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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I'm speaking from my own perspective not Muse's. I saw QOTSA a few weeks ago (again) and was in a dead area for the first chunk of the set. The band were on top of it but my night still greatly improved when I wasn't around people just bobbing their head. And at least I wish I could see 30 Seconds to Mars again as the last time I barely saw anyone on the stage besides Leto. The band was like tucked into a corner. The acoustic version of The Kill was my favorite part since it cut out all the fluff.
  2. Having seen Muse with a crowd that gives a shit now it makes a world of difference. I'm not arguing that necessarily. What annoys me.is more how overstayed 30stm's chanting gets. I don't mind their music, I like Leto's voice and I wish he would play and show more of the actual band. I had last seen 30stm in 2009 with Muer also and they were more straightforward and I remember that performance fondly.
  3. T2L was still held back some by their continuation of attaching everything to really shallow modern issues, but it did feel more fun I admit and the initial reactions were positive because of it.
  4. Resistance was the first album where the music just felt rather cold, except a few songs. I guess that's mellowed for me but only because they never recovered from it in any future work, which isn't a very good reason. Now I'll probably step away for a bit because this is the post-release discussion when everybody gets really dramatic about the band and I'll wait for that to calm.
  5. Now I have heard it. Phantom of the Opera riff is nice and it does remind me of the style of Soaked or something. I want more of that and less 30 Seconds to Mars chanting. This might be ok live, depending on how they go with it. Does the song sound kinda broken to anyone? Like there's the obvious parts where each vocal line is recorded separately which sounds off, but even the transitions of the different parts of the song never felt right. Some of it musical, some of it just in production. Maybe a little of both.
  6. I kinda figured that out back in high school without much experience and Matt is and was way better than me at the singing/playing thing. I'd offer to play it for him next time but we know there will be no next time for MK Ultra.
  7. MK Ultra is not that hard to sing and play and I wish he would have done it since the dual guitar/bass would have made that part a lot beefier especially with Resistance era tone.
  8. There's one really old interview that has Matt on an acoustic and he does some nice things I've never seen him do anywhere else. His piano work is probably closest on record but something like Butterflies is just crossover arpeggios. That footage he has when he was 12 isn't very far from the difficulty of a lot of Muse songs and I doubt he never improved far beyond that in a decade. Kinda same with Dom. The live jams or making-of noodling tends to have more demanding parts and more complex rhythms than what we normally see, especially in the past two albums. I did say there were some exceptions where they do show off but they were very few.
  9. I much prefer MBV to Steve Vai but Vai has more mastery over the guitar if that's the only metric (instruments were asked in the OP). Him and other "shredders" (ex. Buckethead) can do some weird and creative sounds too while also having the strong technical skill that does take effort to even replicate. Anyways I find bass and vocals to be the only ones that really excel in musicianship minus few examples of the other. The members are all way more skilled than what they put on album. That's not a problem in the slightest but it does make it harder to show skill through those songs. Also, Osaka Jam.
  10. Mon Coeur is showy enough I'd add it to the vocals section (the rest of IBTY is tamer). Resistance also has great drums.
  11. Add to the list of people I know who have been to Japan, which is somehow longer than the amount of people I know that haven't. Random off topic but I just need to share how strange that is. The first half of Origin is their most cohesive work yet and the rest isn't half bad either.
  12. I've grown to really like them as songs. Redemption too is a very emotional piece on what is a rather cold album. But I wouldn't want the entire album like that since there was some cool stuff like Undisclosed I'd still want them to explore.
  13. Really loving Exogenesis I do love that "symphonic soundscape" even if the songs themselves aren't the most worthy of their symphony titles. But if more of the album had been like that I would have ranked it higher for sure.
  14. I would be interested in an explanation.
  15. Absolution is strange as I really don't care for the ordering of the album but I love every song so much it's possibly the one case where I can actually look past flow.
  16. What would the DVD show anyways? The past two live releases people knew which concert would land on the release when the concert happened.
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