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That Little Animal

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Posts posted by That Little Animal

  1. The 2nd Law is, as far as I'm concerned, still the most un-hyped album from a major band I've come across. Everything from the marketing to the tepid album art screamed lazy. I barely remember anything from the entire experience leading up to the release while I could write a goddamn symphony about the amount of lead up to The Resistance and the amount of activity that was going down outside of just the viral campaign.


    Hype is a double-edged sword but The Resistance felt like an album that literally tried to achieve the biggest scale of any Muse release yet, where-as with T2L they literally said "oh by the way dubstep" in a reveal trailer and let that bolt of lightning be the entire impetus of their marketing hype train. And I guess The Olympics.


    I really hope they actually "try" with Drones because I don't want to feel like this is another album that's just going to come and go.


    At this day and age and also at this point in a band's career albums just seem to come and go in general. It's been the same for bands bigger than Muse, whatever hype exists is very short-lived, tours extend way beyond the longevity of an album's radio presence. Only albums with four or five strong singles on an album seem to stick around for a while. Longevity is something for pop acts, and maybe Coldplay. Not even U2 or Foo Fighters create a lasting buzz outside of their fan base.


    So, perhaps Muse are counting on their own sound and quality and the loyalty of their fan base this time around. I'm sure they'll still sell out and have us lurking the Sexy Plane thread during the tour, and that's where their cash flow is going to come from. (The tour, not the Sexy Plane)

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