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I completely forgot about this dream I had a few days ago. It was completely weird and Muse-related.

I went to my Hot Topic (which never has any muse stuff) and it must have been near halloween or something. this hot topic was HUGE, and it was a castle. The people inside were all dressed up in costumes and it was really cool, It looked kind of like a maze...well when I was entering a guy stopped me and turned to the "manager" and was talking to her in some weird language. He started talking to me in English and i was like "I think it's cool how the people here have their own language" and he took it offensively for some reason... He was dressed like a knight so he was like attacking me, and I had to fight my way into the Hot Topic to get my Muse merch.....and ninjas would appear in my way trying to stop me from getting the merch, but every time i defeated one, coins would appear; some Scott Pilgrim shit right there.:p


after that I had a dream where this girl Lelah (friend of a friend, don't really like her, we're just acquaintances) she was really crafty in my dream and she would make jewelery for people. I didn't even ask but she made me a gorgeous necklace that said "Muse" on it. I was so happy and I wore it for like 3 weeks straight before I realized she spelled Muse wrong. :$


then I had a dream where I was in the virtual world and I stole some Muse stuff off of Etsy, and the internet Muse merch police came after me, after I got captured and put into internetz jail, Matt came into the room and was interrogating me, "why did you steal it?, who helped you? ANSWER ME!" yeah, it was odd... :LOL:

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Mkay since it's on high request, I'll just post a crap quality recording I did last June. :D I want to make a new one, because this one is... crap quality and has... mistakes, quite a few of them, and it's not very graceful to my current standards. Skip to 2:35 if you're only interested in the epic solo in part II.



I also did a 6-person performance (piano (me), drums, guitar, violin (replacement for voice (my brother)), bass, synth/strings which a small portion of can be seen here. I'm on piano and my brother's on his electric violin. Again, if you want to see the epic solo again, skip to 1:40:



I'll be uploading the full group performance in a couple hours.


Ive only seen your solo performance, and its brilliant! I have no idea what mistakes you made, because it sounds sooo much like the original (considering the different pianos and such, it's about as close as it's gonna get) It reminds you of how good of a set of songs it really is.

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I had a dream that Kate has a miscarriage with their baby :'( As soon as I woke up I rushed to the computer to check that it's not true :supersad: Matt seems to be so thrilled to be a dad


Aww, I hope that doesn't happen! I wouldn't wish that upon anybody.

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Aww, I hope that doesn't happen! I wouldn't wish that upon anybody.


i'm kind of meh-ish about Kate but that would be so sad, I wouldn't wish that one anyone at all.....

I was reading Rolling Stone (which is so poppy now:stunned:) but anyways on one of the pages there was a picture of Matt and Kate and it was rather small but was talking bout the baby, and I cut it out and put it on my wall.:D

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i'm kind of meh-ish about Kate but that would be so sad, I wouldn't wish that one anyone at all.....

I was reading Rolling Stone (which is so poppy now:stunned:) but anyways on one of the pages there was a picture of Matt and Kate and it was rather small but was talking bout the baby, and I cut it out and put it on my wall.:D


What's the magazine say 'bout lil' Bellamy-kun? :awesome:


There was a magazine at my cousins which had Bella and EdwardO ( :LOL: ) on the cover, but had Matt and Kate inside. You should've saw my sister and me. WE WERE GOING CRAZY FANGIRL STYLE!! :eek:

And when we almost attempted stealing, my grandmum caught us :facepalm:

But my sister did steal the same mag at our hair salon :awesome:

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What's the magazine say 'bout lil' Bellamy-kun? :awesome:


There was a magazine at my cousins which had Bella and EdwardO ( :LOL: ) on the cover, but had Matt and Kate inside. You should've saw my sister and me. WE WERE GOING CRAZY FANGIRL STYLE!! :eek:

And when we almost attempted stealing, my grandmum caught us :facepalm:

But my sister did steal the same mag at our hair salon :awesome:



and it just said "Lovely Lady Lumps, pregnant kate hudson shows off her baby bump with rocker boyfriend matt bellamy from MUSE"

...not that i, memorized it or anything. :stunned:

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Ive only seen your solo performance, and its brilliant! I have no idea what mistakes you made, because it sounds sooo much like the original (considering the different pianos and such, it's about as close as it's gonna get) It reminds you of how good of a set of songs it really is.


