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I'm sure this has been discussed, but I'm being lazy and hoping to avoid searching through 700 posts... :$


As I already mentioned, I need a room (and roomies). All options are open at the moment. I'm all for cutting costs as much as possible. Don't mind squeezing in with a bunch of others, except for the issue of too many people having to share one bathroom.


Where is everyone staying? So far, I'm seeing Travelodge and HI Hostel. Anywhere else? I'm thinking of making a reservation somewhere and cancelling later if I end up in someone else's room, but I'd rather have a room booked now in case it's needed.


This is gonna be one helluva huge Muser Meet! :awesome::dance:

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Right now I'm booked at the HI Hostel, have been since August, but I'm going to talk to my mom about getting a REAL hotel room, like at the Hilton or something, so we'll see...


Let me know what you decide. I'm really torn between the hotel and hostel. I'm not terribly picky and sharing space, but I'm thinking it might be more comfortable if we just put four people in a hotel room, and maybe even cheaper ... the Travelodge divided by four is less than the hostel cost per person. One thing I've noticed about both is: No parking included. I'll be driving, I'm almost positive, and it's going to suck to pay an extra $30 per day! I can live with it, though ... worth it!

But I definitely want to be around Musers wherever I stay ... and be able to go to whatever GTGs are planned.


OK, dumb question for festival veterans ... I know people say it's easy to get to barrier if you stay there all day, but do you seriously go from 10 a.m. to the end of the night without peeing? How is that possible? Even if you drink nothing ... :$. But I have to be on barrier so guess I'll figure it out ... :LOL:.


I haven't had a chance to say it yet since I read Catherine's post at 3 a.m., but I am soooooooo friggin excited about this. Even though it's not 100 percent certain, it's the kind of inspiring news I really needed ... even if August is far away, something to look forward to! Can't wait to see all of you there!:D

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OK, dumb question for festival veterans ... I know people say it's easy to get to barrier if you stay there all day, but do you seriously go from 10 a.m. to the end of the night without peeing? How is that possible? Even if you drink nothing ... :$. But I have to be on barrier so guess I'll figure it out ... :LOL:.


I have been wondering something similar :LOL: But some people said you can kind of sneak away in the early afternoon and make it back without losing your place.


I will do whatever is necessary. Hell, I'd even wear freakin' Depends! :LOL:


It's barrier or gtfo for me, no matter what :yesey:

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A) I'm probably sticking to the hostels. My mom looked into hotels for me and the good ones are like $250/night. There's an Aloft opening up near there June 1 that's a possibility, but they aren't booking yet, so for now, yeah, hostel. And I've seen both the hostel and the Travelodge... the hostel looked nicer. For real, the Travelodge looked NASTY. Just warning you. So yeah, HI Hostel for me for now. It's always easy to cancel.


B) You really won't need to pee while camping for barrier. You just don't think about it... earlier on in the day everyone really is "camping" out so it's not very hard to leave and come back to your space. I'd say around 2pm though it definitely gets too hectic to do so... we can also send people on food runs early on. I camped for Lady Gaga at Lolla this year and I only left my spot once at like noon to go stretch out my legs a bit. At some point in the day though, you will have to pack up all yourself and won't be able to sit down again, like 4-6pmish. Then it'll be a bit more packed in as more people come and decide to stay to get good spots. I'd be happy to answer more questions, I've done this many times before, including Oasis at ACL 2005...

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Hi everyone, I know it's been a while since I posted on here, but I wanted to stick my head in. I had the worse case of PMS after the Perth gig and this is exactly what I needed :D What an awesome way to wake up. I'm so excited I haven't even had the chance to ask Catherine how she saw Rob again. Did she meet Matt again??? I hope she had that restraining order paperwork with her :chuckle:


My husband and I are at Travelodge. I know it's not the nicest place, but we are just staying there to sleep and shower. I'm not worried about it. Anyways, we are driving up the Wednesday before to do "touristy" stuff on Thursday before the gig since this is our summer vacation, but I'd be happy to help plan a GTG or something for that Thursday night. I would probably need some help from a native-Chicago resident, but just let me know what you think.

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While Travelodge certainly doesn't sound like the nicest hotel in the world by any stretch of imagination, it sounds like it's the most cost-effective plan for those who want a hotel but aren't made of money, in addition to being conveniently located. And let's face it - we probably won't be spending much time in our rooms, anyway (this isn't a business or relaxation vacation). I'll probably end up booking there, and booking is something I hope to have accomplished within the next few weeks (was aiming to do it before the end of the year but probably won't happen - still, I want to secure a room while they're available).


