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I had a weird dream last night after watching the Hully gig for the first time... yeah I know!

Had something to do with the Zenith gig back and I was backstage and bopping away. At the end of the gig Matt came to the side of the stage and dragged me on so I could join in the pile-up :LOL:

Anyway afterwards we all went out for drinks and Matt had has arm around me all night, and was all giggly and snuggly. Was lovely...I think he kissed me at one point but I was just waking up :shifty:

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Woah, alotta Muse dreams lately! :eek:


I guess this could sorta be counted as a Muse dream..


I was at a music store, but instead of CD's, they had these Aerosol/Spray things instead, and when you sprayed them into the air, Music came out. (:wtf:) So anyway I found the Origin of Symmetry Spray, and I sprayed it into the air and this yellow stuff sprayed out and a song started playing (I dunno which one), but then the alarm went off in the store and I got in trouble for spraying it without buying it, and then the security made me run laps around the store as a punishment, and they were chasing me with whips.


The end. :stunned:

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Okay, don't read this if you're offended easily :LOL:


I had a dream that Dom and Bells were ripping the piss out of the new album, so I told them to stop. We were all in Bells's bedroom, it was red :) I just remember Dom going out of the room and then Matt grabbed me and I took his blue and white stripey shirt of and then we started riding each other. He was about to come out of me but his... dick... got stuck in me. I had to tell my Ma so she could pay the doctor to remove it so she threw all of my Muse albums out!!





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Okay, don't read this if you're offended easily :LOL:


I had a dream that Dom and Bells were ripping the piss out of the new album, so I told them to stop. We were all in Bells's bedroom, it was red :) I just remember Dom going out of the room and then Matt grabbed me and I took his blue and white stripey shirt of and then we started riding each other. He was about to come out of me but his... dick... got stuck in me. I had to tell my Ma so she could pay the doctor to remove it so she threw all of my Muse albums out!!




face went from

:eek: to :facepalm: to :LOL: and finally to :awesome:

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Woah, alotta Muse dreams lately! :eek:


I guess this could sorta be counted as a Muse dream..


I was at a music store, but instead of CD's, they had these Aerosol/Spray things instead, and when you sprayed them into the air, Music came out. (:wtf:) So anyway I found the Origin of Symmetry Spray, and I sprayed it into the air and this yellow stuff sprayed out and a song started playing (I dunno which one), but then the alarm went off in the store and I got in trouble for spraying it without buying it, and then the security made me run laps around the store as a punishment, and they were chasing me with whips.


The end. :stunned:


Aerosol music?? That's brilliant!

Also: "chasing me with whips" = :LOL:

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Just woke up from a Muse dream!


I was walking down an old road I used to live down and my sister was with me. I noticed this stall set up outside someones house; it was selling old videos and cd's so me and my sister went through them, me looking through what she had put aside. I noticed loads of Muse singles and things they had done before they had come more well know and I shouted at her, 'You know how much I like them, why didn't you keep them?!'.

Then I heard this really infectious laugh come from around the corner and I walked round to see Chirs, Dom and Matt sat at this long dining table in the middle of the road, laughing and drinking.

I smiled and Dom waved me over so I sat down and began to play this game of cards with them. I had no idea how to play the game but I didn't tell them. I think Matt saw me frowning at the cards I had and shuffled over to look at me cards and told me I had won!

Anyway, Dom gave everyone some new cards and I told them I didn't have a clue how to play. They all laughed and giggled and Dom passed me some of this seaweed stuff and some plastic ivy :stunned: He told me that the ivy was the most important thing to me and you could use the seaweed stuff to make someone eat it as a punishment, then he winked at me and dealt out some more cards.

We played for a good few hours, slowly getting more drunk on these weird cocktails that kept appearing, then Chris showed us a magic trick where, when he pulled his boxers up his whole bottom half became invisible. I giggled and whispered to Matt, 'Well mind defanitly don't do that!'. He burst into laugher, spraying his drink everywhere so I made him eat some of that seaweed stuff as a forfit. He then said I had won the game and I had to down his drink; a huge fishbow of this vanillary cocktail! Then I woke up :LOL:


So yeah, bit unusual :chuckle: Most creepy thing was that me and Dom kept flirting and those who know me know my feelings on Dom :p

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I seem to be having dreams about the albums... Not necessarily the band. :p


I dreamt that people were calling Showbiz (album not song) "Sunburn" instead, and I was trying to convince them that the album is actually called Showbiz and that Sunburn was only the name of the first track but they didn't beleive me. :(

Edited by Jemma
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I seem to be having dreams about the albums... Not necessarily the band. :p


I dreamt that people were calling Showbiz (album not song) "Sunburn" instead, and I was trying to convince them that the album is actually called Showbiz and that Sunburn was only the name of the first track but they didn't beleive me. :(


aww :LOL: i always get really stressed out when i have dreams like that, when people won't believe me about something:mad: then i wake up and feel really stupid for getting so angry :$:LOL:

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Woah, alotta Muse dreams lately! :eek:


I guess this could sorta be counted as a Muse dream..


