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Creeper McSexyPants

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Status Updates posted by Creeper McSexyPants

  1. OOOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGG DANI! It's been much too long :'( How have you been?! What'd I miss?!


    Oh San Francisco was so lovely :happy: I got you this!



    Seriously, have you recorded any other material? I need moar! And now I look like an ass... :facepalm:


    All right fine! I won't use hectowho, but you now have to brainstorm with me on excellent names.


    HA! I feel so pathetic now, who are your guilty pleasures :eyebrows:


    :( I wish her the best of luck... Of course I read the whole thing! We're official homies now :cool: ahemimstillwaitingondanislyricsanytimenow!


    I guess, but you're destined for stardom so I don't know why you try not to get excited :erm: lulz. That's so insane though, how you have connections... OMG! Airborne Toxic Event concert tomorrow and Muse on Thursday! :eek: Can you dig? Should I wait outside for Muse again?


    NOOOOOOO! I mean, we figured it would be boring and lame if it were just the two of us... We still hung out though! I'm not a bad BF :phu: Or I... wasn't... a bad bf. :(


    NO! I love hearing about you and your life, I really do! :happy: But uhhhhh, I think I like this one girl in my class, and I need your help. Ok you tell me something now!


    :LOL: Is your accent really that convincing?! I NEED TO HEAR.


    I don't have the balls to be a vegetarian. I mean, I really feel for the animals and I realize the hell they're put through, and then their death... But... I dunno... Idk if I can do it... Maybe I'm just a wuss :supersad: You used to live in Florida, and you're still mega close, and you're a massive HP fan, AND YOU'VE NEVER BEEN?! Dude! Come on! I envy you for being so close! And nah, family trip.


    Oh, uhhhhhhh. Perks of Being a Wallflower: An extremely emotional Freshman boy chronicles his first yeah of high school through letters to an anonymous boy. SSOOOOOO GGGOOOOOOD.


    Still Alice: A 50-year-old psychology professor from Harvard gets Alzheimer's and it chronicles her life through it. I'm reading it now and it's supposed to be poignant and very sad.


    The Book of Lost Things: I dunno I haven't started yet! CHECK 'EM OUT THOUGH! :D


    I'm back! HI!

  2. SORRY for the totally late response! I've been insanely busy the last two days, and I'm finally catching a breath. And I'm going to San Francisco tomorrow! So I won't be able to message you until Tuesday :supersad: :supersad: :supersad:


    Awww why?! I totally loved the song! I thought the recording was great :phu: But I kind of agree on it not fitting on the 9/11 video, still loved the song though! OMG! Doctor Who fangirl! Will you at least confess to that one? :chuckle:


    Ok, I love your MSN name so much, I'm going to steal it. Is that cool? hectorwho@live.com, it sounds good, yeah? I'll choose something else if you want, though :$


    Am I a bad person for liking Dashboard Confessional and Linkin Park? Just something I'd like to ask...


    Wow, I'm really sorry about your friend, I really hope she's doing well now... Hell yeah dude! I actually have an eerie feeling that you're gonna tour with Paramore someday, and you'll have a duet with Haley on stage, wouldn't that be something? Shit...


    Oh God, FBR's artists really do blow :LOL: What label would you want to sign to? Because, it's inevitable that you're already going to be a star, now it's all just choosing which label :cool:


    Ha, I almost went to my homecoming freshman year, but my whole group but my date and I flaked out, so I never went... But they kind of just sound... lame... I mean, a bunch of sluts in their tintiest whoriest outfits grinding on the dancefloor to Ke$ha... Just now for me, ya know? :erm:


    Ha! Sorry! You just never asked, I'm sure you have several :awesome: stories that you haven't shared with me! :phu: I demand you tell me a fantastic story from your life with me now! youdonthavetoifyoudontwannathough...


    What is Tennessee like? Is it mega chill? Do you have an accent!? :LOL: My car's a piece of shit, your Pontiac though, whoo! Is it getting hot in here? :eyebrows:


    When'd you become a vegetarian? OMG, Disney World is seriously 10x better that Disneyland! It's like, 5 parks in one... And have you been to the Wizarding World?! UGHHHHHHHH, I wanna go so bad! I have to wait until late 2011 though, I'm going then :cool:


    Dani, you're a terrible person for not reading the series! Ok, I'm gonna throw 3 names out and tell me if you've read any of them. Perks of Being a Wallflower, Still Alice, and The Book of Lost Things. Anything?

