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Nah, Sunburn is a good piano song but Apoc. Please owns it senseless.


AP's lyrics are probably the best from any Muse song, bar RbS and Hoodoo which are both also fantastic piano songs. Sunburn is up there too, but it can never beat the above piano songs.




Well, from the point of view of a pianist, sunburn is technically a better piano song. The way it uses the notes of a chord to create movement. And if you listen, there are some interesting things that happen in the notes of the "riff".


In your defense, AP has the classical bit, but that doesn't balance the entire song into "greatest" category. Also in your defense, the lyrics to sunburn are kind of annoying.

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Well, from the point of view of a pianist, sunburn is technically a better piano song. The way it uses the notes of a chord to create movement. And if you listen, there are some interesting things that happen in the notes of the "riff".


In your defense, AP has the classical bit, but that doesn't balance the entire song into "greatest" category. Also in your defense, the lyrics to sunburn are kind of annoying.


I love Sunburn's piano solo live but I think Apoc. Please's outro is much better. I'm a pianist too, and I find Apoc. Please easier to play because its basically repetition. Sunburn's verses may be easy to play but once it reaches the breakdown, it gets quite complicated.


About the lyrics bit, I feel that both are equally good. The messages in both are totally different, so it's quite impossible to compare, really.


Sunburn's lyrics are by far the most intelligent for a song that is in the same genre as the likes of Invincible and Unintended. I'm particularly impressed by the first line (Come waste your millions here) and the line "I'll hide from the world behind a broken frame". Genious.


Apoc. Please's lyrics are very good. The message is simple and clear. It's lyrics are also not typical of any Muse song, in a sense that its not total "randomness". New Born is a masterpiece of a song but the ONLY reason why its not in my top 5 is because of the random lyrics with absolutely no meaning.


Same for most other OOS songs; although the music is brilliant, the lyrics are just too random. I'd say the only OOS songs that have meanings are Bliss and Micro Cuts, hence why they are my top 2 from OOS. Citizen Erased also comes close, as its describing how difficult it is for someone to be under pressure from questions. The title ruins it for me though, Citizen Erased hardly has any link with the lyrics.

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I thought i was the only one who ..err 'bummed' it (you see that just sounds wrong on two levels - shits on it would be a far more appropriate arse related phrase :cool:).


Basically I find the piano riff dull and the vocals and lyrics ridiculous (even for muse :LOL:). The only bit i vaguely like is the 3 note synth with wailing. And even that wears thin quickly. Along with Invincible and Uno its one of the very few album tracks i don't like.



Apoc. Please's lyrics are very good. The message is simple and clear. It's lyrics are also not typical of any Muse song, in a sense that its not total "randomness". New Born is a masterpiece of a song but the ONLY reason why its not in my top 5 is because of the random lyrics with absolutely no meaning.


I not only prefer New Born's lyrics but would argue they have more meaning than bellowing:


'this is the end. Yeah this is the end. Of the world.'


As Matt's not actually religious and is only using that 'character' (as he called it) for the apocalyse theme of the album i'd argue it makes it pretty random in the muse cannon (catelogue/thingy or whateveryouliketocall it!) and pretty hollow and meaningless.

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I not only prefer New Born's lyrics but would argue they have more meaning than bellowing:


'this is the end. Yeah this is the end. Of the world.'


As Matt's not actually religious and is only using that 'character' (as he called it) for the apocalyse theme of the album i'd argue it makes it pretty random in the muse cannon (catelogue/thingy or whateveryouliketocall it!) and pretty hollow and meaningless.


"Link it to the world, link it to yourself.

Stretch it like its a birthsqueeze

The love for what you hide

For bitterness inside

Is growing like the new born

When you've seen

Seen too much

Too young, young

Souless is everywhere"


as compared to


"Declare this an emergency

Come on and spread a sense of urgency

And pull us through

And pull us through

And this is the end

This is the end

Of the world"


I'd say the latter wins outright. Clear message. I do not know what the hell New Born's lyrics signify or mean, and frankly I do not want to know. It's just crap, ruins a perfectly good song IMHO. If New Born HAD a meaning, it would be my favourite. But no, the lyrics make me cringe.


New Born has an ace riff, a fantastic musical melody in the verses and chorus, a great solo (especially live) and the cute little piano bit at the start. The lyrics are horrible though. They carry no meaning, they just serve to make New Born a song and not an instrumental. Matt's exceptionally brilliant vocals in this song go to complete waste due to this. What a pity.


On the other hand, my likeness for AP stems from the fact that it has powerful piano chords, powerful drums, powerful bassline, powerful lyrics, powerful vocals etc...


I rest my case.;)

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I'd say the latter wins outright. Clear message. I do not know what the hell New Born's lyrics signify or mean, and frankly I do not want to know.