I was at a music store, but instead of CD's, they had these Aerosol/Spray things instead, and when you sprayed them into the air, Music came out. (:wtf:) So anyway I found the Origin of Symmetry Spray, and I sprayed it into the air and this yellow stuff sprayed out and a song started playing (I dunno which one), but then the alarm went off in the store and I got in trouble for spraying it without buying it, and then the security made me run laps around the store as a punishment, and they were chasing me with whips.


The end. :stunned:



Music sprays :awesome:!

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Woah, alotta Muse dreams lately! :eek:


I guess this could sorta be counted as a Muse dream..


I was at a music store, but instead of CD's, they had these Aerosol/Spray things instead, and when you sprayed them into the air, Music came out. (:wtf:) So anyway I found the Origin of Symmetry Spray, and I sprayed it into the air and this yellow stuff sprayed out and a song started playing (I dunno which one), but then the alarm went off in the store and I got in trouble for spraying it without buying it, and then the security made me run laps around the store as a punishment, and they were chasing me with whips.


The end. :stunned:


The part where security made you run laps round the store made me :LOL: so much

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I seem to only have bad dreams as of late. I did dream that I had to have a USOE-flag for something, but just couldn't get hold of one, and I was so screwed if I didn't find one. This one wasn't that bad, it was just really stressful.


The night before that, I dreamt that I for some resason was with the guys in a wardrobe'y type locker-room, and it was in the basement of a venue. However, the place creeped me out something terrible, and Dom kept telling me there was nothing to fear.

Well, we were all getting ready for whatever we were going to do. Chris was in the room nextdoor talking on the phone, and Matt went up to spy on the crowd. Dom and I are about to go talk to someone in the crew about something (it didn't really make sense, because it was just random technobabble), and as I go to push the half-open door fully open, I see these black eyes and a pair of pale, rotting hands pushing the door closed. Then we hear this menacing laughter and the door is just not possible to open. I thus freak out and Dom just...doesn't, but he tries to reassure me by telling me it's just he door malfunctioning or whatever. We try to yell for someone to come and open the damn door, but no one can hear us, and we can't reach anyone by phone and then the lights go out.


And that's when I woke up, thankfully.

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^ :eek: thats scary!


I had a really long dream that included matt for the most part:


A whole room full of people were waiting around after a gig and eventually instead of having to find matt, matt walks in and starts shaking everyones hands and thanking them for seeing the gig ( hes wearing his q awards suit :chuckle:)


He gets to me last, I give him a hug and kiss him on the cheek (he doesn’t seem to mind ;) ) and ask if I can have a photo, he says yes and I ask a random girl to talk a photo of us, she trys for ages but her camera doesn’t work and she just walks away… I stand with my arm around matt waiting for her to come back, but she doesn’t.

The room is pretty empty now, my phone starts ringing and its one of my muser friends, I pick it up just to say 'I cant talk; Im with Matt Bellamy!’ :awesome: and hang up, matt laughs and says that he could have talked to him if I wanted, I plan to call him back….

Eventually (still with my arm around him) my friends takes a blurry picture of us on my phone.


For some reason matt decides to come around uni with us, and were sitting in a lecture together and some random starts singing new born until the lecturer tells him to shut up…. My dream takes a detour here including me faking my own death in a play, (much to the horror of matt I might add) and being a journalist in some battle in china in wwII :wtf: aaaaaanyway…


Eventually matt must have returned the favour and ask me to accompany him around, coz were suddenly in Teighmouth taking chris’s kid for a walk :chuckle: matts pushing the pram down the street and I waking with him; talking.

As I help lift the pram up some staris so we can walk along the beach, matt is talking to me saying something along the lines of, 'I feel safe to talk to you, its not like I have secrets or anything, but id trust them with you if I did' (:yesey:) I laughed and said in my best soap-opera-mocking voice yeah just watch now as some random lady comes up going ‘im pregnant matt… and its yours!’ … matt just laughs nervously and says, ' but if that did happen who wouldn’t tell anyone right?' ….and then a wrong number call wakes me up :(

Edited by Psyche
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I had a really weird dream that included some songs off Showbiz...


I ran to this auditorium place and they made me wait in line. We were waiting in line to get to some kind of carnival... Apparently my mother also wanted to go to the carnival because she was in line about two people in front of me. They started playing music while we were waiting and I thought OMG it's knights of Cydonia!!! But it was actually Showbiz... I yelled to my mom, "MOM!! It's Knights ofCydonia!!" She yelled back to me," Oh, This could be anything!! This isn't that horrible Muse song." We continued arguing until the song was over. She ended up convincing me that it wasn't Muse:( Then Muscle Museum started playing but there was something wrong with it. Then when Matt was supposed to start singing I realized that it was an Alvin and the Chipmunks version....

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