  3. On a side note! How'd it go with your video thing? The one you showed us in YMT?

  4. You forgot me? :supersad: And presumed me dead? :supersad:


    Ok ok ok, you guys are super rebels! :cool: What's your MSN? So I can hook dat shiz up!


    OMG YOU SO ARE! But I'll let you go, but I'm sad that you relate to those songs :( Explain?


    WHUUU?! Track that ho down! Who knows how much an autographed poster goes for?! Which other bands are on Fueled by Ramen?


    Eh, I never really listened to The Runaways, I was just going on about it :chuckle: And I'll admit, creepin' is actually fun ;) Have you ever been to a school dance?


    I wasn't mocking you! It just seemed funny! What do I know? I'm a fake blonde with plastic tits from the OC! HA! Good 'ol Matt Bel! I stayed 4 hours after the Muse show and they never showed up :(\

    Oh! Haha yeah! Gorillaz had a secret show the day before their Coachella performance. It was the same stage and setlist as Coachella, except there were 200 people! And I was front row! And Damon and I locked eyes like 10 times, AT LEAST! We all had these passes to get in, and he stayed for an hour after and signed everyone's, what a jewel! Love the guy :happy:


    Girl, you make yourself look badass! I envy your car, job and life! :indiff: OMG ha my car? :facepalm:

    2004-toyota-camry-se-20040728035837858.jpg Yuckers.

    OH man Lady GaGa, so fine! Dance in the Dark can I get a HELL YEAH?!

    Vegetarian? And yeah, my uncle I hardly know works there, so since I have a relative I'm guaranteed a spot :cool: Should I? Famous people at Dland? Nah! You been?



  5. Haha she seems like she's in a bad mood all the time, but she's nice :happy: You must alert me of the next chat thing, k?!


    :LOL: You're such a Paramore fangirl!


    Yup, he's a major ass! Unless he lived in like, Beverly Hills or something... Haha what!? She smelled good? That's all you got out of meeting T-Swift? AND WHOA! Yeah, you never know what major record execs will make you do to your music :( It's all about dat Fueled by Ramen or various other indie labels I have no idea about but keep rambling on to make myself look cool....................:


    Whoa! HEY! Spice Girls were the shit in their prime! And The Go Go Girls! The Runaways! HI HI PUFFY AMI YUMI! COME ON! And whoa hey, I don't do that cyber sex stuff NU UH! :phu: onlyifyouwanttough ;) I need to stop creepin'... :facepalm:


    Gel with? That's so Tennessee... Hmm, seems like you put some thought into that, if I met Haley, or anyone, I'd probably freeze. Just say uh, hi, bye. When I met Damon Albarn though, I said I loved his music and he's an inspiration and he said he loved having me as a fan! :awesome: Then a massive stamped ran me over for his autograph.


    You play guitar and sing, have a car, and kinda have a job. BETTER THAN ME. I have a car, but no license so it doesn't count :'( Oooooooooooh Lady GaGa hell yeah :eyebrows: And sex-monster doesn't sound hot, it sounds frightening :supersad: B&N BABY! :awesome: There used to be an awesome record store around here, but they tore it down and built a Burger King on it noooooooooo :( Disneyland haha! I get in free whenever I want hell yeah :cool: I guess I'd probably walk around and pick up stray strollers, or maybe a cashier, or idc I'd work at Dland which would make me a BAMF :cool:


    OMG! Paramore fan-girl part. 2! I've decided that you must like this band... or else.................
















  6. Haha all right I'll stay off your page, jeez!


    Oooh! When do you guys usually have them?


    Hm.... There are many, which album would you review if you could choose?


    Ah, the OC's not as hyped up as the television makes it! Just a bunch of snobby blondes and homeless, unless that's what you consider luxury :erm: And whoa you have?! Can't say I'm a fan of Taylor but that's pretty big :LOL: AND WHAT?! Your parents are mad sick yo! They could probably hook you up with a record deal, yeah? But the whole country thing...... Hmmmmmm..........


    I don't know many all-girl bands, only the Spice Girls and TLC I think... Lesbian innuendo ftw?


