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Status Updates posted by Stefamoe

  1. YES! It's seems like a long time from now, but that's ok.


    Oooh, and I saw the David Tennant version of Hamlet :)

  2. JULIA! I'm seeing Muse in October!!!!!!!!!! SO excited! :D

  3. I'm good. Yourself?

  4. SHELDON! :D That is all.

  5. That's the color of my bedroom walls :happy:

  6. Oh my gosh! Your avatar is awesome!! :LOL: :LOL:

  7. Hey, guess what? I finally saw New Moon. It was loads better than Twilight. I was always an Edward fan in the books, but in the movies, I'm totally a Jacob fan. He's just so much more likeable. And the actor who plays him sounds a lot like Leonardo Dicaprio.

  8. I like your username. ;)

  9. It's awesome. And the lolz thread is quickly becoming my favorite!

  10. Your sig makes me laugh without fail every time I see it. :)

  11. AHHHH! That's so cool and I'm so excited for you! I really really really hope they tour somewhen near me.

    :eek: I'm so jealous you got that close!

    Was his hair even more epic in person?

    Did you get any pictures?


    I'm going to try to see New Moon sometime next week. Too busy with school and work right now.



    000aykz8.jpg<-Awww, what a cutie. :happy:

  12. I'm pretty good :happy:

    HOW WAS THE MUSE GIG??! :musesign:

  13. :awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome:


    /random post :D

  14. I'm in college, and I agree, it's time for a holiday! Unfortunately now's the time of year when teachers assign big projects and papers.


    :awesome::awesome::awesome: <-- that is so my favorite smiley.

  15. It's going pretty good, how about you? :happy:

  16. Love love love your sig :LOL:

  17. I just love how pleased he looks with himself.

  18. I like your avatar. :)

  19. Hey, how's it going? :)

  20. :LOL: I can't think of a clever response to that.
  21. Your sig is fantastic.

  22. I know :(

    Too many members of my family joined and it was like they were keeping tabs on me, and my aunt thinks I come off as smutty :$

    So yeah. It just wasn't worth it. And there wasn't a lot to do on there anyway. And I have Museboard :happy:

  23. Julia, your avatar is adorable!

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