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Everything posted by ninja

  1. how old do you think i am ? :awesome:

  2. -giggles-

    how old are you? (:

  3. oh, thast's sad



    i just admit defeattt

  4. I do, but I dont tell people :D

  5. :LOL::LOL:


    I've never done that :awesome:

  6. haha, its winter here

  7. hello, not much tbh you?



  10. nuttin really

  11. Wazzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  12. where're you from?

  13. er, hi, :)


    nowt ta, you?

  14. iunno, he could be into fat? -shrugs- :p


    Nawwwww, let's hope the girls view you in the same way :D

  15. -giggles-


    you didn't take it as some form of fattery? that a male would go gay for you?

  16. it's a he?

    dayu, i thought he was some form of hermaphrodite :'(


    I've had one weird stalker, now he washilarious


    did he try and chat you up ryan?

  17. my indifferent post of course = HOMGGGGGGG:D


    who is shehe

  18. um, no i'm not terribly excited for the new album

    seen them live

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