I've never been to a festival, either, so it'll be an experience for me. And hey, if someone really needs a desperate bathroom break, I'm sure some fellow Musers can look out for their spot earlier in the day (before the crowd gets too hectic, anyway; I agree that there comes a certain point where you need to stick it out by staying put or else you're out of luck).

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While Travelodge certainly doesn't sound like the nicest hotel in the world by any stretch of imagination, it sozunds like it's the most cost-effective plan for those who want a hotel but aren't made of money, in addition to being conveniently located. And let's face it - we probably won't be spending much time in our rooms, anyway (this isn't a business or relaxation vacation). I'll probably end up booking there, and booking is something I hope to have accomplished within the next few weeks (was aiming to do it before the end of the year but probably won't happen - still, I want to secure a room while they're available).


I've never been to a festival, either, so it'll be an experience for me. And hey, if someone really needs a desperate bathroom break, I'm sure some fellow Musers can look out for their spot earlier in the day (before the crowd gets too hectic, anyway; I agree that there comes a certain point where you need to stick it out by staying put or else you're out of luck).


If you book a room before me, I'd like to be a roomie! and if I book in the next month or so, you're more than welcome to join me. :)

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If you book a room before me, I'd like to be a roomie! and if I book in the next month or so, you're more than welcome to join me. :)

Oh, you're totally welcome as a roomie! (you already asked me about this before, anyway) And thanks, that'd be awesome! Guess it'll depend on who can book first (we'll see how much I receive in Christmas funds). :)

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A) I'm probably sticking to the hostels. My mom looked into hotels for me and the good ones are like $250/night. There's an Aloft opening up near there June 1 that's a possibility, but they aren't booking yet, so for now, yeah, hostel. And I've seen both the hostel and the Travelodge... the hostel looked nicer. For real, the Travelodge looked NASTY. Just warning you. So yeah, HI Hostel for me for now. It's always easy to cancel.


B) You really won't need to pee while camping for barrier. You just don't think about it... earlier on in the day everyone really is "camping" out so it's not very hard to leave and come back to your space. I'd say around 2pm though it definitely gets too hectic to do so... we can also send people on food runs early on. I camped for Lady Gaga at Lolla this year and I only left my spot once at like noon to go stretch out my legs a bit. At some point in the day though, you will have to pack up all yourself and won't be able to sit down again, like 4-6pmish. Then it'll be a bit more packed in as more people come and decide to stay to get good spots. I'd be happy to answer more questions, I've done this many times before, including Oasis at ACL 2005...


I'm leaning towards the hostel too ... I'm guessing a $30/night hostel is probably nicer than a $90/night hotel. As long as I'm with friends I think I can survive either one. What kind of room did you book? I'll book the same and we can try to make an all-Muser room maybe?

OK, that description of the bathroom situation sounds so much better than I had thought ... makes sense. I can definitely live with not going from mid-afternoon on. I had pictured it as people standing all packed in the whole time.:stunned:

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I'm very much looking forward to the largest North American Muser Meet EVER!!!
I'm just as excited about meeting up with everyone as I am about seeing Muse again! :dance:


I will do whatever is necessary. Hell, I'd even wear freakin' Depends! :LOL:
Catheterization never sounded so good ...



Why does it have to be so far away though...

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I'm leaning towards the hostel too ... I'm guessing a $30/night hostel is probably nicer than a $90/night hotel. As long as I'm with friends I think I can survive either one. What kind of room did you book? I'll book the same and we can try to make an all-Muser room maybe?

OK, that description of the bathroom situation sounds so much better than I had thought ... makes sense. I can definitely live with not going from mid-afternoon on. I had pictured it as people standing all packed in the whole time.:stunned:


It doesn't say on my reservation but I THINK I got the 4 person one. We can send our names in to ask to be grouped together later. :yesey: Well, at some point I might have to call to change my reservation anyways and come a day earlier, so yeah, do the 4 I guess.

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So is the plan to try and get a bunch of musers into the same hostels? Because if so that sounds pretty awesome. Would be down to do that. The cheapness of a hostel + the muser madness would make it an easy to pick to go for a hostel instead of some crappy overpriced hotel.

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So is the plan to try and get a bunch of musers into the same hostels? Because if so that sounds pretty awesome. Would be down to do that. The cheapness of a hostel + the muser madness would make it an easy to pick to go for a hostel instead of some crappy overpriced hotel.


Yep, go for the HI Hostel! Pretty close and not bad at all.

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