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Turing Machinehead

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Everything posted by Turing Machinehead

  1. Whoa! That is some insane rollercoaster. Probably you would die on impact with the water ... but the idea is good! You should become a rollercoaster designer!
  2. Helllo from all the way back in January. Been SLIGHTLY busy since end of last year with my two jobs so this is the first time back on here for ages... You asked me way back then if I put my poetry anywhere online and the answer is yes - http://www.redbubble.com/people/bronzeart/

  3. Yeah, me too. I'm really pissed a NZder spoiled the fun ... not that I would really know because I waited. What do you think of the artwork for Uprising?

  4. Just heard the whole thing on Zane's show. Like it even more than the 36" preview. What a cool song.

  5. Hello, your drawings are really cool! :-)

  6. I laughed my head off. I think it's hilarious and really catchy. My partner heard it too and was dancing around the room. He doesn't normally get that excited about new music so it was an amusing reaction. Actually – he doesn't normally dance either so that must be a good sign. I can't wait to hear the rest of it now.


    And now I have to quickly run away and watch the tele because my other fav muso (Neil Finn) is on it. Sort of forgotten that there are other songwriters in the universe since I became a Muse fan!

  7. Hi Taylor, did you like the Uprising preview on Zane's show the other day?

  8. Well today I got some conspiracy nut calling me & fellow Skeptics “Nazi idolizers” for mentioning Buzz Aldrin neutrally without saying he faked the moon landing. WTF! This nut believes the Cottingley fairy photos are real. Great start. Who can really think that this isn't faked? http://www.cottingley.net/images/cf1_lrg.jpg The girls even admitted they were. He probably thinks it is a cover up despite the evidence it was 2 girls having fun - & we're supposed to be the ones who can't see the truth? I wouldn't object to being challenged if he actually had an intelligent point to make & could do it without resorting to the Nazi insult cop out. I joined PZ Myers' campaign earlier http://bit.ly/5EQ3m to poke holes in Creationist bollocks put out by GNMag. All the atheists & evolution fans on his blog are requesting a copy of the booklet & are going to do a mass blog about the stuff that doesn't add up! Should be hilarious. I like PZ Myers. He's brutal.
  9. Hello, sorry for the delay. Been working on a project. Trying to catch up now.


    Yeah, I'd be interested to hear your songs. Do you have a myspace page or something online?


    Pleased you got a laugh out of my “About Me”. If you want something really funny to laugh at look at how this NZ guy is selling his car (the seller comments are hilarious but the photos are better).



  10. Hi, how's this for a great Motor Sport vid? Don't know who made it but Top Gear online liked it. It has great music and editing.




    Have you been watching the F1? I haven't but I heard on the news the Australian guy won the last race which I think is really cool.

  11. What do you think about crop circles? I just found some footage for them also. I don't have an explanation for them but they amuse me also. I would love to find out what all the theories are for those. My friends and I are trying to invent a spoof card game at them moment like Munchkin with aliens and crop circles in it.


    Are you following the USoE stuff? I am too busy alien hunting ha ha! You have me hooked.

  12. Yeah, though I find it easier to write lyrics to a melody I already have than the other way around. I write bucket loads of lyrics but hardly ever write tunes so I just end up with lots of words doing nothing. I started sticking them on deviantArt instead but I should really learn how to write poetry properly instead I think because they are a bit abstract like that! The nice thing I've always liked about poetry though is you only need a pen and paper and don't have to worry about writing any other parts. It has a nice simplicity to it.


    We are having NZ Poetry Day on the 24th. Not sure what events exactly are on but I thought I would check that out. Might find some new NZ poets to follow other than Sam Hunt!


    Do you write songs?

  13. Ja! The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster even have an official website. http://www.venganza.org/ Bobby Henderson's blog is always good too.
  14. Your poetry is cool also. I've only posted one poem on here so far and now I can't think of another one off the top of my head. I can't keep up with Laura! Poetry is way harder than lyrics that's for sure! Would you agree?

