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Creeper McSexyPants

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Status Updates posted by Creeper McSexyPants

  1. Aren't you from Socal too? You ought to be asleep!

  2. Haha yeah sorry, I was just strollin on the boards and saw that, anyways enjoy your day!

  3. Don't mean to creep, but you have Green Day twice in your bands section.

  4. Yeah, story about that girl......... I used to like her at the beginning of the year, for like a month, but I gave up because I knew I wouldn't have a chance, at all. Well all of a sudden my friend sees her at BOTB and says, "hey, she's kinda hot." And next day he texts me that he's got her number and all this shit... Blah, life's a bitch sometimes :indiff:


    Anyways WHOA! Party sounds massive :cool: Poor little girl, damn no one tried to stop her!? :chuckle: Haha who did the people get sent home by? Was this chaperoned?! DRINKING AT A CHAPERONED PARTY?!?! :eek: Haha dammit, school wasn't too bad. Had my English final which consisted of writing two essays and lots of grammar and vocab testing, not too bad. But you! UGH! Cuddling with a blanket, I wish I could (SS) :'( too bad it's a furnace in my house and I dare not do that! Tan though, I could step outside and get crispy brown in a second :facepalm: I hate hot weather :mad:



    So beautiful :'(




    Oh btw; I think I found my old MSN account from awhile ago, I believe the address is, "handjobhector@hotmail.com" Hit me up :pimp:

  5. Ah Jonsi! <3 Everything he touches is magic! And How to Train Your Dragon makes it that much better! :happy:


    So my school had Battle of the Bands on Friday, and all but 2 bands blew, HARD. But man, this band blew me away, and then they invited this girl I know on stage and SHE BLEW EVERYONE'S MINDS WITH HER VOICE!!!!! So it's my song of the day!


    Skip to like 5:45, that's where she begins to sing.


    So whassup! How was your party?! :eek:

  6. Tell (her tonight) about your day! :happy:

  7. We all do, damn... I literally cannot wait, summer is always brilliant. My birthday, Arizona, cousins practically everyday, I haven't found a job so that means more free time, NO SCHOOL, beach, friends, movies, ETC...!!! What are you gonna do for your summer? :happy:


    Oh gawd, regardless, I AM going to take summer school, which is absolute hell... There's no way I can be admitted into Chemistry without summer school, which is complete fail on the school's part. Dammit, I was just gloating about how awesome of a summer I was going to have :'(


    NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! It's 90 degress (F) and it's complete hell! I can't step outside without being burned on the spot! :eek: Really, you have it extremely well. I hate this hot weather, I mean, it's good for a beach trip, but damnnnnnnnnn. CARDIGAN LOLLLLL! Sorry, but we have an inside joke about cardigans... do you guys wear them for school or.... WELL HEY! Those shorts sound :cool: What's goin' down at your party? :D


    mmmmm what a great day :( Today I had school and tried to talk to my counselor because they totally screwed up my entire schedule for next year but apparently she wasn't in, aka, ignoring everyone. So now I have to go back ughhhhhhhh the bitch :mad: Haha my life? Well, I have 16 years I could fill you in about, so any specifics you'd like to hear about? :) AHHHH DON'T WORRY! Exams are difficult and stressful, I wouldn't expect you to be hanging out and talking 24/7! STUDY VICTORIA STUDY! :p Hey, if you wanna talk about this, "crap" girl you know I be chillin' on deez boards and Facebook, HIT ME UP! :pimp:


    -best use of loquacious I've ever seen-



  8. Sorry for the late response, I've just been for a run (and I'm ashamed to admit I'm quite winded :()


    Oh Lordy Lord, I'm really sorry about your situation, and it's because of the missed days, isn't it? Damn, well same goes with me and Biology, I missed quite a few days and instead of giving me points for my absent work, he just checks off that I did it and gives me no points at all. What an ass :rolleyes: OH! That's an idea, perhaps I can take an online summer course! Let's hope to God! Otherwise, I'll be stuck with all the idiots in a summer school class :eek:


    YES! SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE! But the weather already signifies it, it's been almost 32 degress out here! :'( I wanna move to Canada...


