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That Little Animal

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Posts posted by That Little Animal

  1. I mean I've heard the term thrown around forever, not in relation to Muse really since Guiding Light came about. And now a few people that don't know anything about guitar have learned a new vocabulary word and throw it around like it means anything.


    The Newborn live solo in its different incarnations has brought about some wankery discussions in the past, probably also because the hand motions were quite literally reminiscent of the actual act of wanking.

  2. Lol exactly. Also the amount of people throwing out the term wank/wankery. Buzz word 2015. Its the first time Matt has done a lengthy solo like that barring Dark Shines. Stop complaining.


    I think wankery has been thrown about since OOS, both in the positive and negative sense. This solo is a bit out there, if the album version is a little tighter i think it'll be great.

  3. I still think it's gonna be a cheesy love song.


    Based on the title and the place in the narrative (The subject must end up "lost in the wild" and disappointed by love to end up in the claws of Psycho's drill sergeant) it is likely that it'll involve some kind of heartbreak or abandonment. But that can range from cheesy love song to angsty emo, to anger. I don't expect it to be a very sweet and lovey dovey ditty of positivity.

  4. HOOLLYYY hell my face melted when I heard this last night, it's SOOOO fucking epic! :facemelt: Absolutely love it!! Lyrics are typically meh, although 'your ass belongs to me now' is just hilarious :LOL: but ughh that riff is divine! I cannot WAIT to see this live next week, it's gonna be fucking insaaaane. It's just what I've been waiting for from them: heavy as fuck, gritty, sexy bass, and the best thing ever to headbang/mosh to… bring on the Psycho Tour!! :\mm/::musesign:


    That's the spirit!

  5. The only thing that rubs me the wrong way are parts of the second verse. "Superdrone (super drone)" is just unnecessary and the program and virusssss line is bad, but almost forgivable. Matt's tongue in cheek delivery puts too much emphasis on it. By know we should know Muse is not to be taken too seriously, i get it without the gimmicky approach.


    Minor points though, overall it's quite amazing.

  6. First-time and only listening ... Played it in youtube at work so I just listened to the audio.


    I want to like it but right now, I will be honest, I do not like it at all, very Pop'sh, going to the same direction T2L took.


    I am not sure if a repeated listening is necessary. Or if I am just having a bad day.





  7. This is exactly what is bothering me about it. It never goes anywhere. For being 5 and a half minutes long, nothing really happens. This one could have really benefited from Muse's tried and true "End with a completely different riff" ala Stockholm, MK Ultra, or Unnatural Selection.


    It's an album track, and it fits the theme of relentlessly pounding someone's mind to break them down.


    Besides, even as a Stockholm outtro I wouldn't mind this riff going on for five minutes live.

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