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Creeper McSexyPants

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Status Updates posted by Creeper McSexyPants

  1. AWEEEEEEEESSSSSSOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!! :awesome:! I'm so glad your play kicked ass! And your family is so nice :happy:


    I'm great! But sleepy! So I'll be heading off to bed now! Good night! :happy:

  2. Allllllrightyyyyyyyyy then, good night! :happy:

  3. Ah it's quite alright, being forgotten, no biggie... :'(


    I'm doing fine I suppose, CSTs were annoying as tits though, and yourself ms. lioness?

  4. Early worm gets the... Worm...


    Another worm? Are they like, friends, or something?


    The Office, great show :D


    My day was aight, but I would love to know how yours was, and what you did! :happy:

  5. Helllooooooooo there love! :kiss:


    You have yourself a good day now, y'hear! :cool:

  6. :( Alrighty, good night then...


    Sweet dreams :happy::kiss:

  7. Ah I'm so damn glad! :) Ohhhh, tsk tsk Victoria, maybe next time you'll study your lines a bit more :phu: Oh? What made the dress rehearsal so tragic? :erm:


    Hmmm, he was quite endowed in the sackulatory area as well, what a gifted little child, sent straight from heaven :stunned:


    AH! Guess what? NOW THE LAKERS LOST! :mad: It seems this day is going terribly, but to be honest. Having you here is making me feel much better :happy:


    AHEM! Song of the day? :phu:



    Well, I thought I was having a fine day. In bio we got to see some baby peen, which I guess is always an uplifting moment :rolleyes: Err, I suppose it was a boring day... Until, yeah, my grade in Bio. And guess what? The school called my house and informed my parents that I cut class today! WTF!? What is wrong with today?! What have I done to deserve ANY of this? I was on time to each and EVERY one of my classes dammit, just like every day. Now I have to prove them false or I get a detention and have to sit in a class with all the damn idiots :'( Ughhhhhhhhhh, FML RIGHT NOW! :(


    How are you today though?! I bet your play was fantastic! :D



  9. I'm never taking the bus again :facepalm:


    What'd you do today?!! :happy:

  10. DAMMIT! Right when I was going to reply :mad:


    FINE! Sextillion times good night!


    :kiss::kiss::kiss: NIGHT!

  11. OH GOD! SONG OF THE DAY! Let's go a little farther back in time, to 1969 ;)


  12. Haha your last message? Yeah, it was something :chuckle:



    WOOT! Well I really really really WOULD! But ya know, money, and stuff, and you know, supervision and all that BS :(


    YES! Wait... Washington's apple juice? Answer wisely........


    GOD I KNOW! I'M SORRY! :'( At least I know I won't turn out like this...


    Necrophiliacs <3 I mean, does it get any hotter than that? :eyebrows:

























    Psh girl, you'll never beat me :phu: I have the power of the Internet + mobile device in my hands! YOU ARE NO MATCH! :fear:

  13. Oh God, the REAL Victoria day would be so :awesome:! Everyone would get absolutely shit-faced and sleep around with everyone in a great drunken orgy! Can't wait for next year's!


    Yes ma'am, is that not your drink of choice? I surely apologize, I wouldn't even know, I've never had it :stunned:


    Oh yes, good indeed. OK OK OK! I know we were bashing Lost last night, but I actually watched the last half hour of the finale, and it was soooooooooo sad, happy, and wonderful. I'm SORRY! But I really liked it, and I might watch the rest of the series :eek: I KNOW! BLASPHEMY :'(


    Death is kinda hot sometimes :eyebrows: DAMMIT! Why we must be continuously so sexual in our conversations? Let's have a normal, civilized conversation!








