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It annoys me when I see "Muse fans" who are 12 pretending to be into conspiracy theories just because it seems very cool and indie thing to be into.


Zeitgeist (the first part) was pretty good though....

Grown ups who think that they are open minded for believing everything that is thrown in their faces because it makes them feel special are worse.

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It annoys me when I see "Muse fans" who are 12 pretending to be into conspiracy theories just because it seems very cool and indie thing to be into.


Zeitgeist (the first part) was pretty good though....


Maybe some ppl in here will say I'm too young to have an opinion for all that stuff but those 12-year-olds you mentioned "get" into all that conspiracy theories just because the adults say it cool.It's not their fault.And I agree with Sippe.

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Frankly I enjoy reading them because of Muse. To some extent I believe them (but then again I don't think anyone has complete trust for their government) but it's not much. In the end it gets rather annoying seeing comments in all Muse videos calling people sheep for following leaders, and yet those same people will believe anything Alex Jones says

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  • 3 years later...

Short answer: no.


Longer answer: a lot of the ideas behind the concept ARE in fact real, or at least grasping at concepts that actually exist.

Some of the "control" systems probably arose on their own through human nature, social structures, and available technology, but are certainly manipulated through people in positions of power (be it government, corporations, etc.)

So, there probably isn't some "shadow organization" out there creating shit to keep people in line, but there are certainly scores of them waiting to step in and further manipulate situations as they arise.

Keeping the general public distracted and suggestible is useful on many levels.


Unfortunately, I think people who go in deep for the Illuminati theory, and other conspiracy theories, are adding to the problem by making real concerning issues seem like the ravings of a few batshit lunatics, or attention whores, and making the general population less likely to be more aware of the shady dealings behind things in our every day life.


Is there some nefarious clan, for example, making pop music to subjugate us? Probably not.

Are there people out there who are invested in using catchy music and other distractions to push corporate interests (even beyond record sales)? Absolutely.

It's profitable to keep up the illusions of proper body image, trends in clothing/makeup, etc. It's essential to keep us from questioning why we mindlessly follow those trends.

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Is the illuminati real? There are some references to it in some of the Muse lyrics, and many more in other artists' music. Just checking in with others who may share my curiosity (and fear) of conspiracy theories...


oh my god. "There" rearranged spells "Three". Illuminati confirmed. Lock up your sons and daughters, it's happening.

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I'll say what George Carlin said, a bunch of suits meeting in a dark room isn't necessary when interests converge. Raise oil prices? Just do it and everyone else in the oil industry will follow.


The only viable 9/11 conspiracy in my books is that the US government chose to ignore the warning signs of an Al Quada attack in order to have a valid reason to invade Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq, aside from their need for oil.


At the very least, Bush and Cheney used it as a scapegoat to "take care of unfinished business" for Bush Sr.

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