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Everything posted by ninja

  1. nice work on being sexiest male ;)

  2. ninja

    Same to you!

  3. Same to you bubb <3

  4. ohai, how would you like a loveboat, or do you already have one :unsure:

  5. naw it's alright, i get ignored by people all the time. sair r annoying :D

  6. haha, theyre amazing. :) shme they broke up like 2 years ago!

  7. happy christmas to you too sweetie -cuddles-

  8. merry christmasto you too sweetie! :kiss::happy:

  9. oh shuuuuush

  10. where did you see how many wpeople i'm married to? :LOL:

  11. Awwww, what's happened that's so terrible that marrying me would be a good thing? :LOL:


    but yes :awesome:

  12. awwww get better soon :) -hugs-

  13. hahahahahaha chill i wasnt serious XDXD im well, you? :LOL:

  14. Awww mark you poor thing :(

    Glad youre feeling better!

    Im glad to be off home, but ill miss the boy and my friendr and musers ive met

  15. Haha, been resting? Thhats ace!

    Im good, leavhng friday morning :(

    But very hapy to see mum :D

  16. Haha, been resting? Thhats ace!

    Im good, leavhng friday morning :(

    But very hapy to see mum :D

  17. Awwww mark!

    -chases and cuddles-

    How are you?

  18. Yeah, that is a bit pants ey :(

    But at least i got to see you :D

    Haha its strange isnt it, i can imagine your voice saying what you type

  19. Awww i had fun, youre so lovely :)

    Why the frown?:(

  20. samwell

    msnage? ^^

  21. ill try and get you a tardis, sonic screwdrivrrs are expensive though, but ill try /^^

  22. awwww love its ok :) -cuddles-

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