Thanks a lot Lupus! :happy: It's interesting getting feedback from people who don't know you so well looking from a first impression.. I'm happy to know that I please.



:chuckle::chuckle::chuckle: - Sounds Fun!


You better gosh darn believe it. ;)

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Last night I was at this huge dinner with a whole shit ton of people, all waiting for muse to show up and eat with us. I had a really amazing seat right next to where they were gonna walk through and I was really excited that I could say hi to them as walked past to their seats. Then 30 seconds to mars came in, and I don't even like them, but I still told Jared Leto I like his work. I don't think he heard me.


Then an uproar started because muse were supposed to come in next. Everyone stood up and started cheering, and there were flashing lights and all that. But then some dude made us all shift our seats and I lost my awesome one and I was pretty pissed. And then they didn't even show up. Until they came in through a back door, just Dom and Matt. And Dom ended up next to me to eat, and Matt right across (Chris is basically never in my dreams. Not that I have many). We talked, and I amazed them with my wit. Then I asked for a picture with them, quietly. We had to borrow a camera phone from someone and I was worried I wouldn't be able to actually get to have the picture. And we all looked super stupid in the picture, Matt blinked, I had my mouth open like I'd been talking, and Dom I think looked scared. We were also really tall.


The end.

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Rayfan9876: Holy. Crap. That was great. There were definitely a few mistakes, but you covered them really well. I want to know exactly how the hell you played the solo at the beginning of part 2, I tried it and it's ridiculously hard. Also, you make it seem so effortless. Great job :D

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Last night I was at this huge dinner with a whole shit ton of people, all waiting for muse to show up and eat with us. I had a really amazing seat right next to where they were gonna walk through and I was really excited that I could say hi to them as walked past to their seats. Then 30 seconds to mars came in, and I don't even like them, but I still told Jared Leto I like his work. I don't think he heard me.


Then an uproar started because muse were supposed to come in next. Everyone stood up and started cheering, and there were flashing lights and all that. But then some dude made us all shift our seats and I lost my awesome one and I was pretty pissed. And then they didn't even show up. Until they came in through a back door, just Dom and Matt. And Dom ended up next to me to eat, and Matt right across (Chris is basically never in my dreams. Not that I have many). We talked, and I amazed them with my wit. Then I asked for a picture with them, quietly. We had to borrow a camera phone from someone and I was worried I wouldn't be able to actually get to have the picture. And we all looked super stupid in the picture, Matt blinked, I had my mouth open like I'd been talking, and Dom I think looked scared. We were also really tall.


The end.



OMG JARED!!! :eek::awesome:

HE'S F-ING EVERYWHERE!! :LOL: Seriously... :stunned:

Ah, I always look strange in pictures... LIKE DOM THOUGH. We're like brothers but even closer, as Spongebob says :awesome:

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Last night I was at this huge dinner with a whole shit ton of people, all waiting for muse to show up and eat with us. I had a really amazing seat right next to where they were gonna walk through and I was really excited that I could say hi to them as walked past to their seats. Then 30 seconds to mars came in, and I don't even like them, but I still told Jared Leto I like his work. I don't think he heard me.


