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Everything posted by Ahkmed

  1. My hormones were raging yesterday :LOL: It was a bad day so I was overreacting to everything.

  2. Yeah I know :awesome: We be board twins!

  3. Aww, :LOL: <3 I shouldn't be the noob though. We joined on the same day. :LOL:

  4. Sorry bout all the crap with the poll. I kind of suck at determining sarcasm over the internet. I really didn't mean most of the stuff I said. <3

  5. I know. I overreact to everything. :rolleyes: I get all freaked out that people aren't going to accept me cuz I'm the "noob". :LOL: So I guess I get all defensive cause I think that people are being serious about it.

  6. I think I just might do this. I'm planning on being at the barrier, and a friend coming says she will protect me, but I would love to have more than one person. Although I am a dancer, and I do strength training and bicycling, so I should be strong enough to push any wankers away.
  7. Naww...really? :happy: I don't bring any excitement to the thread at all. :chuckle:

  8. :awesome: I missed you guys!
  9. Oh wow really? That's awesome! If you have any tips for learning a new language that would be great! :happy: And Latin? I would love to learn that.

  10. Not sure, I'll have to mention it to my mum if I can go back to Banter, cause it's been a week now. :awesome:

  11. :awesome: I'm looking at the random picture thread.
  12. Yeah I hate them so much. :noey: We usually don't get them here unless it rains. But if we go up to the mountains we always have to bring bug spray cause they're everywhere. :vomit: So anyways, how are you today? :happy:

  13. Unfortunately, no. :( I wish I could though. My brother wants to learn it though. I'm learning Italian at the moment. :happy:

  14. Oh ok :chuckle: That would make sense. Even here in America people are unfamiliar with the name. I'm half German though :awesome: So I guess that's something in common! Your drawings are stunning by the way. :happy:

  15. I'm guessing your name is Kayleigh? :awesome: Mine is Kayley. :chuckle: I rarely ever see anyone with the same name, and if I do it's usually spelled differently but nice to meet you.

  16. Aww, thanks. :happy: And of course, a mosquito :facepalm: That's what I thought it was but I wasn't sure. They eat me alive here during monsoon season. It's terrible. :noey:

  17. :awesome: I love tha name. Actually, my name is Kayley. :chuckle: My middle name is Nicole so that's where I get Nikita from. What's a Mozzie? :facepalm:
  18. Hey :happy: Thanks for the invite. What's your name?

  19. Yeah, he is brilliant. I'm watching it right now in fact. I could watch it all day! :happy:

  20. Ah, ok! Sorry I always forget to read the about me sections. :facepalm: But you like The Killers too so that's a point from me :awesome: I saw them in Phoenix not too long ago. It was aaamazing! I expect Muse to be even better too. And yeah, my undertitle is from Spongebob. It's the only cartoon I still watch. :chuckle:

  21. So what other bands do you like (besides the obvious 2) :LOL:

  22. Oh cool you're going to MSG? Lucky! I'm going to the Phoenix gig! :happy: Hopefully another too if they announce more in the area. And great song choice, CE is my favourite. :awesome:

  23. Cool. :happy: So, what have you been up to? Going to any concerts any time soon?

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