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Oooh, things sound very promising.


A) I'm probably sticking to the hostels. My mom looked into hotels for me and the good ones are like $250/night.


A friend checked rates for me a couple of weeks ago... the Hilton on Monroe was $250, and the one on Michigan was $340 :eek:.

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Oooh, things sound very promising.


A friend checked rates for me a couple of weeks ago... the Hilton on Monroe was $250, and the one on Michigan was $340 :eek:.


I got very lucky last year to stay at the Hilton on Michigan for free because of my dad's work. Very convenient. :awesome:

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Just now joining the party! Gretchen, any chance you can squeeze one more into your room? Is this a suite by any chance? How many beds? Not that it matters all that much... just looking to help cut some costs and have a great time with my Muser friends! :D:dance:


:dance: we are going to have so much fun!!! actually we are supposed to have 2 beds and a sleeper sofa. the reservation says oversized room, but I have no idea what size they mean by that. :LOL:


Linda... LOVE you sig pics!!!



226 days until lolla :facepalm:


why wont this stoooopid computer here at work let me multi quote? ancient decrepit thing.

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:dance: we are going to have so much fun!!! actually we are supposed to have 2 beds and a sleeper sofa. the reservation says oversized room, but I have no idea what size they mean by that. :LOL:


Linda... LOVE you sig pics!!!



226 days until lolla :facepalm:


why wont this stoooopid computer here at work let me multi quote? ancient decrepit thing.


Yay! I'm totally in! Thanks! :D


I'm making my own reservation, too, just in case anyone changes their mind and we want a second room. It will be easy enough to cancel later if it's not needed.


This will be so much fun! Can't wait! Lookout Lolla, here we come!!! :dance::party::\mm/:

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Are we going to arrange a Delaware-to-Chicago caravan?:musesign:


Are you thinking about driving?! DE Muser convoy! We need to rent a red Peterbilt truck for the trip!


Casey lived in Chicago so she knows the city and good places to eat/drink - not that I'll be eating or drinking much as to condition my body for the big camp out day with limited access to restrooms! :(

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Haha. It's sounding like Lolla is becoming the Great Muse Odyssey with Musers from all over the country making the trek to Chicago for this glorious event. Haha


*screams Ron Burgundy style* MUSE TEAM!! ASSEEEEEMBBLLLLLEEEE!!!!


Yes!!! Well, as long a our boys def play, I will be there. I'm bringing my bestie, even though she's not a full-blown Muser, she's excited. Can't wait to meet all of you crazy kids!

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Im going! All I have to do is figure out if Im going for 1 or 3 days. Ive got friends from college in the Chicago area, so I dont think I need a room, but Im down for meeting up with some people and making this a Musetastic event!


I vote for a Muse sing along somewhere in Chicago.


Plus, if you want to be my friend on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/SKelly84

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Forgive me for not reading the whole thread, but I'm just curious how sure are we that Muse will be at Lolla?


Edit: By the way, I would probably definitely be interested in the Muser meetup as well, especially if everyone is gonna try to get barrier.


I've been pretty damn sure for months. Especially ever since Matt tweeted me about "one of the two, maybe" in reference to Lolla or Roo. After that, more and more evidence, and just general knowledge of how C3 works, and I'm 99% sure at this point that they'll be there. Hell, I knew since September last year that'd they do ACL 2010, so there you go. :p

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I've been pretty damn sure for month. Especially ever since Matt tweeted me about "one of the two, maybe" in reference to Lolla or Roo. After that, more and more evidence, and just general knowledge of how C3 works, and I'm 99% sure at this point that they'll be there. Hell, I knew since September last year that'd they do ACL 2010, so there you go. :p


Haha well thanks for the reply, now I'm really considering making the trip from Maryland to go to this! Especially since in-between tour shows usually seem to be pretty epic.

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Haha well thanks for the reply, now I'm really considering making the trip from Maryland to go to this! Especially since in-between tour shows usually seem to be pretty epic.


I was gonna go whether they played or not. But yeah, I sure hope we get a rarity or two! We deserve it.

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I was gonna go whether they played or not. But yeah, I sure hope we get a rarity or two! We deserve it.


Especially considering they decided to play CE at the show right AFTER the Nassau one which I was at...I mean the one WE were at :indiff:


Nevermind, I just saw you did go to NJ. Grr. :p

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Especially considering they decided to play CE at the show right AFTER the Nassau one which I was at...I mean the one WE were at :indiff:


Nevermind, I just saw you did go to NJ. Grr. :p


I also got CE at Voodoo, and Wembley, and Manchester. :p But yeah, I feel your pain.

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:awesome: Meet a bunch of Musers and get freaked-out looks from passersby as we belt out Micro Cuts? I'm there. :chuckle:





Aw, man. I wish I had someone to fly with. Phoenix Musers, where are you? :supersad:


:supersad: Me too! I'm used to flying by myself, but still... :(


I think we should definately work out our flights so you and I can maybe meet up at the airport and head to the hostel together! :D

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