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Everything posted by ninja

  1. Melinaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3

  2. Well i did a 30min ride on Monday and every Saturday I do pilates/yoga :D

  3. Ohhhhh I just can't be arsed I'm waaaaaay too lazy to even bother

  4. yeahh, but still, ive been a lazy bummm

  5. i'm down 1.05 kg :$

  6. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  7. WHAT!? :eek:

    Are you serious? :(

  8. where is your loveboat, i cannae find it :'(

  9. awww, well i'm getting a job and as my new schoolhas no fees, my mum's saving :)

  10. anyone can do it, it's not just an australian thing haha

  11. wwell it means i take a year off to travel etc :)

  12. yupp, but i have a year and a half left of school, i'm mid way through my school year haha


    And i'm taking a GAP year :)

  13. I didn't realise you were that much older than me :LOL:


    Yeahh, I suppose so, :chuckle:

  14. wait, aare you going to uni? ! :O

  15. ohh unproductiv,e ive not done any of my mountains of hw :'(





    Yesss we doo :happy:

  16. same here m'darling :D

    sbeen goood!

    howve you been? :)

  17. I miss you too! <3

    what's up?

  18. YAY!!!! <333^^

  19. get on msn yer silly bugger

  20. :chuckle: I know you weren't implying it :LOL: <33


    night nighttt

  21. thanks :chuckle:


    I wasnt being a skank! I didnt know it rode util i wore it :LOL:

  22. but i don't want to! :LOL: I honestly don't notice boys at all anymore, i see them as good looking, but theres no point flirting cus i have my bf and i love him to peces . Lie I'm pretty sure I'm genuinely in love with him <3


    not irl :LOL: i look rather errr different :LOL:

    :chuckle: you can borrow my black dress, it rides up when you sit down though :LOL:

  23. yup, 18 is the age herrreee :D:D


    I don't need to attract ze males, i haz boy ^_^

    and lately random boys talk to me a lot :\

    I have uber high heels and little black dress though ^^

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