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Everything posted by ninja

  1. ninja

    Some Sculptures

    They're so awesome!
  2. I hope so! I'm not very far in :happy:


    No fear!! I can make epic ones. I'm missing your posting :(


  4. Yes! Please do. Mmmmmm


    Much is love!!

  5. Umm... I remember being a bit fucked but not enough to call it jetlag! And I didn't have it on the way back because I stopped halfway!


    Most people get it back coming back from Europe though :)

    Dw you'll be fine.

  6. Hola! How are you??

  7. It's really boring and I've stopped going mostly in favour of riding. Want to go pro :$ awww that sounds like one of those amazing nights, just ruined by munting :LOL:

    Yeah yeaaah! If you're still good to pick me up? (more than happy to help) I tried to win a splendour in the grass ticket ages back, but I suck at treasure hunts! I was gutted because it was going to be part of your pressie! But now it's just a collection of things I bought you :(


    I probably will hehehehe


    How's the house going? Was tut worth all the shizz you guys went through??

  8. Hahaha it's pretty lol!! I'm good and the bf is good, we're going on holiday to ride in July (after your 21st, I made sure ;) )

    How are you!?? OOOOOH nice one ;) I saw your drunk posts, they were so cute :LOL: was it a good night? :D

  9. Hahaha nah, I just ride my bike. You can show people if you wish :LOL:

    I am a bit embarrasse though

  10. Oh I don't have a life! I merely don't Have much to say and people always seem to be arguing.


    Omg. Saddest thing ever :LOL:

  11. I usually lurk, but I don't often log in :LOL: I don't even know man, it sounds scary D:

  12. Nooioooooiooooooooo

  13. Definitely! I'll Facebook you :) xx

  14. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. You don't look Greek at all! What's with the weird English structure? And nah, I like a challenge. Need to learn about stems of words and tensed though as I struggle to look up words because some are in weird tenses @goti: I hope to go mid year next year! Tour of France and greece anyway I'll take my English speaking butt out of here till I learn more
  15. The more difficult people tell me it is the more I want to do it Nah my ex was Greek and I started learning it then (in small amounts) and Im not one to give up. (my summer holidays will be filled with an intensive Greek course and an intensive French course, to get me back into French)
  16. Haha I mean I love looking at it Τι κάνετε is where I understood up to. But you didn't answer my question! This is what I'm using at the moment They're apparently the best Greek textbooks you can buy! But, it's all in Greek so it takes me a long time to get through anything.
  17. Only doing it in my free time, which sadly isn't enough. Over the summer I'm going to enrol in greek and french courses.
  18. I absolutely love it! It's the alphabet that I'm in love with. Do you speak greek? D: I wish I understood past the first question
  19. Teaching myself greek (from a series of books written entirely in greek, it takes me ages to figure out what it says, but it's good practice!) I would, but I don't have a greek keyboard, and I don't really know how to say enough to even get a simple conversation starte
  20. pretty good! yourself? (sorry, my greek is woeful, so I'm not even going to try!)
  21. geiiaa! I haven't been here in AGES. How are you lovelies?
  22. Man I feel like a creep now, I remembered I had you on msn and got the name from there.

  23. Ah, lacking in what way? TRUE, I'd totally forgotten about that :LOL:


    Ah, fairs, amazing careers in that area!


    I only know your first name, so that's a bit difficult I think :LOL:

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