    Jk, we're meant for sexual comments :cool:


    Oh, and the way I'm poking you so quickly is because I linked my phone to Facebook the other day, so I get pokes and can retaliate immediately through text! :fear: You're no match for me :afro:

  14. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I literally thought there was a Victoria day at your school and everyone commended you for being, well, YOU! :happy: But I'm sure you celebrated well! (coke and rum)


    Hmm, standard day I suppose. I woke up and thought I had the day off, and then I was all, "OMG! I have school! WTF?! Oh yeah, it's VICTORIA WITH THE DAY OFF :mad:" I swear, thanks for gloating about it :phu: But anyways ummmm, went to school and stuff man, nothing else. OH! My dumbass partner actually showed up with the project, and it was actually REALLY gewd, sheesh, I'm gonna kill him next time. Um, oh yeah, Lost talk everywhere, there wasn't a way to avoid it at all. And my dbag friend still hasn't seen it, so no ass kicking today :D Then in bio we talked about murder and rape, and watched reenactments of murder and rape, which wasn't exactly... nice to the eyes..... Err... yeah...


    HOW WAS YOUR DAY?! :happy:

  15. Have a woooooooooonderful day, ward off all the creeps, and stay away from Chase! And if you're lucky, ask out Asian Daryll!



  16. THAT'S A HELL OF A PARTY :eek:

    Mine's Lugia, Typhlosion, Amparos, Hitmonlee, Dragonite, and Hitmonchan. I can't beat Lance the second time in the Elite four :'(


    I hardly see how they could make conversations awkward :phu: I think they actually revive dead conversations... Haha now I'm picturing myself in a group, everyone goes silent for about 10 seconds, then I randomly orgasm. Don't see the awkwardness...


    Ah man! I literally shed a tear the first time I saw the bag fly away from him, and I did again when he came home to the party :supersad:What's your favorite one? :happy:


    Oh? Why are you frustrated? :( And that you're too young stuff is bullshit, I think once you feel love you'll know it, regardless of age. Hopefully mine comes soon too! We should have a race to see who falls in love first :D


    Damn, you always win. Too bad your Olympic ceremony failed :phu: Ok it was actually pretty cool, but they couldn't even light the torch properly and had to ship in snow!


    That's pretty hot :stunned: Still not as hot as when I had to be on stage in booty shorts.

  17. YOU HAVE IT?!?! OH MY GOD! Who's in your party?! :eek:


    It sounds absolutely insane, but absolutely hot at the same time. Maybe that's why the boys are all horny? You're uncontrollable orgasms? Speculation, of course.


    Yes! :happy: I've been watching it from the beginning and I love it just as much as the first episode!

    This one makes me cry :(


    Psh, I won the patience award in elementary school :phu: But I'm done waiting to be honest, it's killing me now to go without a girl I can emotionally connect with and hold... :(


    YUP! The entire first chapter is Golding going off about how the reefs, and virtually the entire island was a shade of pink, the ass :fear:


    WHOA! I didn't know that was what Yaletown was! OH MAN VANCOUVER JUST KICKED OUR ASSES! :eek: But seriously holy shit :stunned:


    Ok, on a scale of 1-10, how provocative is it?

  18. It keeps me entertained too ;)

    know what else keeps me entertained! :eyebrows:














    Pokemon Soul Silver, it's so fun! :D


    Whoa! So you just stop right in the middle of your tracks an fully orgamasm everywhere? Including wild moaning?! :eek:


    Haha you're feisty, remember! But yeah! It's so damn funny! Hardly Working, Jake and Amir, etc... Especially Streeter's Best Buy manager series :chuckle:


    Thank you ma'am. And I will give Canada props for Said the Whale.


    Ah, I'm sorry :( And also sorry about the horny losers... I mean... Damn... Hopefully we find love in life, but I guess we just have to be patient! :happy:


    Exactly! Except for me it was the first episode of the first season that I gave up on it! It's Lord of the Flies adult version, and I HATED Lord of the Flies :mad:


    Vancity? :chuckle: Well I still have Disneyland so I win :phu: Top THAT!


    Haha well that still sounds enrtaining! So maid outfit, huh? :eyebrows:

  19. WHOA! Easy with your constant seduction! A man can only take so much :'(


    Oh I certainly feel a sexual arousal every time I compliment someone, just a little mini orgasm every time, I'm definitely on par with you.




