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That Little Animal

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Posts posted by That Little Animal

  1. "Filler" always sounds like an unfair deflection of the fact that someone doesn't LIKE a song unto the band for creating an (allegedly) shit song.

    I highly doubt Muse is cranking out songs they don't think are good, at this stage.

    You don't like it - that's fair. Why does it have to be a fault of the song?


    I think of a filler as a song that wasn't written out of the artist's urge to express himself, but rather because they're making a full length album and it needs to be a certain length. Nothing about this song sounds genuine to me. There's no emotion and musically it's a repetition of steps. So that's why I'm calling it a filler.


    In comparison, I dislike Dead Inside, but I don't think it's a filler, the emotion sounds more genuine to me and as a whole, it's not something the band have done before musically.

  2. I think it's possible that the 10-minute Globalist is split up in two shorter tracks, part two being Drones. It would explain why it hasn't been mentioned yet and why the Globalist is consistently described as the last song. It would be sort of be in line with the final tracks of the last two albums.


    It sounds like a shuffle nightmare, so I really hope it's not the case.

  3. You keep making baseless claims about "lack of originality" without refuting mine.


    I'm sorry, I didn't know I was supposed to consider everything you say when I state my own opinion. Should I refute everything anyone says when my opinion doesn't match theirs, or are you special somehow? Were we having some kind of argument?


    There is no lack of originality unless Muse makes music derivative of other artists rather than allowing themselves to be influenced by other genres/artists, UNLESS they shamelessly lift direct elements from specific songs (i.e. New Born riff lifted note-for-note, same tempo and pasted into Unnatural Selection).


    I see where our alleged disagreement comes from, your definition of originality is very specific and completely different from mine. To me, the songs we heard so far sound uninspired, like a repetition of moves. None of the songs have surprised me musically or lyrically. In the past, even on the past two albums, even when they were inspired by other songs, bands or genres, there was always an element of 'holy shit, what have they gone and done now?'. The Drones material is lacking that feeling for me, it sounds stale.


    And the claim that Muse using fragments of original pieces of music written and debuted live in their own shows which eventually became a part of their own repertoire somehow implies that Muse is "unoriginal" is preposterous. My argument is consistent, your rebuttal is not because you just ignored my post, assert my argument is inconsistent, and reassert your unsubstantiated point.


    It's funny you think I ignored your post and yet somehow provided you with a rebuttal at the same time.


    Regarding incorporating live riffs into new studio work:

    - Psycho's riff is fun, but it's not original by any means.

    - Unlike other elements of songs Muse have debuting live in part and then incorporated into songs, Psycho pretty much is a constant repetition of that one fun, but 'cheap' riff. Take a Bow, for example, is a lot more than a repetition of that little snippet they used to play live.

  4. Didn't see people complaining they used the little piano outro for CE in Glasto 2004 as Take a Bow.


    I'm not complaining. Just pointing out the lack of originality present in what we've heard from Drones so far, as well as the inconsistency in JJthemuse's argument.


    I like Psycho. DI is meh. Reapers sounds promising, Mercy could go either way.


    Original however, they are not.

  5. Plus the fact that they made the Psycho riffs over the years themselves...


    Which supports the notion that they ran out of ideas for this album so they had to dig up an old riff.

  6. You've really only got to look at the Psycho thread to get the gist of it, really.


    Everyone super, SUPER excited, this is what we always wanted, Muse is back, etc, etc.

    And then none of those people show up ever again, or they settle down.


    Just because people choose not to repeat themselves doesn't mean all of the enthusiasm is gone. I mean, I could go in there and say what I think about Psycho again, but what's the point.

  7. I think they should have spread the two songs out more, especially since they aren't exactly making a big push to promote DI right now.

    Things were so exciting for a while, and now I'm bored and irritated. :phu:

    Even a pro-shot of the two songs we know on TV would be exciting, at this point.


    I feel like they got people's pre-order money during the exciting period, and then just stopped trying, and that was the strategy. :(


    They needed some cash to build their stage and buy a ton of drones. They were running low.


    Edit: on a more serious note, what I really don't get is the timing of the DI video.

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