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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. I shall slam him into a drunken shape. :yesey:


    I have now!


    I'm enjoying my first glass of red wine for about 3 or 4 weeks. It's like a mini orgasm in my mouth. :happy:

  2. I'm trying to! In fact i'm trying to kidnap him all the way to Latvia.


    I hadn't seen them before! Or rather, i'd seen one years ago, forgotten about it, and hadn't seen the rest! :LOL:

  3. We're from the same place, but he's at Oxford Brookes University.

  4. Can we have an albino giraffe? :happy:


    I wish I could. Haven't seen Khai since Easter. And even then only briefly. :(




    It's 4.30am... I really should go to sleep. Night! :kiss:

  5. Fun! I want to have fun. :(


    It is indeed exhausting! A duel eh? You mean like:







    It does! Well... I guess I could call it Cat Features instead? Here little Cat Features! :pussy:


    No one knows! But it's on the first page of: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=61535 and it's presumed to be an insult. Totoro bless it's uncertain gender heart, has a way with words. :happy:

  6. :(


    Oh well, i'm cool wid that. :cool:

  7. I actually have my sun glasses on atm. :cool:

  8. What did you do? :awesome:


    Woo! They better send me ice cream :mad:


    Here is Khai demonstrating the literal power of serious shapes: http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg290/static_shadows/shapeslamming.jpg


    :noey: It has to be Cat Face. :yesey:


    Absolutely no calm in that shitbag.

  9. Oh and whoever said that was shitbagging you. Tim Burton isn't involved with the film, but it does look very Tim Burton, and was made by the person Tim made Nightmare Before Christmas with!

  10. Mmmm beeeeer! :awesome:


    Nope! Didn't take a camera with me. When I do I always spend far too much time taking pictures and recording videos, and not even nearly enough time throwing some serious shapes.


    Now that's just silly!

  11. No. Although I had a couple of beers after the film! Film was really good. Ending felt a bit rushed, but it was pretty funny in places and had some wonderfully dark and twisted touches!


    A hand painted guitar. She was a really good guitarist too! Had loads of effects to create waves of sound. :happy:


    Maybe! But the I would of course have to call it Spider. :yesey:

  12. he really has aimed for the wrong mouth there! The bloke in the horse looks absolutely gutted.

  13. My ears are still ringing. :( Head's better though! Just got back from seeing Coraline in 3D at the cinema!


    http://www.myspace.com/thejoyformidable They are very good! Been really enjoying their 8 track mini album today!


    Well they did steal someone's hip flask after knocking over their own beer, so I wouldn't put it past them. :shifty:


    I want a cat! I shall steal one, and it shall be my own, and I shall call it cat face. :happy:

  14. Urghgh. My head hurts, and my ears are ringing. :( I think it was something like 2 guinesses and 7 rum and cokes... Problem with going to gigs by yourself is that you use drinking as a replacement for talking!


    Two of the bands were local! The Joy Formidable (from North Wales) are:

    (wait till it kicks in!), and she was lovely. :happy: And the headline band was The Future Of The Left, who are quite big and originally from Cardiff. They gave us apples and climbed the ceiling!


    Also, Pulled Apart By Horses were the main support act, and were amazing solely for the main guitarist/screamer moving the mic into the middle of the audience and playing the gig from there! And the band that finished the evening from 11pm-12 were a three piece from the US, The Psychic Paramount, who played the weirdest music i've ever heard... kind of sounded like the most horrible screeching sound you have ever heard in your life (somehow tortured out of a guitar), crossed with hypnotic driving drum and bass, and played at a volume which made your ears bleed. I didn't know whether to dance or laugh, so I did both!




    - Turn it right up! From 2:45 in especially is genius! :LOL::pussy:
  15. I don't remember what we were talikng about! I am a liitle bit drunk. :happy:


    I went to see 4 awesome bands! Then I wnet to the studnet union club night. Really good night! Yay! :DI had a couple of chats with the singer fro The Joy Formidable. She is hot. We had eye sex. :happy:

  16. Werewolves are allergic to mistletoe. Dr Who told me so. :cool: ...although come to think of it I think mistletoe might also be poisonous to people.


    A T.rex? With the little arms waving in the wind?! ^^

  17. Aww is it mistletoe tea then?!


    It's good to know I won't turn into an animal and ravish some poor unsuspecting person. :happy:

  18. I like tea! :happy:


    Although be careful. If it's my time of the month I may turn into a werewolf at any time!

  19. Nothing. I just feel oddly sad and lonely tonight! Must be my time of the month.

  20. That would have been immense, but for some reason I sill had to pick them up. I seem to remember not to eat though. Just carrying them around cradled in my arms...!


    My name is Mark, and you can count on it!


    Back on the nappies for you!

  21. I seem to remember it was mostly blackberries and strawberries. But it wasn't so much picked as picked up! It was literally just like old computer games with huge fruit just sat on the ground! :LOL:


    Mahaha! wait till you see this then:



    btw have you noticed Muse have announced their new album title? I changed my avatar in honour of the occasion. :cool:

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