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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Haha, why thank you. :happy:


    Hope you did too! ;)

  2. Yay!

    I confirmed said request! :awesome:

  3. Hope all is going well! :happy:

  4. haahahaa I see. :p


    It went well. :happy: Nothing spectacular today. :D

  5. Awww! :happy:

    I'm glad to hear it went well. :awesome:

  6. That's right! I has Myooze. :awesome:


    Actually, I have always done a better job on things if I wait until the day before. :happy:

  7. Hahaaa, I do that all the time. I'm a horrible procrastinator. :LOL:

    For example, I'm on here when I really should be doing my AP US History assignments. :facepalm:


    Ahhh well.

  8. No problem. :happy:


    Ohh, have you seen your girl yet? :awesome:

  9. :D


    Ahhhh that picture is utterly adorable. :stongue:


    I'm doing very well, thank you. How was your day? :happy:

  10. Yes!

    Chris needs more appreciation on this board. :D

  11. :awesome: Thankkkks. :D I saw that picture of Georgie Bellamehhh, and it looked so much like little Matteh Bellamehhh. :awesome:



    book of face here :happy:.


  12. I want to be of help to you. :happy: I don't need to know what it was, I'll just be here for your morale support and here as your friend. And if there is anything you need to talk, rant, or shout about, I'm here to listen. :happy:

  13. I see.

    I just realised that I probably making you feel worse. I'm really sorry. :$:facepalm:

  14. Awwww :( Thus, drinking helps to cope/numb?

  15. So certain things trigger intense reactions to past emotional strife.

    I never knew what it was exactly. When my grandfather was alive, he had it. I remember him waking up yelling and crying over a dream he had had, but I was too young to understand why. Turns out utterly horrific events happened to him when he was a young boy, and every once in awhile things would bring back the pain. :(

  16. So how do you know if someone has PTSD?



  17. Lovely rant we've shared today! :awesome:


    I don't have a problem with drinking. On the contrary. (After today, I think you deserve a drink or two! :yesey:)


    It's just the people who abuse alcohol and go off and hurt people, is all. I've had three friends killed by drunk drivers. :supersad:

  18. Why thank you for your words of wisdom. :awesome:


    Drunk? Tsk tsk. :p

    Your rather intelligent for being drunk at the moment. You've got a gift. :awesome:

  19. Yeahh, it can be better off that way, but it can be hard. I'd like someone who loved me for me, etc. But, no one seems to. :$


    /rant over

  20. Ahhh it's okay to be addicted to love though, Seth! :happy:

    I love to show love towards others, so I'm addicted to love in that way.

    When I know and care for a person, I'll strive to do whatever I can to help them have a brighter day and ultimately feel loved. Ever since I was little, I've been this way. It's who I am. I tend to love others more than I love myself. :$

  21. Hahaha I bet you'll feel better tomorrow. :D


    I don't have a problem with that question.

    Anyways, no, no I don't. :LOL:

  22. Well it's good that you do. :)

    Even if it is complex, I understand what you mean. Ohhhhh it sounds like tomorrow will be a lovely day for you! :eyebrows::happy:

  23. :stunned:

    Well shit, Seth, I don't expect you to get past any of that. That's horrible.

  24. What happened to force the break up?

    Oops! I shouldn't impose, I'm sorry. :$

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