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That Little Animal

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Posts posted by That Little Animal

  1. I'm fine if the reviewer thought the album was a 6/10 - but as others have said, he just seemed to be taking shots at Matt and the lyrics and themes, and talked unacceptably little about how the music actually sounds.


    Not what I consider much of a review.


    Maybe so, maybe not. If at the end of listening to an album all you can remember are the crappy lyrics then the music must not have been good enough to forgive the bad bits.

  2. That Classic Rock review sort of reflects my opinion on what I've heard and seen so far. Of course, my base-level of affection for the band is probably a bit higher than the reviewer's, so I have a higher tolerance for crappy lyrics and middle school level political opinions. What I've heard so far seems cold, uninspired and creatively lacking. That's not to say there aren't parts I enjoy, but I don't feel connected to it, for lack of a better expression.


    My feeling is I'll end up rating it 7/10, right up there with the last two albums. I still expect there to be four or so songs that I'll actually keep listening to, which would be a better score than the last two actually.

  3. I'm looking forward to this one a lot now that I know it'll be a cappella. Finally some layered vocals will make some actual sense. I'm hoping for something in the style of Elliot Smith's I Didn't Understand, that would be lovely.


    Did the description say it was just Matt? Or Matt and Chris?

  4. But is he really using "mean" to describe people in a song again? lol


    And at what point when he's writing lyrics is he going to realize that it may be time to look up synonyms for the word "soul".

  5. I

    This is just a beginning. Be more demanding. Ask for the best. Just the best. Study and watch everything and you'll get a better idea of what good and bad. Study economy, marketing, art, women, sex, relationships, astronomy, mathematics, friendship, EVERYTHING. Be yourselves, don't be afraid of what other people think of you, don't conform, eat the world, try to see everything that's going on, you're still all very young.


    I may come back later. Buh bye... clones... : )



    Study psychology. Don't skip the chapter about narcissism. It may not be too late.

  6. This "it's all personal opinion" statement is just so old.


    If people keep telling you the same thing over and over again, it may be time to start listening instead of dismissing their argument as old because you've heard it before.

  7. By masses, I meant the way you act shocked by what I've written, all replying in the same way, like clones. It's funny though. I guess that the board is so boring and predictable, my style of writing is shocking to you, I say thing like they are. It has brought me some criticism in the real world, especially from my employers, but all in all, you get to meet the most interesting people. When you act all shy and conform your will to others', you end up with hypocrites.


    Keep on keeping it real. The world needs more people like you. You seriously rock. At first I was shocked by your writing style but now I get it. I GET it. I've seen the light. I will no longer be like everyone else. I'm an individual dammit! I will finally say what's really on my mind. I will write essays if I have to communicate my complicated and intricate individual opinion. I will be an individual, I will be unique, I will be exactly like you.

  8. Mercy is pretty good! Loving the guitar and vocals


    Gotta admit I was really worried having read all the hate


    But... The guitar is just a continuous slamming of chords on the beat.


    What is lacking on messageboards and the world in general: the passion. Write with your guts. Stop acting in masses, like you belong to a football team. I miss reading people's opinion, you're all writing the same stuff, acting like clones. I prefer acting like a clown. Write with your brain, not with the general consensus.


    What are you on about? You may have encountered some opinions other than your own, but the opinions on this song (are we still talking about Mercy here?) are as varied as as the opinions about anything Muse have released in the last couple of years.


    If you're looking for passion, try to get involved with organizations that fight hunger, injustice or the destruction of the planet. You'll find it there. I'm sorry we're not wasting our guts on our musical preference, but I feel they're spent better elsewhere.

  10. ?? :LOL: it sounds pretty much the same when it did through winamp with only subtle differences. My point is that there is no different version in iTunes.


    Sorry, my post was more a response to the one you quoted.

  11. I also have it in iTunes and it sounds the same to me - shit.


    ITunes uses it's own equalizer, so depending on your settings, songs in iTunes are going to sound differently from songs played using a different program.

  12. To those who question whether this is the final mix or mastered version, ask yourself why on earth Warner would ever, in any situation, line up a download link with a version other than the one they intend to share.

  13. I would agree, but the entire album is a concept, so technically all of the songs were probably written, not necessarily from an urge to express anything, but to tell the narrative. That being the case, Mercy, while you may consider it musically lazy, might be an integral part of the album from a lyrical standpoint.


    Agreed. That's why I would argue that unless you REALLY have something to say, a concept album reeks of artificially summoned inspiration.

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