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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. thanks for the invite to be your friend :happy:


    :yesey: and thanks for the msn invite too... i hope i get to talk to you, despite the time zone differences


    i like your wallpapers on the whole, the concepts, colour arrangements and effects are what i really like! this one you have posted on my profile... its absolutely brilliant... the background reminds me of fractals, which i love!


    hugs back! i hope you have a fantastic day too!

  2. no i dont think you have... i still like the vocals and the music of the song...


    those jokes were stupid, tryhards meaning to be funny....


    *hug* no more of them from me

  3. :confused: and now i am scared of johnny :erm:


    jokes are fun except for these ones


    how many :facepalm:s do these deserve?


    Q: How many Radiohead members does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    A: none, instead they go and make a concept album about it.


    Q: When is the only time Thom Yorke is happy?

    A: When no one is looking


    Q: How many Greenwoods does it take to form a band?

    A: Good luck trying to find a green piece of wood!

    (oh for crying out loud....)


    Knock, Knock

    Who's there?


    You who?

    Don't get so excited, it's just a radiohead song

  4. ahh ok... i understand :)


    what other bands do you like?

  5. ok





    tuned to what? im not a radio :eek:


    sorry, i really couldnt help myself... im in a smart-alec mood where i just fire off comments.... :facepalm: i apologise once again :rolleyes:

    [/end being silly]


  6. :yesey: i remember that song... i liked the song, maybe not the video.


    what does he say about this johnny?

  7. hey! :happy:


    ive registered on your website... :D


    and im discovering more of your awesome artwork! its awesome... have i thanked you? i dont think i have...


    thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. with me, i think that all the songs are different and have different elements, themes and arrangements. whenever someone asks me what my favourite "thing" about Muse is, i just cannot answer. :rolleyes:


    may i ask why you dont like Con-Science or Nishe?

  9. i cannot choose, i love them all


    honestly... i cannot choose. just like i cannot choose a favourite song, album or dvd made by Muse :$:rolleyes::):D

  10. you are... i get to tell you everything and hug you and i trust you and i admit who i like with your help and write crazy and interesting and funny stories about members of radiohead with you and hug you and see you and hang out with you in the city and watch dvds with you and... my list goes on *HUG!!!!!!!!!*


    mmmm you know, if Matt, Dom and Ed turned up with ice cream on my doorstep the following consequences would take place...


    1. i would faint

    2. i would recover, invite them in, then tell them i will be just 5 minutes on the phone

    3. phone you to tell you to get to my house asap

    4. you would arrive then we would get started on the ice cream

    5. we would all talk

    6. we would feel ashamed that we havent yet invited the others

    7. Matt and Dom would get Chris, Morgan, Kirky and Dan over. Ed would invite Jonny, Thom, Colin and Phil.

    8. we (being you and i) would then get on the board and tell our friends to meet us somewhere central so we could all have a party together



  11. hey


    is no problem for the help :) i like helping friends and talking to them :D


    whats your favourite muse video?

  12. ohhh wow... thats absolutely brilliant! thanks for sending me the link!


    ive run out of awesome videos of Matt playing the piano :p i cannot find any more of that calibre.


    you can download muse videos on the Muselive forum, though you will need to register and log in for that... their videos are quite good quality actually.

  13. uh oh


    :p i seem to have given you the wrong link... ooops :p but yeah the guy playing Stockholm Syndrom is awesome... i also have a link to a girl playing Hysteria like that... tis really awesome :)


    the right link is here


    and this is the link to the girl playing Hysteria


    sorry bout that

  14. feelings of luuuuuuuuurve.... :yesey::p


    however, for this person, the only feeling i have is admiration... link

  15. yeah ive seen that before, though i would love to see more of it...


    this is another awesome vid of Matt playing the piano... i guess, if you ignore the people speaking over the top... :p



  16. wahey!!


    im developing loads of good feelings for Matt... and major respect for him :happy:


    i try to make excuses but they just dont cut it :p

  17. funny.... and embarassing... the number of times i do it.... shameful :p


    *hug* :D *beams with happiness* if such a thing is possible

  18. the message (which has now been deleted on my profile and copied to yours)


    *hugs supermassivly back*


    thats what friends are for.... i am always happy to listen and offer my opinion... its not unfair at all


    *hugs supermassivly again*

  19. of course, i manage to post a message intended for you, on my own profile. and have not realised until now :facepalm:

  20. *jumps*


    *hug* good to hear that.... on all accounts :)

  21. in order


    so all is good now between you two?


    *dies from laughter* that part of the story is is is is... hillarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cannot think of another synonym

  22. no i dont want you too


    yeah.... that would be anoying wouldnt it?

  23. it did work! awesome!

    its no problem :) for helping friends out


    this is a link to one of my favourite videos of Matt.... though the sound and the picture are not in sync with each other, it still is pretty awesome!



  24. ohhhhh




    i actually thought you were being serious... d'oh :p

  25. the link worked! :LOL: thats an awesome video! matt has the cutest laugh! matt is cute! :p


    thanks for the link :happy:

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