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Everything posted by Ahkmed

  1. That happened to one of my friends..she just kept getting seconds over and over. I felt so bad for her..it was a different girl that took 1st each time too. But now she finally made it to Open. Yeah..that was..convenient. :shifty:

  2. Yeah, I so had that mindset when I went into Prelim but I actually did pretty well. The entire time I was in prelim I took a 6th (my first prelim feis) two 2nd's and three 1st's. I was so surprised even on taking the seconds..but I am so prepared for that NOT to happen for a while now! Is she really?..:shifty: That's...interesting.

  3. Yep.. :indiff: But I'm hoping just to have fun at this next feis since I'll probably go up with all my dancer buddies. :D I'm glad just to be in Open after only a year of prelim!..But I know I'm gonna fail. :LOL:

  4. I'll be in U14 this year. Yeah..I believe it's in the Anaheim area. You went to worlds though! My goal is to qualify this year but I'm not all obsessed with it..I view it as a hobby. I'm getting a new dress soon too. :awesome: Orange yellow and black. :chuckle:

  5. I've only been to it once and it was simply because we were on vacation in the area. Ah yes..memories! I'm in Open now. :awesome: Actually..its in 2 weeks I believe..May 1st.. usually it's later than that. :erm: So do you live in the San Diego area then?

  6. I'm super great! It's the St. Ambrose feis. Me and a few other dance buddies are all driving up. I'm not sure if that's close to where you are. :erm: Did you go to the Cali gig last night?

  7. Hey, how are you? It's been a while. I'm going up to Cali for a feis. :awesome: Oh, that would be oh so awesome to meet you.

  8. :awesome: Super great gigs. Although I never saw you I have no doubt you were going insane as I was! :)
  9. Yeah. It's not part of my schooling. :chuckle: That would be funny. Irish dancing for P.E :LOL:


    The night before?!?! :stunned: Wow, that's pretty dedicated. Yeah I'm thinking I'll come a little early I just have to persuade my mum. That would be insanely awesome if the musers saved me a spot but I don't think they know me well enough.

  10. It is! I remembering seeing Riverdance when I was younger and that's why I wanted to Irish dance but it wasn't til later that I actually started doing it and I love it! :awesome: But because we don't move our hands I suck at dancing with my hands when it comes to proper dancing. :chuckle:


    Wow! :eek: 7 am! I really want to get there somewhat early but I don't know how it's going to work since I can't drive yet. :( I'll figure something out! Hopefully I'll be somewhere near the front or in the front. :D

  11. Hehe, I can't dance modern style really good at all. I'm actually sort of a crap dancer when it comes to just dancing at a wedding or something. I do Irish Dancing which is a lot different. :awesome: I know I'm so excited. I still can't decide what time I want to go up. I'm persuading my mum to come up early with me so I can wait in line with someone but she doesn't seem too thrilled about that. :chuckle:

  12. Yeah school and LOTS of dance stuff. We've been having practices like crazy for a show coming up. :indiff: I'm soo excited. :awesome: It will be my first time seeing Muse live and I get to see them twice in 3 days. I can't wait. I keep having dreams about it. :$

  13. Great! It's been a while since I've been on. I've been so busy, but I see Muse in a week so I'm pumped for that.:party: How have you been? :happy:

  14. Fine then, walk out on me again! I know you'll come back begging! :p:chuckle: Anyways, how are things? :happy:

  15. I thought I did?! :erm: Oh well,it's just Sammeh anyways, he can wait. :p

    JK, <3<3

  16. Mommy, Sammeh's being mean again!!!! :(

  17. Yay for computer geeks. :nerd: Well that's awesome :awesome: I've always wanted a macbook. But I like my computer. It's ok for now. :p

    I used to not like her but now I'm obsessed. :chuckle: She's brilliant. :happy:

  18. People were doing that at the Killers concert. Not that it matter'd THAT much because we were seated, but I think it's sort of stupid to drink during a concert. You can't move around with a beer in your hand. I think that should be something you do before/after a gig. Especially if you're in the pit. I feel the same way about sea GA/Seats. If it's a rock concert, I see no point in sitting. My entire family is coming and they are all going to sit. But my friend said "I am not going to see Muse and sit, that would ruin it all." So she's going to stand with me. Although it is nice to sit down during the opening band. My back starts to ache. I'm very afraid of this. I just always have this vision playing in my head that I'm going to faint and have to be carried out. For some reason I can't convince myself that you could get that tired at a concert. But is there anyway to prevent something like that? I know that drinking lots of water is good but I don't want to have to go to the bathroom there.
  19. Seriously? :supersad: That's not fair. I've had my laptop for a few years now. I've nevr had major problems with it, and I expect not to. I so can not afford to buy another one if it breaks. And I know my parents wouldn't get me one. :LOL: I hope yours gets fixed or something. :( My dad is a computer technician so he's good with computers if you ever have questions. Oh and, your undertitle + avatar both pwn. Lady Gaga. :awesome:

  20. I was on vacation for a couple weeks so I guess I got used to not going on the boards. :( I miss you guys! I'm going to start posting more. Thanks for at least noticing my existence. :awesome:

  21. Exactly. She's totally awesome and loves Muse as well, but I think I'll just have to say that I don't want to push ahead. I'm going up with my mum anyways to queue early. My mum is sitting though, she doesn't have a standing ticket so I might just replace my mom with her whenever she gets there if she it too stubborn to take just one day off to drive up with me. All I know is I am NOT pushing ahead. She says she never goes to the front she just tries to get towards the middle but even then, it's not worth it! I don't want to have people giving me dirty faces just so I can be in the middle instead of taking one day to wait with a bunch of awesome musers to be right in the front!
  22. My friend I'm going with does that all the time at concerts. She is NOT a jerk though I promise, she just doesn't have time to wait. But I really, really don't want to push ahead because I respect people who wait in line and I'm afraid of people getting pissy at her. She said she's dont it before but she won't go too far ahead. I'm just driving with my mum up to Pheonix early to wait in line so that she won't force me to push ahead with her. Yeah I know what you mean, I think some of the people here took your question the wrong way. We have a very small venue here and it's one of those things where you arrive like 20 minutes before the show starts and your able to be like 2 rows away from the front because it's so small. But Muse is a whole different story. Depending on where you want to be you will have to be there long before the show. If you want barrier, I'd say getting there early in morning. Maybe 9 or 10 am. Maybe even earlier to be safe.
  23. Yeah, school has been annoying for me. I'm going on vacation and I have to get all my schoolwork done before I leave. And no I haven't been to a Muse gig YET. I'm going in April to see them. Very excited about it. :happy:

  24. Oh no problem! Youtube? I never though of that, that's awesome! I'm practicing a lot and I'm having trouble learning Italian, I can't imagin what Latin is like! Thanks for the tips. :D How are you?

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