On the other hand, my likeness for AP stems from the fact that it has powerful piano chords, powerful drums, powerful bassline, powerful lyrics, powerful vocals etc...


I rest my case.;)


And as a undergrad english lit student I'd say Newborn wins outright. Where you say 'clear message' for AP's lyrics i'd say cliched & dull. I love New Born's lyrics, unexpected, occasionally dark imagery and strangely poetical. It appeals to my pretentious language loving side :LOL:


My dislike of AP stems from repetitive & simple piano chords (sounds to me like a one armed man attacking a piano with a hammer - but not even nearly as interesting), meg white-esque drumming, plodding bassline, dull lyrics, average vocals etc...




(you know we agree on alot of other things, but i'll never agree to liking AP! :LOL:)

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My dislike of AP stems from repetitive & simple piano chords (sounds to me like a one armed man attacking a piano with a hammer - but not even nearly as interesting), meg white-esque drumming, plodding bassline, dull lyrics, average vocals etc...




(you know we agree on alot of other things, but i'll never agree to liking AP! :LOL:)




I loved that hammer crack! Classic! Oh why of all the songs Apocalypse Please? Can't we hate something that we can both agree is shite? Hmm...


I can safely say that AP is similar to Invincible in a sense that people either adore it or hate it.

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I think I prefer the early versions of the song, when it was just known as 'Emergency'. Infact I also muchly prefer the old versions of The Small Print


Absolution could have been so much better............:rolleyes:


Yes, I prefer 'Emergency'. I usually listen to that rather than AP. They should have left the piano bit in.


Haven't heard the older Small Print, must have a listen. :happy:

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I love Sunburn's piano solo live but I think Apoc. Please's outro is much better. I'm a pianist too, and I find Apoc. Please easier to play because its basically repetition. Sunburn's verses may be easy to play but once it reaches the breakdown, it gets quite complicated.


You are really saying that AP is better because it's easier to play?

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Just because you don't think it's so good, doesn't mean we agree.


AP is my second favourite Muse song, it just sums up perfectly why I love Muse's piano based music, along with Hoodoo, Ruled By Secrecy, Megalomania, etc. It's just epic and crashy and awesome.


+ The lyrics aren't half bad for once. The bridge bits are seriously orgasmic too, particularly with the new drumbeat Dom does live.


Yeh, those drums are amazing...

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I'd say the latter wins outright. Clear message. I do not know what the hell New Born's lyrics signify or mean, and frankly I do not want to know. It's just crap, ruins a perfectly good song IMHO. If New Born HAD a meaning, it would be my favourite. But no, the lyrics make me cringe.


Haha, you must absolutely hate lots of Muse songs if bad lyrics ruin songs for you!

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Bad lyrics is one thing but if they carry a message, then its fine. And I definitely dont hate New Born. Its their best song, it may not be my favourite but it is easily the best Muse song. Only a deaf, dumb and mute person wont appreciate New Born.


And I dont consider Muse's lyrics shit. Some are actually good. For example, Supermassive Black Hole's lyrics are fun, it adds on to the funkyness of that song.

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Meh, I have no real issue with Muse's lyrics, myself. Some of them are rather nonsensical, yes, but honestly, I've read much worse lyric-wise.


Anywho, I like "Apocalypse Please" because it's just so dramatic, and its lyrics perfectly seem to describe those "end of the world" religious types who stand on street corners screaming at people or something. And I just love the piano as well-I have a tendency to like piano-based songs.


But those of you out there who don't care for it, eh, hey, to each their own, right?

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Muse are more of a musical melody band. I can imagine people getting turned off Muse because of this very reason. And New Born's lyrics are horrible, compared to the likes of Take a Bow, Apocalypse Please, Stockholm Syndrome etc...


Come to think of it, there ARE actually good lyrics in certain Muse songs. So no, Muse dont define bad lyrics. Weird,unusual lyrics would be a more suitable term.

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Seriously, do you really think Unintended and Muscle Museum are good/great lyrics?













Do you listen to any other band?


Yes I do listen to other bands, Unintended is superbly written, and whats wrong with Muscle Museum's lyrics?? Matt is a great song writer, and to say Muse define bad lyrics is absolutely ridiculous.

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Yes I do listen to other bands, Unintended is superbly written, and whats wrong with Muscle Museum's lyrics?? Matt is a great song writer, and to say Muse define bad lyrics is absolutely ridiculous.


Unintended is cheesy and lacks any form of originality. It's a love song written by a teenager. The lyrics can be simple, I don't mind that, but when they're crude, it sticks out. The whole Showbiz-album is tacky, with some oh-so-funny lyrics.

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