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That Little Animal

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Posts posted by That Little Animal

  1. Drones sounds worse. My mother, my father, my brother, my sister killed by drones. Amen. Or something


    I have no problem with that for some reason.


    Edit: yet

  2. ‘Reapers’ takes the war for control of your mind right to the frontline of the war against terror: “You kill by remote control/The world is on your side. You’ve got the CIA babe.”




    That last line... :rolleyes:


    Do reviewers get the lyrics on paper, or is this their interpretation of the squealed chorus?

  3. The songs ends with a section of this:



    also, lyrics:


    “My mother, my father, my sister and my brother, my son and my daughter killed by drones”


    I hope his vocal delivery on this one is better than the last time he attempted to sing a classical song. That bit in IBTY isn't exactly stellar.

  4. I'm fine if the reviewer thought the album was a 6/10 - but as others have said, he just seemed to be taking shots at Matt and the lyrics and themes, and talked unacceptably little about how the music actually sounds.


    Not what I consider much of a review.


    Maybe so, maybe not. If at the end of listening to an album all you can remember are the crappy lyrics then the music must not have been good enough to forgive the bad bits.

  5. That Classic Rock review sort of reflects my opinion on what I've heard and seen so far. Of course, my base-level of affection for the band is probably a bit higher than the reviewer's, so I have a higher tolerance for crappy lyrics and middle school level political opinions. What I've heard so far seems cold, uninspired and creatively lacking. That's not to say there aren't parts I enjoy, but I don't feel connected to it, for lack of a better expression.


    My feeling is I'll end up rating it 7/10, right up there with the last two albums. I still expect there to be four or so songs that I'll actually keep listening to, which would be a better score than the last two actually.

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