    Whoa hey! We gave you Kurt Cobain! 'Nuff said!


    Well I mean a good year relationship wise, I certainly know it wasn't a good year overall, and I'm certainly sorry for that :( Ah meh, I can't be arsed to go after anyone right now. And to be honest, I want to actually have feeling for someone I'll go out with, not some skanky one week bimbo, which is virtually my entire school :( YOU on the other hand must be fighting those boys off with your Gladiator sword!


    Are you watching the Lost finale? It seems I'm the only one not :erm:


    Haha alright, you just hit up random boutiques? I need to find some badass stores :)


    Haha oh come on! There must be some type of conflict or something!

  20. Oh do you now? :eyebrows:


    Yes! Well you're super nice and :awesome: too! It seems we always come back to complimenting each other..... Cause we're awesome :phu:


    Haha LOW BLOW! Damn, why you gotta hate?! Drinkin dat HATERADE!! Sheesh y'all! :rolleyes:


    Haha! Alright then sorry! Hmmmm... Well I don't know many... Us Americans, so unimaginative!


    Yes! Damn, that entire setlist looks brilliant! And sorry for the misconception! It seems like you just had a good year. I need to get back on the dating cycle, hadn't had a girlfriend in like 2 years :(


    HAHA no you don't! Mexicans are the meanest of people :'( LOL jk we're awesome, I just love making fun of my cousins and their cholo accents :LOL:


    Yes! Where else do you shop (for men too)?




    hello :happy:


    Haha what a plothole! Your school play sounds pretty :cool: what exactly is it about though?

  21. I'm sure I enjoyed it equally as well, but you saying I wasn't a man before really hurt my self esteem :phu:


    Oh? So you're only being nice by calling me nice, and don't fully mean it? :(


    Yeah, the pictures are spectacular. REALLY! But since people like Rhianna are being spawned out there, I say we pick 3 backup spots to live in, just in case ;)


    Haha! You know the greatest ones! I guess mine'll be Budunkadunk, which means a fierce booty... :facepalm:


    Haha alright! Ok, WUT?! Please tell me either you're adopted or he is?


    /tool? How does that make you a tool? :LOL:


    Ah man! Was it perhaps this gig? http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/radiohead/2008/thunderbird-stadium-vancouver-bc-canada-bd6bdda.html If so, OH MY GOD YOU GOT EXIT MUSIC! :eek: How many boyfriends do you go through a year? :stunned:


    Oh man that is super awkward :chuckle: I hate when parents do that! They pick out a "destined" person for their kid to marry, STUPID! Love isn't preset by parents :phu: Mine consisted of a little family reunion, I think I'm going to a dinner for my cousin's graduation. And there's gonna be TONS of people there, Mexicans :rolleyes:


    :awesome: Yeah I was flipping through some UO stuff and it's all great! Thank you so much! I'm tired of my stupid plain clothes :indiff:


    Haha the band name already had me hooked, but that's a fabulous song! :D

  22. YEAH YOU WERE! We had quite a conversation last night :stunned:


    BLASPHEMY! Alright, you're quite the nice girl, no bashing here :happy:


    Barbados?! AH! That place is so damn beautiful! Have you been there? My friend has, I hate her :indiff:


    Oh oh oh more puns. NO! American phrases are terrible and pathetic, but I'd love to hear some British ones :)


    Haha I love how we're classifying them as "brown." Every race? :stunned: I don't have a single black friend, I feel racist now :$


    YES! GOT IT TODAY! Ah man am I excited! After I finish this, I'm going to read Deathly Hallows for the second time and then it's on to 1984! :eek:


    Heyyyyyy-O! :eyebrows:


    WHAT?! YOU'VE SEEN RADIOHEAD?!?!? DAMMIT VICTORIA HARDLY FAIR! And was this "boyfriend" that pasty albino kid? :mad:



    Muse in Arizona

    Gorillaz in LA

    Alter Bridge in Anaheim

    and the rest are shit so not even worth mentioning :facepalm:




    How are you today?! WHAT YOU UP TO?!

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