  15. Guten Tag forgy, I just found more alien stuff for your alien thread.

  16. Good point bazzer. I've think the promise of immortality just makes people lazy & not appreciate life properly in the short time they do have. Society seems to be more interested in wasting it's time worrying about artificially created beliefs & stupid commodities than being amazed by things that really matter in the universe. I found this great quote by Richard Dawkins which sums that up. “After sleeping through a hundred million centuries we have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with colour, bountiful with life. Within decades we must close our eyes again. Isn't it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it? This is how I answer when I am asked — as I am surprisingly often — why I bother to get up in the mornings.”
  17. I am converting to Catholicism. The Virgin Mary has been spotted in a bird shit. This is all the evidence I need! http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=8112209
  18. “i want to see other peoples veiws o this god charater... but i do feel out of place in that group!


    Well I would love to join you in the group but I normally only debate with Christians who openly indicate an interest in (intelligent) philosophical discussions first or initiate some sort of ill-founded attack on atheists or science & therefore invite a response. E.g. creationists who go on Richard Dawkins' channel & try to argue that “evolution is wrong because I am not descended from a chimp”. Well, they're right, they're not! Those people not only start off with an ignorant argument they haven't checked, they perpetuate stupid myths among other people who cannot be bothered to read evolutionary theory for themselves either! Similarly poorly considered & erroneous criticisms aimed at scientists & atheists I feel deserve some sort of answer because they are unfair. Also if they come on my turf I figure they are open to debate. :p


    I mean, you have to have balls to try to argue this guy without doing your homework first but people try:


    Christians who can come up with a well thought out explanations for their beliefs & like philosophy interest me though. There are some really intelligent Christians out there who debate well & are worth listening to because they raise interesting questions. And I feel it's a good idea to challenge my own beliefs anyway. So I'm happy for them to try to persuade me atheism is wrong & they are right. If they can come up with a valid, robust argument as to why I should become a Christian & produce the evidence I will happily change my stance. So if anyone in the Christian group wants to convert me they can try! ;) Or better still, check whether their criticism of atheists is true! But I'd rather they come to our group & start a discussion than me join theirs uninvited because their group is a place for them to celebrate who they are. I think ours is a better place for debating. But I am hoping they will answer your question. I would be interested in what they have to say! I am guessing they've spotted you're not a fellow God lover though....


    Oh yeah, I'm investigating your alien vid you posted.

  19. I just realised. You wouldn't want to say Atheist too slowly would you?






    A Theist

  20. Guess what you've joined? Oh dear god! You're brave. I can't join that. I might make someone cry. I mean for starters there's the “what's going to happen to Matt when he dies?” question. Well I expect he'll be DEAD when he dies! As in dead dead. Dead as a Dodo dead, just like the stone cold, demised, ceased to be parrot in Monty Python's Parrot Sketch kind of dead. “Hello Polly!!! bash bash” kind of dead. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjOSLCR2hE )


    But on the off chance there is an afterlife let's face it, all the cool people like Einstein, Richard Dawkins, Richard Feynman, PZ Myers, Douglas Adams, Michael Shermer, Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking are going to be in hell so that's gonna be the place to be. I'd rather be there and at least have someone intelligent to talk to if it's going to be for eternity. I'd be disappointed if Muse weren't there also. How would we go to their gigs? You're going to be there too I hope. I am sure that is where all the fun is going to be. I hear Satan puts on great parties. :D


    You are going to behave yourself I hope..... :stunned: If not invite me to the spectacle.

  21. Oh yeah, that thing spooked me too. There is some really spooky ghost thing on YouTube too which really creeps me out even though it is obviously just some person fooling about (at least there is no evidence it is actually a ghost). I spook easily though.


    Aliens are great fun though. Mainly because I don't think it's very likely I'll ever see one in my lifetime. So all the speculation is hilarious. The one that gets me is the idea that aliens have left crop circles as a way to warn humans we are destroying our planet. WTF! You'd think that if aliens were sophisticated enough to travel here and leave a message they'd be intelligent enough to figure out we don't speak in crop circles! And for all we know they may be leaving an order for burgers and fries. Ha ha.


    I am sure there is something out there though – even if just pond scum aliens. Must be funny working for SETI ( http://www.seti.org/ ). Imagine that. “What do you do for a living?” “I look for aliens”. I think that would be a cool job. :p

  22. Are you going to add to your aliens thread? I like aliens - they make me laugh.

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