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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I like how we've had, in a single page, claims that Apple is great because it just works, and that Apple sucks becuase it never works. It's like anecdotal evidence isn't worth much.
  2. MK Ultra and IBTY from Resistance Tour. City of Delusion and Hoodoo from BH&R Tour (this is tragic), Invincible, and studio Assassin Endlessly and TOADA I think from Abso tour. Escape and Overdue from the Showbiz tour. Might check the non-album songs later but someone else will probably get those.
  3. If I judged everyone here from the things they post in this thread I wouldn't have a very good perspective on life in general. Can we just wait for the news without critiquing all the other people involved personally?
  4. If it was some announcement it could make sense. Or it could be the release date and they're just giving fans a heads start before the official reveal.
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