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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Oh my goodness. :supersad: Two years? Man, that's tragic.

  2. Why is your day so glum? What happened?

  3. Hey! :awesome:

    I saw that you were a fellow PCT-er :happy:, although I don't frequent that thread often any more. :(

  4. I am certainly glad we could come up with a proper pwopa negotiation on this matter.




    Do you know the url? Because the little icon on the boards won't link to yours.


  5. Me neither. That's the bad thing about living in the US. We get everything months later than the UK. :supersad: But I try to watch it whenever I can. :D


    That's neat! That's one of the reasons I like this board; we can all share common interests.


    I found out through one of my cousins. He had the TV turned to the Sci-fi channel, and David Tennant's first episode as the Doctor was on. I fell in love with it. :happy:

  6. Ahhhh you're a Doctor Who-er too?!? :awesome:


    Well, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, as the majority of this board does. :awesome:

  7. :awesome: Muse parents are cool. Like when they sing KoC in the car whilst at a traffic light, etc. :yesey:


    Nice to meet you! :D

  8. :LOL: She'd get a kick out of it. My parents do, now that they've finally taken an interest in them. :awesome:


    I'm Lauren by the way. :happy:

  9. Had she seen the twitter photograph of Dom in that horrendous coat?

    Because that reminds me of it. :chuckle:


  10. I know! :D I'm happy Rachel stepped in as the understudy in the last one. :happy: I was also rather pleased of their choice of Kristin Chenoweth as April.


    If they ever sang a Muse song, I would surely die of happiness. :awesome:

  11. Melinda, I have a proposition for you.



    Would you like to become my friend on Facebook? :awesome:


  12. OH MY DOM! You like GLEE! :awesome:


    Yesssssssss. :dance:

  13. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  14. Happy Birthday! :awesome:


    Edit: Woah! You're in Texas too. :awesome:

  15. Welcome to the Boards! :awesome:

  16. I like the 'Dom is the Ambassador of Good Will' in your sig. :LOL:

  17. Hey!

    I am in class. :p In BCIS class (business computer). He lets us have "enrichment activities" once we finish our work. :awesome: So I come on here.

  18. :awesome: George and Matt look exactly alike!


    I'm thinking of reading Mein Kampf for fun. :p

  19. Hope all has been well. :happy:

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