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That Little Animal

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Posts posted by That Little Animal

  1. I must have listened to this song 20 times today, but it doesn't stick in my head for some reason. I couldn't sing even 10 seconds of it if you put a gun to my head. I can sing/hum all the other ones, but this one doesn't seem to have a catchy melody. Which is great, it keeps listening to it interesting.

  2. Well the other person will be my mother because I'll be in the living room with the good speakers and sub, but I'm counting that.


    I'll be doing the same actually!


    Back in the OoS days I got quite a few friends into Muse. But that was in Holland, I'm having a lot less luck in the States, whether that is because the taste of people here, the fact that my friends are older here, or the fact that Muse was better/easier to get into back then I don't know.


    I used to do home care for old people back in Amsterdam and I actually got quite a few people 70 and up to listen to them. They even started requesting more, Absolution was their favorite album, usually.

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