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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. seriously? ohhhhhh


    *hug* i dunno.... i see it as a good thing and a bad thing.....



  2. at my school, we had to chose between learning German, French, Spanish and Mandarin. i chose German and wasnt that good at it, at all :$


    to put a link in a message, copy the link, then click on the "Go Advanced" button. Once you are on the new page with the text box, type whatever you want to say, then highlight what you want to link. then click on the button above (it's called Insert Link) that looks like the earth with a chain next to it. a small box will open and you can paste your link there and click on ok. hope my directions were clear :stunned: thats all you have to do :)

  3. hey i think your english is pretty good... im assuming its not your first language, but seriously, its good :)


    if the aliens have advanced enough technology, then i think they would be able to use their technology to adapt themselves to suit the environment on Earth... i dont think it would be worth their effort to travel through the universe to come to our planet only to perish because they couldn't handle the earth's environment...


    i dont know how to send large files over the internet either :p but i do know of a very good website.. its the official SETI website


    till later!



    *looks at spoilers*




    like the last picture! the first... his hair is so messy :p


    mmmmmm i dont know who is in that picture... course Master Yorke appears, but the others.... im gonna make a wild guess and go by looks and say the person sitting down on the right is

    "jonathon ross"



    i honestly dont know who those three people are

  5. *looks around*


    im pretty sure its me.... my surroundings are normal.... :p



  6. hurrah!


    i am talking to you now!!!!!!!!!! yay!!


    [/end pointless PM]

  7. ohh i think aliens / UFOs / extra-terrestrial life forms do exist... my reasoning is that the universe is so old and so vast that there must be life forms out there... we cannot be the only life in this universe... the possibility is too small to have just one planet inhabited with life... so there must be extra-terrestrial life forms... whether they come to Earth or not... if they are advanced enough, i think they will visit one day... if they already have then thats absolutely awesome, but that means the governments have been keeping secrets which is a big no no


    what do you think?


    heeyy cool... i admire people who can play instruments... wish i could :p

  8. *waves* hi




    cant wait to talk to you in a conversation, not by text messages / email / board profile pages :p


    *hug* missed you too!!!!!!!!!

  9. cosmology is the study of the universe and how it was formed and how it will end :)


    i studied chemistry at school... i liked physics better though :p astronomy is awesome! i like music too, but i dont know how to play any instruments :( i wish i could learn something though... what about you, do you play any instruments?

  10. awesome video this... link


    but look at the video description on the right... it deserves an epic :facepalm:

  11. :yesey: very very far :p


    im interested in cosmology more than anything else... but yeah astronomy too definitely! what are you interested in?


    Matt, the Knight of Cydonia... has a ring to it :p it sounds great!

  12. :yesey: Zubenelgenubi is a star system about 77 light years away from the sun...


    ...i love your avatar!!

  13. thanks :)


    i live in queensland... contrary to what my actual location says... i do not live on a star called Zubenelgenubi :p

  14. your name is pretty cool :)


    you can call me dilshad (thats my real name :p)

  15. i think your english is quite good :)


    my name is a Persian and Greek name meaning happy heart... thats what my parents tell me anyway


    what does your name mean?

  16. mark ronson's wikipage


    gives no info... though the pic doesnt look like the guy from the video....


    :phu: still dont like him

  17. wait i thought mark ronson just organised it and all that... i didnt think that was him singing.... *goes to research mark ronson*

  18. :p grading the video and i give it...

    3/10 for the concept of the video

    4/10 for the arrangement of the song

    3/10 for the singing

    giving it an average score of 3.3 (reoccurring) which gives that video a D (for disastrous?)...

    i am sorry Mr Ronson... thats a fail

  19. hey Bambang!


    im great.... i finished school yesterday :D yay! so all is well....


    how are you?


    till later!


  20. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand


    i was watching J-TV this morning while eating breakfast.... lets just say, the following left my cornflakes soggy....





    personally, i didnt like it. i think that they didnt do justice to the song or the video. it was watery, diluted. the jazzy effects produced a different sound to what i would have preferred the song to be... to be more rockier like Radiohead do it. the vocals were a bit flat. as for the video... they could have just done something totally different rather than parody the actual video. because they alluded to, and kinda destroyed the symbolism of the video. on the whole i realise that it is meant to be a cover... and it is a good cover, with the jazz instruments... though i think they could have done better


  21. oh gosh that was funny


    thanks :D


    there there Thom.... you dont have to do the IB. its just for students our age. and trust me, you regardless of however old you are you wouldnt want to do the IB. It leaves you high and dry... disappointed many times. it destroys ones social life and turns you into a paranoid android. even the karma police cannot do anything about it. my suggestion to you is that you remain optimistic about the fact that you do not and will never have to be subject to the IB. you can still continue to believe that 2+2=5 and not fail your math exams. for you, everything is in its right place.


    oh and joycie still asked me to name TJ, limbo.... so... ive made a compromise... his full name is TJ Limbo :p hope that sounds ok


    *hug* till later!

  22. sorry... i had to do this




  23. maaaybe


    however, i dont have a camera / webcam


    *hears thunder*


    oh great here we go again... didnt i tell you to go away mr storm????

  24. but also in honour for you


    cause i think you did awesome :)

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