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Everything posted by Ahkmed

  1. Congrats Mel on making it another year. :awesome::party: Now it's time to party. :dance:

  2. Woo! :awesome: Thanks for accepting my invite.

  3. Yeah it took a while to grow on me...its so different but I still like it. And you're right, OoS is still my favourite too! :) We are going to the beach today yay! We come up to California a lot, you're lucky to live here. Dance is great! I'm going to a feis this weekend up here in california

  4. Hey how are you? Do you like the new album? Oh and im on vacation in your area, hehe. I've been wearing my Muse shirts hoping I'll run into a Muse fan up here. ;)

  5. It is, thanks :) so, how do you like the new album? It's very different from their other albums but I still love it.

  6. Hello! thanks for the invite. How are you?

  7. Anyone here play the MMORPG's? I play one called Guild Wars and my brother plays guild wars and WoW. We also play the Star Trek card game. Yes. That's right. It's pretty awesome too. And of course the games on Xbox such as guitar hero, rock band, and my personal favourite, Assassin's Creed.
  8. Yeah I love USoE so far! Very excited to hear it all the way through. Sounds like it will be great live too! It's ok I've been really busy too. It's ridiculous. Yeah It's amazing to see how many different places are represented here. Muse fans from around the world!

  9. Yeah. The community is getting a lot bigger. And all of the steps seem to get harder and harder too! Ok! I'll have a look at your dress again. I think there's a few people who might want a new one! I just got a new one not too long ago and I dont think my parents plan on spending that much money for a while. lol its ridiculous!

  10. Wow, you got to have her as your private teacher? That's amazing. I love to watch her dance. I just don't understand how someone can be that good..hehe. Do you know Ellie maguire? She won worlds 3 times. She is my teacher's sister. She comes and teaches a class here every so often. Her dancing reminds me of Maggie a little bit.

  11. Yeah :supersad: I was so hoping it would make it! It's one of my favourite songs ever.

  12. Too bad Bliss didnt make it, eh? :(

  13. Yeah. I was lucky enough to see her dance at the oireachtas. She's brilliant. You go to the same school as her :)

  14. Hehe yeah it's quite expensive. I'm the only one that does it in my family so that's a plus! I went to the western reigon oireachtas too. :) I took 28th it was my first oireachtas though! But that's so awesome that you got 10th Yeah it's funny how much listening to music can change your mood. I always listen to Muse and think "I'm gonna go up there and do it! AHHRG" lol I dance with the Maguire Academy in Arizona.

  15. Thanks for adding me :D How are you?

  16. That is so cool! That's amazing to qualify for worlds! I went to my first Nationals and I didnt recall. I wasnt expecting to :( But I've only been dancing for 3 years so I'm not gonna quit. :) Ah the Claddagh school! They have some great dancers. You should start up again! Then we can meet each other at feisanna hehe. I always listen to butterflies and hurricanes before I dance. It makes me all pumped up and ready! Anyways that's so awesome, I never thought I would find another irish dancer. Nice meeting you. ;)

  17. ^ aw thanks! Yeah I guess I shouldnt stop because I just love the feeling of playing the piano so much. My mom played it since she was 10 and is incredible at it. So I have to have some sort of piano skills in there somewhere. Hopefully. And I applaud you for not giving up. Musical instruments are very frustrating!
  18. Sorry for bothering you but I noticed you had some irish dancing pictures in your album. Do you do irish dancing?! If you do..that's totally awesome! What school do you dance with? And did you go to the Nationals in Nashville? I was there. Anyways, it's just very cool to find another Irish dancer, doesnt happen quite often. :awesome:

  19. Io voglio andare a Italia. Io sono italiana.
  20. I had a Muse dream a lil while ago! Me and my family were at a gig..but there was barely no one there..some people but not a lot. We were sitting in the front and of course, rocking out to the music. But then they had an intermission so we were running up trying to meet Matt because he walked off the stage into the crowd. So we ran up and I said hi. Then he turned around. And he didnt look anything like himself. He looked like a hilbilly. He was really fat and really mean to us. So I was thinking "What a shame I thought he was going to be a nice person." So we sit back down and the concert continues and then after a song Dom throws his sticks to the audience and I happen to catch both of them. Then my brother grabs them from me and breaks one in half. (??) then this random dude grabs the other one and throws it. So I run franticly to get it. And I do! But then it switched all of a sudden to this weird emo band playing Mr. Brightside by The Killers (my other favourite band) but the arena had dissapeared and instead we were in like a swimming pool but the band was still on a stage. Oh yeah and the lead singer of the emo band was a douche. It was a weird dream.
  21. I love Pink Floyd. They are brilliant. Yep, that's about it.
  22. Yes! More piano on the next album so that I can once again get the sheet music and fail miserably at playing Muse songs. But at least I tried! I'll stick to the drums. But I still love the piano...a LOT.
  23. Yeah I saw a couple on here that were from Arizona too..I thought I was all alone! Most people I know are afraid of flying. I'm fine with it...most of the time. I just got back today...it's so nice to be back home. What's even better is to come back to some more Muse news! I love the new title-tracks. Anyways, what are you up to?

  24. Aw thanks! Sorry I've been off for forever. how are you?

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