    Did she serve you? Were you all, "Hey what's up? You're renovating my house. Let's be friends, oh, and let me meet Haley. I'm totally not being your friend for that reason, swear!" I'd probably end up saying that and screwing up my chances of meeting her :facepalm: What would you say if you got to meet Haley?! :eek:


    You're so much better than me, admit it, come on and HOLEE SHIAT! Nice car dude :cool: I've been trying to get a job at Barnes & Noble for ages, bastards won't call back though :'( I might be able to work at Disneyland though! Where are you gonna work? OR want to work?


    Oh I'm not good at recommending :( Albums though! They only have two! I'd download the first, first. :chuckle: Ok, a song... Uhhh.... Here's one from their first album, it's massive.


    And one from their second,


    I hope you like :$


    Oh, and that girl is the guitarist/vocalist of Blood Red Shoes, and it's all goodinalesbianway :eyebrows:

  7. Hey! I was just strolling by your page to say a message was coming, and it just happened to say you were viewing some thread! DAAAAAAMMMMMMMMNNNNNNN, brother can't drop in and say hi? :phu:


    MSN? Well, I HAD one, but I deleted it, is it something I should obtain again?


    Funny you say that, because I've already reviewed TR! But now that I look back on it, it was terribly written and ridiculously biased :LOL:


    Why must everyone ask if I know any famous people?! GRR! I don't, sorry, but I've met famousy people here. I think Will Smith, and Kenan from Kenan and Kel :cool: Have you ever met famousy people? So you can be :cool: like me and use the :cool: smilie :cool: AND ALL RIGHT SHEESH, I'll embed next time! Why the fury? :supersad:


    OH DAMN, that band souns pretty sexy :eyebrows: So you'd play rhythm and sing? TALENTED, HEY-O. All-girl band, I dunno why but they're so luzly :chuckle: /sorryifyoureaspicegirlsfanorsomething...


    This girl owns a restaurant AND knows Haley Williams? I grant you permission to become friends with her for any sort of reasons involving greed.


    Don't lecture me on which seasons to start with, I can do what I want :phu: Ok maybe I will start watching the 1st season :$

    You work?! I've been trying to get a job for like, a year, and no luck! What do you do? And you have a car too! You're so much better than me :'(


    Have you heard of the Blood Red Shoes?


    She? she's... wha? enga.........ged........... whu... just................ :supersad: All right, my real love was Laura-Mary Carter anyway :phu:

  8. You're online! Hi! Response coming later! Bye!

  9. OMG! I pitched the idea of reviewing a fall album for the A&E section, and everyone loved it! THANK YOU! Now which album should I review? :eek:


    Haha Orange County, y'know, like, The OC?


    You post one first :phu:

    That's so :awesome: I really know you'll blow them away though! All girl band? All guy and you?

    You're way too nice to me, but thank you! :D


    Ah ah ah, I get it! You actually want to be friends with her, right... ;)


    :LOL: I will, promise! After I finish series 2, 3, and 4 :stunned:

    It's so ridiculous! I watched it at like 2 a.m. on a school night 'cause I couldn't sleep, and I was so blown away, I decided to watch another. That second episode was Midnight, and I couldn't sleep :supersad:

    Psh, you don't have a job? :phu:


    But, but, but.... Lotso! Pink teddy bear! CUTE! C'mon, show some heart! :(


    WWWWWHHHHHHHHAAAAATTTTTT?!!!!!?!?! Ok, now it's personal. You mess with Bonnie Wright, you mess with me. She looks great in every film, even in PS and CoS, I don't care if that sounds at all pedo, she's just that gorgeous :phu:


    I use the phu smily way too much... Sorry, I'm opinionated :$

  10. YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I SENT YOU A NICE, CRISP MESSAGE, AND THE BOARDS HAD THE AUDACITY TO TELL ME THAT I WASN'T LOGGED IN! :( You see how much effort I put into this?! Let's start over again...


    Ok, for the school paper, we're supposed to bring in ideas about what to write and what students would want to read, but all I can think about is the Pakistan flood, and we're supposed to have like, 5 stories! HELP! :supersad:


    OH HELL NAH YOU DIDN'T! California, thank you :phu:


    I'll only start filming myself if you do the same. But it may be difficult for me, considering I don't have a spiffy camera, or a drum set for that matter :chuckle: Ahem, I'll be the judge of whether it's lovely or not, and I've decided it is :phu: Does this band have a Myspace? I need to make sure your megatalent isn't being wasted on these people if not worthy! :mad: Oh yes! Dani's lyrics! Excitement level just went up a notch :awesome:


    :LOL: Making friends with her just to meet Haley?! SHALLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! Jk, worth it...

    and I'd do the same :ninja:


    Would you be upset if I told you I haven't watched any Eccleston episodes? And mine would have to be, now don't laugh, The Unicorn and the Wasp! My first episode, the cheesiness and :awesome:ness of the episode got me hooked!

