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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. ok cool... sounds good...


    logging of the board now.... have to go sort out the essay for my blog for tomorrow's tutorial.... :shifty:

  2. oooh im going to have fun watching stuff tomorrow morning aren't i? :eyebrows:


    following your instructions, ive got those three vids and this new one to watch tomorrow morning.. and i shall watch all four... cause i will do so before midday when downloading isn't overly restrictive :)


    and once i have watched them, i shall post my thoughts somewhere.... do you have any preference as to where?


    :kiss: thanks for all the vids :D

  3. this profile page spammage is brought to you by Alex....





    Alex: ready guys?

    Bob: yeah!

    Nick: for what?

    Paul: wait for it....

    Alex takes a deep breath

    Paul: three... two... one...

    Alex: CANCAN TIME!





    i dont know why, but this picture was titled "Franz's Alex"

  4. i was thinking that for the first picture, a caption could be:

    my Bob... what a large crowbar you have

    it looks like a crowbar, but upon further inspection, it isnt

  5. ha ha ha they say in a course im studying, youth and society, that drinking is a rite of passage... :p


    more pics!





  6. :awesome:


    I heard today that they want to raise the drinking age to 21 and reduce the legal blood alcohol limit to 0.02... interesting ideas, though will it really help?







    Alex is influencing others to wear stripes now... speaking of stripes... awesome avatar!

  7. :chuckle: you got it! [/lame joke]


    i would have thought wine tasted better than it did... the way people go on about it...


    ha ha ha does that mean Alex was being drinks waiter for the night? :p

  8. oooh yeah... i forgot about other ingredients :facepalm:


    i've got no idea who that lady was... but the pictures were taken at the NME awards, so i assume she is in the music industry...


    it was a red wine and then later on a white wine... both were equally gross to me :p


    ha ha ha i wouldn't consider myself hooked... ive only had it once... :chuckle: oooh yeah true that... it might taste really different if it was just the wine only


    i dunno what he was doing with the bottle... it's a very big bottle at that....


    oh oh oh hey.... what did the grape do when it was stepped on? :eyebrows:

  9. if an alcoholic drink is a certain percentage of "alcohol" by chemical definition, then what usually makes up the other part of the drink? i wonder how lethal pure alcohol is... it's weird, in chem alcohol was just this:




    but outside of chem it's this




    hmmm interesting article to follow in msn convo....


    thanks for answering my silly question :kiss:


    my dad made me taste wine... it was gross.... it smelt icky and tasted really rancid... like vinegar... sorry to all those wine fans out there, but... ergh! ginger wine is far far far better :chuckle:

  10. sorry... was logged off their cause i wasnt paying attention to the board :p


    yeah... ive heard that those types of alcohol are the most expensive.... :p yeah... what is it made out of?


    do they need the razors now?

  11. well... now that we have the Franzy Fun out of the way.... it's on to the distractions! :eyebrows:


    whiskey? was that nice? erm.... what is whiskey anyway :chuckle: im sure the guys would appreciate the alcohol :LOL:

  12. :awesome::awesome:


    I'd really appreciate it if, tonight, you could mention 'Franzy Fun' to me... that way, I shall remember to give you something I made :eyebrows:


    Hope you have a great afternoon / evening!

  13. oh no! *hug* x a billion you poor thing... hmmmm i shall be sending say... yes i know... recently, Lexxo, Nick-o, Paul-o, Bob-o, Matt-o, Chris-o, Dom-o, Thom-o, Jonny-o, Ed-o, Colin-o and Phil-o under the watchful guidance of Bowie-o (cause David-o doesnt sound as good) formed an acapella band... i am now sending this acapella band to you so they can sing you some lullabies to help you relax so tomorrow you don't feel as though you've been run over by a Lexus... they bring chocolate and pillows and fluffy bunny rabbits and all things cute to you


    :kiss: talk to you soon-o

  14. yeah... i typed Lexxo into google... and it actually brought some stuff up... granted though, the search probably was looking for words with Kapranos, as opposed to Lexxo


    hmmm Lexxo in a Lexus... how does that sound?


    oh hey, it seems Lexxo is driving a Lexus to your LB... see you there!

