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Status Updates posted by Stefamoe

  1. Sorry for the slooooooow reply. I've been off the computer for a long time. I've just been so busy! Anyway, you really should see The Hulk, it's so good!

  2. :D Thank you!

    I can''t wait to see it either. It comes out on May 1st. Me and Emma might dress up, because we're super nerdy like that. :LOL:

  3. Your avatar is full of win. :happy:

  4. Franz Ferdinand is coming here in April, but no one wants to go with me! :'(


    I got to go on a hot air balloon ride and a boat ride! It was pretty cool. I also saw the Grand Canyon. I'll put some pictures up on facebook, I just have to steal them from my sister first.


    Awwwwwww, I missed him too! I want to hug him, he looks so sad! He should always be this happy:


    Everytime I see this picture I start grinning. I can't be sad while looking at it.




    OH AND GUESS WHAT? I realized that my favorite book store has Doctor Who magazine, I've just been looking in the wrong section.

  5. Thank you! :)

    My trip was good. It was great to have some hot weather for a change. I saw Jimmy Eat World and it was amazing!

  6. That's so funny because me and Emma have plans to move to England when we're done with school. :LOL:

    I guess I just really want a change of pace, and I love English and European culture.

    I never wanted in with the 'in' crowd either. I really only need my few close friends and I'm fine with that.


    I'm going to Arizona tomorrow, so I won't have internet for about a week, so I guess I'll talk to you after that. :)

  7. Funny thing is, I wish I was in school! Now that I have to pay for it and it's on my terms, I appreciate it so much more. Don't get me wrong, when I was in high school, I hated it! But I liked college. I did one year, and now I can't afford it. So I'm just working until I can afford it again.

    It was the same way at my school. Kids would go get drunk and do stupid things, and I was never up for that, so I was never in the 'it' crowd, but I didn't want to be, so I guess that worked out all right.

  8. She told me that too, but you can change the color scheme. Also, I like the black. I think it looks good.


    And I have spent waaay more time on here than on facebook.


    You're right. I feel like I should spend time doing things I like to do rather than boring stuff. Although I'm not in school this term, so maybe I'd think differently if I was. :)

  9. Yeah. She's being weird about it. Not sure why.

  10. When it didn't work, I went looking for it and I found it! :)

  11. The link didn't work. :'(

  12. I've always really liked that song as well. It's hard for me to decide which is my favorite Fratellis song. I like so many of them! But it's that way with a lot of my favorite artists.


    That first video was so trippy! :LOL:

    They sound pretty good. :happy: Thanks for sharing.

  13. :happy: YAY you recognized it!

    The Fratellis have a few songs being released as downloads on Rockband 2! I'm so excited. I think they are Henrietta, Flathead, and Creepin' Up The Back Stairs.


    I've heard of MGMT, but I'm not familiar with their music.

  14. Thanks! :happy:


    It's the drum icon from rock band.

  15. I changed my profile quite a bit. I nerdified it! :LOL:

  16. Thats a great idea! Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot about changing it.

  17. I know exactly what you mean. There isn't really a place you can go in my town to talk to people about things you like and whatever, but here there is. You just start a topic you want to talk about or reply to an existing one and odds are someone else likes that thing too, whereas in real life, the odds aren't that great that a random stranger will like the same thing as you and sit and talk about it. If that makes any sense.

    I have fun with it. :)

  18. If it wasn't our motto, it is now! :LOL:


    I'm totally addicted to this site now, too. I'm having more fun on here than on facebook.


    I'm gonna try to get Emma to make a profile on here, since I don't think she's banned anymore... we'll see!

  19. Super Muse for the win!


    Yeah, It also sucks when people challenge your posts and really you just posted it to be silly or something. But whatever, I guess I don't care what they think too much :)

  20. That picture's great XD

    NAnanannananana MATTMAN!


    My drawing would improve if I could just get proportions right and if I had the patience for it.

    And I have a cartoonish style when I draw, so I can't make things look realistic. Ah well. It's just for fun anyways.

  21. Yeah, there really is some crazy stuff on there. Makes me more nervous about ever posting mine though, because they're all so good! Not that I've got Muse art just lying around, but still.


    I've only been in chat once. I'll have to give that a go sometime as well.

  22. No problem :happy:

    I like the Beautiful Men thread and I like looking around the art threads. I've never posted any art though.

    I'll have to check out the PMT thread sometime, Then at least we'd know each other on there.

  23. The only way I figured it out was that I quoted someone who had a spoiler that they named and so I got to see how they did it. Otherwise I would never know.

    And their expressions are great in that one :)

  24. Wisdomous one :LOL:




    Now take out the *

    I hope that makes some sense.

    I haven't found a shortcut to spoilers. I dunno if there is one.

    And that scene was really funny! He's a great actor :happy:




    I learned how to name my spoilers :D

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