    And if you're so concerned, why don't you just drive over here and take me yourself?! :phu:


    No! Lotso was just damaged, he was neglected, he just wanted love! The baby too! Don't blame him :'(


    Ha, thanks! Ginny's just lookin' way too fine in the background, all scared and shit ;)

    We love to express ourselves?

  11. Stupid communion Sundays, making me eat a cracker and juice while I haven't had breakfast yet... Church is such a tease :(


    Psh, we're first statewide in basketball and wrestling, so poo on you :phu:


    NAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I'm just tellin' it like it is, homegirl :cool:


    Oh haha no, I'd never film myself in a million years :LOL: I don't have a drum set anyway, I only play on my mates. And I'd imagine your voice is lovely! I NEED TO HEAR IT!! :eek: And it's a bit funny, because I love my voice, but everyone else hates it /narcissistic

    Oh no way! Dani's ditties, descants, some other song synonym beginning with a D! I want to hear the one you're most proud of, please! :awesome:


    Omg not weird at all dude! Just be all, "So you know Haley, I like Haley, let's make this work, yeah?" Super not weird, I can't believe you haven't acted on it yet!


    Haha oh, I didn't realize it went that far :eyebrows: What's the best Doctor Who episode according to you? I don't have my license yet, I'm such a noob :supersad:


    Ok good :happy: And yes, Toy Story 3 was so emotional... The scene... where they're being pulled into the incinerator.... and they all hold each other's hands...............


    :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

  12. Waste of time the game was, we lost 42 to 7! Shoulda been on here instead, chillin' wit da homies :mad:


    Oh girl pleeeeze, I can tell you got what it takes, and I hardly know you! And that band would be lucky to have you play with them :phu:


    Haha uhhhhhhhh, I dunno? I mainly just cover songs, I haven't written many. But I would say I play lots of Muse, Radiohead, Bloc Party (which kills me) and etc... WHOA! So you're a natural then? I bet you have a lovely voice, and I'd assume you rip and shred as well! Oh I love the piano! Such a beautiful instrument, I usually just play Moonlight Sonata, the beginning only though :chuckle: And I'd really like to hear/read some of your lyrics sometime, if you're not shy about it ;)


    Would you say you dig Haley? :eyebrows:


    OHIKNOW! I barely got into Doctor Who like 6, 7 months ago! Even got my 7 year old sister into it! :happy: Though she prefers Matt Smith to my Tennant :( How long have you been watching? I do have a library, but it's like, 3 miles away, and I'm too lazy to walk/bike there :phu:


    Oh great, now I look like a megawimp :'( but... Have you seen Toy Story 3? You must have cried during that?

  13. I'M HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!!!!!!!! Stupid high school football games interrupting our conversation, amirite? :noey:


    Damn, sorry you had to move, but I'm diggin' the optimism! Nashville does look plenty :awesome:

    Haha oh man, I can't wait 'til you're mega famous and someone digs up the "lost tapes" and we see your rehearsal footage :chuckle: And thanks mucho! I totally wanna see you in your natural element :cool:

    Haha I don't know if you can call it playing, I mainly just go to my friends house and he taught me some stuff and now I guess I'm ok, so I've been messin' around for like, 4 years now? You? With the guitar and singing! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH, are you a songwriter too?!


    OH, the entire album is yummy, andhaleyistoobutdonttellanyoneillsoundlikeamajorcreepkthx.




    Haha wow! I'd assume you're a Doctor Who enthusiast then? Who isn't really on these boards? :LOL: And jeez man, easy with the recommendations! My wallet can't handle it all :(


    Ah man, I was gonna try to be like the strong tough guy, and be all, "yeah I'm a man, I don't cry during anything." But it seems you beat me to it :( And now I look like a wimp because I've teared up A LITTLE, ONLY A LITTLE, to this.


