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That Little Animal

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Posts posted by That Little Animal

  1. Riff - Hyper Music

    Bass - Hysteria

    Guitar solo - Citizen Erased

    Drums - Assassin

    Piano - Space Dementia

    Vocals - Spiral Static

    Backing Vocals - Spiral Static

    Chorus - Sunburn

    Verses - New Born

    Intro - Muscle Museum

    Outro - Micro Cuts

    Lyrics - Megalomania


    Edit: let me add to that:


    Atmosphere - Spiral Static

  2. I'm not too excited about the vid, the narrative, visuals and song mean very little to me and everyone in it looks like a model trying to act. A big pile of LA fakeness.

  3. All I here is "killed by drones" over and over again. I just can't get past the lyrics :(


    I do appreciate the effort and balls it took to make a track like this but I'll never enjoy it. A shame really


    The lyrics are not bothering me at all, for once.

  4. Dead Inside - 5.0/10

    Very 'meh' from me, not a bad song but not the sort of Muse that I like


    Drill Sergeant + Psycho - 5.5/10

    Great riff, but killed a bit through repetition. When it comes to Muse, lyrics are not a deal-breaker for me, but these were just out of this world terrible and cringe-y at times.


    Mercy - 5.0/10

    Another 'meh', not that much to say about this one to be honest and hence the '5'


    Reapers - 7.5/10

    Ok, here we go... Killer chorus riff makes this song for me. The outro part is a good listen too. Lyrics pretty bad again but I don't particularly care in this case. Better than the rock songs of T2L and The Resistance and a step in the right direction


    The Handler - 9.0/10

    Pardon my French... but where the **** did this song come from! I can't only be me that thinks this is the best song Matt has written since Absolution? I could spend ages listing everything which is so right about this song but I'll highlight the vocals which are just superb... Just shows they still have it in them.


    JFK + Defector - 5.5/10

    Again a cool riff, not a bad tune but not too keen on the vocals.


    Revolt - 2.0/10

    I could tell from the first 5 seconds I was going to hate it, however it wasn't until the chorus that I realised how much I would hate it. Skip every time for me.


    Aftermath - 4.0/10



    The Globalist - 5.5/10

    Lot's of built up hype for this one, but a bit disappointed personally. It has potential and I can see why it was referred to as citizen erased 2.0, but as others have said I think Matt misunderstood what the fans love about citizen erased.


    Drones - NA/10

    Very different, can't really review it. I don't hate it, just an interesting way to close the album. I don't think it is meant to be listened on its own but as part of the 'story' of the album.


    The Whole 'Drones' concept - 4.0/10

    I don't think there is anywhere near enough depth in the human Drones idea for this to be a compelling concept. It get's a bit annoying after a while too (for me anyway)


    Overall - 6.0/10 (gave a bonus point for The Handler)


    I personally rate harshly for all music so that my real favourites stand out more so this mark isn't actually too bad. For reference I would give,


    Showbiz - 6.0/10

    OoS - 9.0/10

    Absolution - 8.5/10

    BHAR - 7.0/10

    The Resistance - 6.0/10

    T2L - 4.0/10


    I agree with pretty much all of that, except I'd add a point to everything you rated.


    Couple differences:


    Revolt gets a 1.

    Defector gets an 8 (it's simple, but it sounds good to me)

    T2L gets a 6.

    Drones, the song, gets a 7.

  5. So Matt wanted to see if he could write a song as good as Citizen Erased again. The fact that he had the borrow huge chunks from other composers alone proved that he failed in his quest. It's such an artificial unnatural sounding Frankenstein monster of a song, some decent ideas hastily stapled together.


    If this thing becomes a regular one at concerts it may just end up being the entire encore. I hope it doesn't replace KoC though, but they definitely should drop the MWaH bit to not have Morricone overkill.


    End of thoughts.

  6. This thing is better than Guiding Light for me. But miles below Invincible, which is my least favorite BHaR track.


    The intro sounds promising. Then it goes into We Are The World territory.

  7. Even after many listens it still goes on a little longer than I anticipate but there is something about it I enjoy. I like the small changes in the dumming and even though the guitar remains the same, I still feel like it's building.


    It builds, but it builds into nowhere.

  8. I haven't added any of the leaked stuff to my phone yet, and I've only listened to it once.


    The officially released stuff makes for some very good listening while I walk around town, somehow even Dead Inside and Mercy clicked when I listen to the whole thing through. Not that I love them, but I don't feel the need to skip them yet.


    Defector was a definite meh when I first listened to it, but now that I can sing along a bit it's quite the enjoyable guilty pleasure. I really hope the final tracks will undergo a similar transformation because I didn't like any of them upon first listen.


    As for the solo discussion:


    The solos themselves aren't amazing, but most songs need them to stop them from being repetitive. I don't know if that's a good thing, but it works for me on this album. I can handle the Reapers solo for it's wanky over the topness without the need for bells and whistles. I can handle the Defector solo because it's actually good to my ears and the song itself really needs some diversity. I'm still puzzled by the Handler's solo/bridge. Not sure what they were going for there.

  9. i dont understand this whoe "eww queen vocals thing" what noone can use broad vocal harmonies because queen did


    Not just the harmonies. It's something about the dynamics too.

  10. The whole levers game and standby for more music and "special missions"....

    thoughts on what's coming yet through that? Or totally abandoned?


    Didn't it leak because it was shipped to people? Kind of silly to plan a release game at the same time.


    Or did some music store mess up with these early shipments?

  11. The end is like the grand finale of a middle school musical about world peace. Yawning parents are ready to go home but they have to sit through six more minutes of this crap and pretend to be proud.

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