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Status Updates posted by Stefamoe

  1. I love your avatar :happy:

    That game is so frustrating because the yeti always eats you!

  2. Me too!


    Glad you like it :)

  3. I'm sure you noticed, but I changed my username. I originally made an account just to post something, and I didn't give the username a lot of thought, and it was really unoriginal, so I changed it.

  4. FB isn't letting me post anything right now :noey:

    What I love about this website is that you can just send people pictures randomly :)


    Not to mention GIFs

  5. I watched the videos and they were great! I tried to post on your fb wall but it told me it failed, so I dunno if you got it.

    I want to get off facebook because nothing happens and I see most people I'm friends with I see in real life and you're on here :)

    But I know what you mean. It's not quite the same. Maybe I'll just edit my fb, because I don't like my profile much right now.

    Anyways, I'm just rambling.

    If I do delete it, I'll tell you ahead of time.

  6. Yeah, she's still banned. We both might delete our facebooks. I think maybe if she deletes hers, her mom will let her back on. I told her she should get an account on here, but who knows.

    And I can't wait to see the Doctor Who clips :)

  7. Me too! I would have so much fun making them.



  8. :LOL: I love that gif of Matt!


    I wish I knew how to make cool gifs.

  9. No problem.

    :LOL: The pic you sent was great. He's got the most expressive face!


    This picture's a "You did not just say that" sort of look :LOL:

  10. Are you using the URL from the museabuse website? Because I don't think it'll work from there. The only way I can get it to work is by copying it on my computer and uploading it to photobucket and then getting the url from there. Seems like a lot of work, but that's the only way I can get it to work. And, yeah, I upload it on this website the same way I do pictures.


    Hope that helps:)

  11. I dunno exactly what they are, but you can usually find them on photobucket.com. You might have to type in gif with your search. There's also a spanish Muse website that has a bunch of Muse ones. http://www.museabuse.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=19

    I stole this one from there :)


  12. Yeah, it gives me four... which is slightly confusing, but whatever.


    Random GIF!


    By the way, I like the picture you sent me :)

  13. Of course! It was way simpler than I was making it. I always go advanced to post pictures. There's an icon that kinda looks like mountains that says Insert Image if you put your cursor over it. click on that. You need to have a URL to paste in the box that comes up.

    www.notrealURl.com <---- it'll look like that, but with a real URL.

    I used photobucket, since it gives you a URL for every picture. Just make sure you get the right on, because it will give you like 4 of them. I think you pick the last one.

    Also, I would preview message before posting. That way you know if it works or not.

    I hope that made some sense.

  14. I'm THIS happy:


    because I FINALLY figured it out:D

  15. I'll read around again and see if I can't get it to work.


    I have the HAARP cd on my ipod and the Unintended video off their website.

  16. Damn. All I see is an X

    Sorry :(

  17. Ooooooh! Maybe I can try posting a picture on your wall and see if it works.



  18. ARRRRGH! I can't figure out how to post pictures! :'(

    I tried linking them from photobucket like it tells you to, but they keep coming up as X's so I never post them. It's so frustrating!!!


    The video's great, it's going straight to my ipod! :yesey:


    I still love the smilies, if you can't tell.

  19. No problem, I've done that on facebook before.


    And thank you! It took me a while to figure out that it was a movie. I had itunes import it and I couldn't find it anywhere! :facepalm:


    I got it now though :)

  20. That'd be great if you have the link :)


    Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :D

  21. What I mean is that I don't know how to post pictures in caption threads and the like.


    Search 'concentration of boredom.' that should bring you to it.


    Yeah, the smilies are great ;):yesey::shifty::nerd::wtf::LOL:

  22. I can't post pictures :'(


    So pretty much I just hang around the beautiful men thread and the caption thread. I hardly ever post. At least I have a friend now :)

  23. Nice to meet you too. I live sorta near Minneapolis.

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