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Everything posted by kueller

  1. The irony if this being discussed on the NA tour thread.
  2. I saw Feeling Good on the Drones Tour. Do not bring it back.
  3. Remember when people thought Dom looked unhappy at the start of the 2nd Law Tour? That turned into nothing. This is really a lot to speculate from how someone looks on stage. And even up to last tour people really liked the concerts. A small percentage of disgruntled fans does not account for everyone that is pleased with just seeing the band play live.
  4. Bliss was always kind of rare in anything past the Black Holes tour, and Map was going to start fading anyways 3 albums later. It's more about the replacements, or lack of.
  5. I don't really keep up with the popular songs but I really couldn't name a whole lot of songs around that time that were similar to Madness. Even for the ones that are, they don't start off with that weird vocal sample. I would expect Undisclosed to be the more popular one. It was popular, but not Madness level. Maybe some things just happen.
  6. Dom was never a show off but mixed in interesting rhythms into the tracks. How many memorable drumming moments are there on Drones? Compare that to the other half of the rhythm section, Chris.
  7. Anyone is free to join but late last tour most stopped bothering. I'd still be up for it.

  8. Also confused about that ending now that I've watched the video. There's a lot of delay on his voice but that held note also sounds phased like it was doubled. There is a harmony part that's basically singing the same note for a short time, also Matt's voice. That could be it.
  9. It's not their decision and they have done non-joking playback plenty of times before.
  10. Mostly my stance on the song. A bit more positive than I'd be but close.
  11. I didn't rule out the chance of playing the actually released songs from the era.
  12. I doubt they would bring unreleased songs from that era into the touring cycle. Even for a special concert.
  13. In the venue I'm seeing them at any other show has been close to that price if not more. They've played amphitheatre show before in 2011 which was a similar price range and that was for just them/. Anyways you're not obligated to get up close. I got lawn seats for about $30 which is the least I've ever spent to see the band and really would not have bothered had it been more. Most of the venues have similar price ranges. Calling it $100 for everything is incorrect.
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