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Pathetic. I wish he hadn't worn that fucking t-shirt so people wouldn't sign up to this place to preach their so called "truths".


I'll trust industry approved experts over spotty teenagers in a basement thank you very much.

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Besides, all these conspiracy theories are just dumbed down versions of philosophical questions. It's like scrathing the surface of real open-minded thinking, but then closing yourself in by narrowmindedly believing in these theories. Every human should have learned/taught critical thinking on their own, I don't see why these conspiracy theories have to draw people in by making them feel "wise and more englightened" than the other people.


The worst/best theory supporters are just as narrowminded as the sheep, who blindly follow the leaders.

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I refuse to believe that even the current US administration would be insane enough to plot such an intricate attack against their own country.


The only viable 9/11 conspiracy in my books is that the US government chose to ignore the warning signs of an Al Quada attack in order to have a valid reason to invade Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq, aside from their need for oil.


Cynical ++, you might say but I live in the fucking real world, not one of conspiracist mentalists like Alex Jones and his pawns.

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I like conspiracy theories, i don't subscribe to 99% of them but i still like them. I think your naive if you think conspiracies never happen, but almost all are hilariously far fetched. They may be a crock of shit but i still like reading them and looking at the "Evidence" then thinking about how much time some of these people have on their hands.


If you haven't seen it already check out Maddox's theory on the Titanic, imo its fucking hilarious.



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....conspiracy theories are just dumbed down versions of philosophical questions. It's like scrathing the surface of real open-minded thinking, but then closing yourself in by narrowmindedly believing in these theories. Every human should have learned/taught critical thinking on their own, I don't see why these conspiracy theories have to draw people in by making them feel "wise and more englightened" than the other people.


Thank you--excellent points, and very well put!




Now that would be fun--where are they then?! :LOL:

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Ok I know my spellings bad but :wtf:


Yeah, Cherryheat pointed it out already.

No fun reading his/her posts.


Now that would be fun--where are they then?! :LOL:


Dunno. Chris seems to be gone off before this thread was created.

And Ellie wasn#t on today neither it seems. :(


But yea I thought everyone knew that the Queen was a Lizard :p



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