  14. I've been away from the computer, but I'll reply as soon as I can! PROMISE!



  15. Aw, why'd you move? :( You should be in cahoots with them, size 'em up, show 'em what you got :awesome: Is there possibly any footage of Dani rockin' the g-tar and vocals? Perhaps on YouTube? Hmm, I play drums, but I don't know anything about them :chuckle: I used to play the clarinet, CLASSY I KNOW, and I like to think I can play guitar, but I'm hopeless at it :supersad:


    GOOD LIST MAN! I'd say... Emergency, Decode, This Circle, Misguided Ghosts and All We Know :\mm/:


    Prove your ethnic roots!


    There's a Doctor Who series of books too?! WHY DO I OWN NONE?! But thanks for the recommendations! I'll get on it :cool:


    Question. Have you ever teared up or even cried over a song? Not when you're emotionally vulnerable or anything, just welled up at the beauty of a particular song. FEEL FREE TO NOT ANSWER, I'll understand.

  16. Holy wow... So you play and sing?! You must be in a band, right? :)


    Haha, jeez, I just listened to the two and you're right :stunned: They sound like filler to me... Shame! So how about your top 5 Paramore songs?


    Haha, ok you're less white than I though, would you take that as a compliment? ;)


    Oh no problem! Can I at least get a list of your favorite books?

  17. Oh God I love that about them, you just don't see many bands as lovely and genuine as them. Weren't they signed when they were, like, 16? Insanity! You want to be in the music biz? You play?! :eek:


    Ok, I've listened to their albums again, and I criminally underrated BNE! It's really good, I guess it just went over my head! But AWKIF and Riot! are still great :)


    OMG YOU'RE SO WHITE! It's Puerto Rican, not Porto Rican :chuckle: Ah man that made me laugh, in good spirit though! By the way, Dani is an :awesome: name, and I hate mine :indiff:


    Oh, it's REALLY good. One of my favorites! So I think I've seen you in the Last Book You Read thread quite a bit, so I'd consider you a book aficionado. So can you recommend me a nice, drama, coming of age book? Something in this century, or the 90's. Like Garden State, the film, but in book form!

  18. SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE! I was in icky Arizona melting for the weekend.


    Ha, are you getting post-show nostalgia? I get it every time, and I look up YouTube videos of the concert :chuckle: And how did the concert change your perspective?!


    THAT VID IS AWESOME! Haley's such a brilliant performer, and the laugh was great! :LOL: And of course I read the whole thing! You kept it very interesting and entertaining, not a dull moment :\mm/:

    Should I? How much were floor seats to begin with? I hope scalpers in front don't scam me :(

    AH! I dunno, I really like 'em all, but I think Brand New Eyes is the weakest (STILL GOOD THOUGH) I think I'll have to go with AWKIF, not only because when abbreviated, it spells AWKIF, which is funny to say, but I think their best songs are on it, my favorites anyway...

    OH, I'm Hector (:vomit:) very nice to meet you Dani :happy:


    Quick random question, have you seen Garden State?

  19. Words cannot express how much I love your signature.

  20. OH! And;


    15. LEGIT BANGOVER HOLY :LOL: New favorite word, thank you floggedbymuse (real name?)

  21. HOLY MOLARS I was not expecting this much, but am pleasantly surprised! :chuckle:


    Ok, I think I'll list out the things I enjoyed most:

    1. Solitary moshing

    2. Shared hate of New Found Glory


    4. Your :awesome: friend bulldozing crowds

    5. Jeremy nodding at you :awesome:

    6. Taylor smiling at you :awesome:

    7. Hayley enjoying your mimicking moves during my fav Paramore song! :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

    8. The fact that #7 made your night.

    9. The abbreviation, "Miz Biz" makes me lol.

    10. Confetti fights.

    11. You creepin' on Chad.


    13. You potentially spotted Hayley, but have enough respect for her and aren't an insane fangirl who swears you and Hayley are destined to be together.

    14. You actually writing all this :LOL:


    Thanks for the massive message, haha I thoroughly enjoyed it, really, I did :happy: And no! I haven't had the opportunity to see them :( I missed them when they toured on No Doubt and the only tickets available for the CA show are nosebleeds :'( Be happy you saw them!


    What's your fav Paramore album?

  22. You would do that for me? :O


    Haha I would LOVE to hear more about the concert! Like how you got a setlist!

  23. Last post was in all caps...



  24. I demand to know more about this paramore show.

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