  15. :chuckle: im getting the Excel spreadsheet up and running right now!




    you know, if you type in "Lexxo Kapranos" into Google images... here's a few pictures that show up...







    and there is also that picture of Alex surrounded by cupcakes that you posted in my LB


    and there are a few pictures of a Lexus... :chuckle:

  16. *hug*


    hey... a Word document... good idea... I shall get that up and running shortly... but can I use Excel... :chuckle: I loooove Excel :rolleyes: it's a really good idea though... a really really good idea :yesey:


    Come on Lexxo... he's next-o

    Come on lets get high (and forget Alex)

  17. Hey!




    ha ha this little gif works everywhere :)


    Yeah, my brother spent far too much time playing internet games and so we surpassed our download limit... brothers :rolleyes: Hey that's cool you can go on the board with your phone... I have an ancient phone... no internet access :chuckle: Yeah I'm not a fan of festivals... the crowds... I get very minor panic attacks :rolleyes: at the shopping mall when it is super crowded :facepalm: well, I use to... I don't get like that anymore, but really, I don't think I can take on a festival just yet. And now I am rambling... hey awesome list of favourite artists! I can't say I particularly really like any of those artists... I guess I'm more into Muse (now I'm stating the obvious), Radiohead, Franz Ferdinand, Eskimo Joe and Modest Mouse.


    I can't wait for Muse to come for all the media coverage :chuckle:

  18. hey.... internet is back! so...




    Hello board... hello Erica on the board :p it's so nice to have broadband speed internet again :D


    i like your answers to those questions... i had forgotten about those though :$


    it was fun to read those questions, except i get what you meant about the quotes from sound bites... it was gross... totally not an awesome way to open the article


    gotcha Matt... pg 138... aye aye captain :p


    you are right, ill probably have to leave some videos for next month... are there any that i should watch this month? :p yay for Idioteque! that's such a cool accolade! yay for IR being 2 years old :chuckle:


    :chuckle: yes... those pictures arent of Alex Kapranos... no way... they are of our new friend Lexxo :yesey:

  19. Hey


    I'm really sorry about not being able to reply sooner. I had some problems with internet access. I'm not seeing Muse this year... as far as I know, they aren't going to be in Brisbane anytime soon except for BDO which doesn't sound appealing to me in terms of crowds / festivals :p


    What about you? Are you going to see them some time in the near future?

  20. :chuckle: okay, i do realise that being a spy by definition involves risks pertaining to mortality, however, i envisioned myself as more of a behind-the-scenes kind of a person, as opposed to a field agent :p


    okay so i should tell you that our internet download limit has been breached, so no more pictures and videos for me until the 11th :(

  21. :p i dont think it will ever be a possibility for me.... but i love how it says on their website




    yes... in caps... in bold red lettering :chuckle:


    nah.... movies and books make espionage so romantic... but the risk and the sense of achievement involved makes it very desirable


    :chuckle: just pretend Alex is ummmm a spy.... spying on the royal family hence the need for that disguise.... erm ? [/lameness]

  22. come to think of it, i put "intelligence gatherer for ASIO" on my SetPlan in year 10...







    they took me seriously :facepalm: all my friends laughed when they took me seriously and then called me a spy for the rest of the month

  23. i have.... in all honesty... i've even been to the ASIO site and seen their recruitment ads in the paper... fun stuff... i've even heard this rumor that ASIO use to recruit people from uni... they would send recruiters into lectures to select potential candidates... i wouldn't know what they would be looking for, but i am sure, i would have loved to be "chosen"


    ha ha ha iTunes, the bane of computer musical software existence

  24. ha ha I'm sure he wouldn't mind at all


    i have.... :shifty:


    :p sometimes i think iTunes tallies what you really like and only plays that... and then other times it plays everything you don't want to hear... sometimes i think iTunes is run by little computer leprechauns that observe how you are feeling that day and decide whether to make you feel good by playing what you want to hear or make you feel annoyed by playing everything you don't want to hear.


    now that is a conspiracy and a reason to hate computers Bellamy!

  25. ha ha i don't think my brother will notice i was ever using his profile




    and i've always wanted to be a spy... perfect practise

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