    OK! How was your day forreals? What'd you do?! :D

  9. Ok so remember how I had a D+ in bio? I

    Got it up to a solid C now, but the school fails to recognize it this late in the year and decided to place me in Physical Science, the lower version of Chemistry! FUCK NO MAN!!!!!!!!!!! So now I have to take 3 weeks of fucking summer school to qualify for Chemistry and ughhhhhhhhh!!! I'm so done with school now! :mad:


    Ok, enough of that, how was your day? :happy:

  10. Brilliant!! :D I'm so happy for you Victoria! Go rip all the others multiple new holes :cool:


    My day, was terribly shit......

  11. Hola senora, como estas? Mi espanol no es muy bueno, es actualmente poco mal. I know, I'm terrible, I'm a fullblood damn Mexican and my Spanish is quite shit. But I can easily understand it if someone speaks it around me, but I can't speak well. I blame my terrible Spanish teacher this year, I haven't learned a single thing, but my teacher last year was a badass!


    I hope you do well though, I know you will! I don't know how much assistance I can possibly offer, but I WILL ALWAYS be here if you need help! Just holla! ;)

  12. God I hate to hear that, please, vent to me! :(

  13. Uh oh! The return of the Queen! :eek:


    What's up?! How's your day going? :happy:

  14. 1-0 so far, soon to be 2-0 :cool:


    Oh, and Allen scares the living shit outta me :'(


    Edit: Shit...

  15. Oh, well in that case it's fine :phu:




    WAIT! Tell me why... :(

  16. Oh, I thought we weren't going on the boards anymore :phu:



  17. Neighbors are bumping Kids, I'm infuriated.


    Get online! :fear:


    Unless you're still sick, then stay in bed :(

  18. Math blows :(


    What's up with you?!?! :awesome:

  19. Awesome timing! Though I'm always a bit late on replies, I'm sorry :$

    Ahh dammit Victoria! :supersad: If you ever want me to leave you alone or the such, just say it, and I'm gone! But really though, Toddlers and Tiaras :stunned: Haha the only time I've ever seen it is on The Soup :chuckle: You enjoy it?


    Mmmmm oh yeah, make it your bitch, uh yeah, put syrup all over it, yeah give me the whip, mmmm...


    Haha oh for English yeah, I mean that's an easy A, but oh God math :facepalm: Why? Why must they teach us these useless formulas and problems?! :fear:


    LOL JK! I can't believe you used that! :LOL: Can you promise me one thing Victoria? Never, please!, never, use the word "obvi." It may be too late... And ohhhhhhhhhh man, that Miley be making me sweat, and Emily Joel Osment, and Mitchell Musso, and virtually everyone on the Disney Channel, which just HAPPENS to be a singer... -__________-


    Haha drama king? NO! I'm so worried right now... UGH! This would've brought it to a solid C+! Then on to a B after the final uggggggghhhhhhhh, I need studying tips Victoria! :'(


    Oh man, Regina and I's relationship has rekindled yet again, how could I ever live without this wonderful woman?! :D











  20. Oh man! Thanks for that, you're too nice :happy: But why wouldn't you be able to stay up?! Long week? :(

    Oh yeah, since my sister hasn't completed her homework, I got to stay home and take care of her! So here I am! :D


    HOLY SHIT WOW! You ripped physics a new one! And that's not even metaphorically! But errr... 82% isn't really bombing... :erm: I mean, if it was a 72%, then yeah, but I'm sure your grade is a straight A+ anyways :cool: OH NO! What have you got? Maybe I can hit you up with some Mexican home remedies (I wouldn't trust them, at all...) And did you lose your voice to being sick, or screaming your head off at a Ke$ha concert? :rolleyes:


    My day?! It was actually quite terrible, nothing went right today... I had a bio test, and the first part, which was multiple choice, I ACED! But then the second part, which was this large graphish thing, was incredibly difficult, and I'm sure I bombed that. :'( Oh well...


    SONG OF THE DAY~! :)


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