loved it though! So yeah, back to the usual mundane life I live until next time they visit -__________- (and Muse in September! :\mm/:) But yeah, those bitches stole all my food in my house, so I've got nothing to eat, I'm a poor starved little boy :'(



    So beautiful :supersad:


    HEY! What ever happened to you covering Neutron Star Collision?! :eek:



    How was your day? :happy:

  7. Oh God I'm exhausted as tits! I'll talk to you in the morning hopefully, good night! :kiss:

  8. Sorry for the onslaught of visitor messages, but I'm off to Disneyland now. And I won't be online all day, so I'll talk to you tomorrow! Have a great day my queen! :kiss: :kiss:



  9. 10 minutes into Up and I'm already bawling my eyes out :'(

  10. Yeah, I've had my fair share as well :chuckle: We can't be all lubby dubby all the time, right? :rolleyes: Haha typical Vancouver indie? Psh, girl you're not typical :phu: Just wait, I think I may be talking to the next Regina Spektor, the next Zooey Deschanel, THE NEXT KAREN O! :eek:


    If you could switch one of your talents for another, what would it be? Like song writing for another... But it has to be a talent of high value! Not something like able to hold a spoon on your nose -__________-


    Haha, well I was asking because I have many ideas for a novel, and I was wondering if you were in the same range. But yeah, I might kill all my characters in the end. For instance, how can Rowling still love Harry Potter? The bitch whined and was a depressed little emo for the last 4 books! :mad:


    Yup, Lakers won! Which is good for me, but not for my family who's visiting from Arizona, whose team is the Suns, who the Lakers happened to destroy. So yes, there was some drunken altercations, no to mention a broken dishwasher now... All is well though, Mexican families :facepalm:


    OMG YES! Actually, I've been dying to see that show (OMG SIX FEET UNDER PUN!) isn't Michael C. Hall in it? Brilliant BRILLIANT man!


    Yuppers! My family's spending the night! Disneyland tomorrow! :awesome:! What do you have planned for the day tomorrow? Don't tell me more studying :(

  11. Oh my god it is fucking hot!!!!!! :'(

  12. I'll be honest with you, reading these stories and lyrics is now one of the thing I look forward to the most! :happy: what premise are they usually, some Radiohead depressing songs? :supersad: or some awesome Regina Spektor happy happy songs?! :happy:


    But ohhhhhh man! My friend drew like this awesome portrait of the Up balloon, and it's amazing! God, I'm so mad now :'( So if you write stories, have you ever contemplated a novel?


    Oh maaaaan, the Lakers game is on and most my family in inebriated :chuckle: can't wait for some fights to break out :rolleyes:


    How are you? :happy:

  13. Ah shame! You woul've had the :cool:est mom on the block! Haha, a friend's party is much more bland :indiff: Oh? Do you think I could ever have the oh so glorious privilege of hearing or reading some of these songs/short stories?! :) Haha, I can't draw for shit usually either. But damn, some of my friends are ridiculous artists! Makes me jealous :supersad:


    YEAH! They're loving it! Thanks! :happy: You should make a party playlist :\mm/:

  14. Haha what an instigator! Your mom hits the clubs :eek: Haha it's all good! You've probably studied enough already! Journal? Like a diary? Or do you write poems? Drawings?


    YES! I've got them singing "IT COULD BE WRONG COULD BE WRONG!" over and over! :LOL: Now we're jammin to Phoenix! Any party music recommendations for us? I've got about 7 kids in my room with me :cool:

  15. Alright! Saturday achievements! What'd you get?! HEY! That's a :cool: mom! My mom would whip me if I asked to go to the store :eek:


    IT'S GOING GREAT! :D We're currently playing some basketball on Xbox and I'm forcing them to listen to MUSE! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! :afro:

  16. I've got free time! what's up! What are you doin?! :happy:

  17. Whoooooaaaaaaa speedy reply! :eek:


    Awww dammit I'm sorry! I mean, not every single person in that play was a grad, right? :supersad:


    Yes! When exactly are you arriving to California? Or is it too soon for speculation :$


    Haha! Well as do I! I just took my first final last week :indiff: But we'll get through this together! :happy: Cram clams!


    Alright! I just love it when a band does a full acoustic song, they're just so lovely :happy:


    YES! Regina is so brilliant! Though my friends call me gay for liking her, they just don't know :phu:


    Hey Victoria! Where do you want to live when you're older? Like, regardless of all the variables and stuff like job, money, whatever. Where do you honestly want to live?


    Ok, my family's almost here! :awesome: So I don't know when I'll be able to message you back :( But as soon as I have free time from everyone, you'll be the first I contact! :happy:

  18. Awwwwww :( Well you're just very vulnerable during this time, aren't you? Ok, I'll do my best not to upset you or anything! Playland is :awesome:! But I think you'll see a lot of your members around school still, right? :happy: And haha oh man! Was she "sick" from too much tequila, or actually sick :stunned:


    Ok, can I confide something to you...




    Disneyland, after so many visits, really does get a little dull :( I mean, how many times can you go on so and so ride? But oh man, the first 10 times are ALWAYS awesome. You better go when you come down here! :fear:


    Damn, well if it helps I'm still stuck in this house :indiff: But all that stuff is over now, right? :supersad:


    Hey! Song of the day for the last 3? days! Sorry for the repetition, seeing as you've already used this band, but they're great! And I really like this song :)


    How are you feeling today Victoria? :happy:

  19. Victoria! I can tell it's been a bit hectic :chuckle: But I'm just glad you're alive and well! :eek: Damn what kind of party were you at?! Do tell! And how'd the play go?! AHHH!!!


    Haha me? Not much has changed in the last... 2 days? :LOL: Well my entire family is coming down from Arizona again for Memorial Day Weekend! :awesome: So that means Disneyland all day Sunday :cool: NOT Playland :phu:


    Now catch me up on yours! :happy:

  20. I've just been through 5 hours of traffic!!


    Hopefully your day has been well! :)

  21. Alright, good luck on that test you've got! I know you'll ace it, just like the rest! :happy: Night! :kiss:

  22. Haha improvisation! I was the best in my class at improv, not gloating :phu: I got an award for it :cool: I went on for about half an hour on the origination of gelato :chuckle: Somehow it all came to conclusion with Britney Spears being a slut... ANYWAYS! I'm so glad you did fantastically, and I bet everyone enjoyed it! :D


    Mine was alright I s'pose. EXCEPT SPANISH! :fear: Guess what song we got to listen to 13 times in a row? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKdxxAJFOCA GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! :mad: But then the rest of the day went swift and gentle :happy:


    How about you?! How was yours? :happy:

  23. Vassssup Victoria! :D


    What'd you do today? Post show euphoria?! :eek:

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