Then an uproar started because muse were supposed to come in next. Everyone stood up and started cheering, and there were flashing lights and all that. But then some dude made us all shift our seats and I lost my awesome one and I was pretty pissed. And then they didn't even show up. Until they came in through a back door, just Dom and Matt. And Dom ended up next to me to eat, and Matt right across (Chris is basically never in my dreams. Not that I have many). We talked, and I amazed them with my wit. Then I asked for a picture with them, quietly. We had to borrow a camera phone from someone and I was worried I wouldn't be able to actually get to have the picture. And we all looked super stupid in the picture, Matt blinked, I had my mouth open like I'd been talking, and Dom I think looked scared. We were also really tall.


The end.


:LOL: that is like the best dream ever! 30STM is okay, I mean I don't hate them, but they have some pretty good songs. Plus, Jared Leto, YUM! :D Except no Wolstengod.

He's never in my dreams either..

Sometimes I feel like he doesn't love us. :$ Is he just shy? is that why he didn't talk in the NME video? I doubt it's because he's against Matt's drinking, because I read he was so pissed during the recording of TR that he didn't even put anything into it. So what is it? But then he made a Twitter and tweets every now and then. Why Chris, can't you love us like we love you? :stunned:

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:LOL: that is like the best dream ever! 30STM is okay, I mean I don't hate them, but they have some pretty good songs. Plus, Jared Leto, YUM! :D Except no Wolstengod.

He's never in my dreams either..

Sometimes I feel like he doesn't love us. :$ Is he just shy? is that why he didn't talk in the NME video? I doubt it's because he's against Matt's drinking, because I read he was so pissed during the recording of TR that he didn't even put anything into it. So what is it? But then he made a Twitter and tweets every now and then. Why Chris, can't you love us like we love you? :stunned:

It's just his personality, methinks.

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I was very emotional in that last post. :LOL: I was never bothered my Chris's lack of affection until now.....


I think he doesn't talk to us because he doesn't want to get us preggo.


Haha, it's alright. But I've got pretty much the same personality, so I'd know. I just let other people talk if they're around, but if it's one on one, I'll talk as much as you'd like. And I don't really show affection, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about people. So yeah. I should stop analyzing people, I'm probably totally wrong :LOL:

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Sometimes I feel like he doesn't love us. :$ Is he just shy? is that why he didn't talk in the NME video? I doubt it's because he's against Matt's drinking, because I read he was so pissed during the recording of TR that he didn't even put anything into it. So what is it? But then he made a Twitter and tweets every now and then. Why Chris, can't you love us like we love you? :stunned:


In my opinion, I think he's never at interviews because he's got children. Touring with the band must take up a lot of time, so he probably just likes to spend some time with his family - I'm sure he loves us really, would be nice to see him around a bit more though. :)

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In my opinion, I think he's never at interviews because he's got children. Touring with the band must take up a lot of time, so he probably just likes to spend some time with his family - I'm sure he loves us really, would be nice to see him around a bit more though. :)


Haha, it's alright. But I've got pretty much the same personality, so I'd know. I just let other people talk if they're around, but if it's one on one, I'll talk as much as you'd like. And I don't really show affection, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about people. So yeah. I should stop analyzing people, I'm probably totally wrong :LOL:


Yeah, it's pretty much a combination of both. He's just shyer than Matt and Dom and he enjoys spending time with his kids.

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Haha, it's alright. But I've got pretty much the same personality, so I'd know. I just let other people talk if they're around, but if it's one on one, I'll talk as much as you'd like. And I don't really show affection, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about people. So yeah. I should stop analyzing people, I'm probably totally wrong :LOL:

I guess i'm very talkative, someone who just doesn't shut up to the point that I end up saying stupid things....When I'm with people I don't know very well I'm always the first one to talk...I hate teenage girls, after they know you for a day they go "OMG I LOVE YOU!" and i'm just like :stunned: no, no you don't. I never tell my friends that I "love them" or give them hugs or whatever all the time, only after not seeing them for a while or if we're mad at each other. I guess I'm not very affectionate but if I like you you can tell. For instance, I am spending a lot of time replying to your message and just rambling, on that means I do not mind your company. :p


In my opinion, I think he's never at interviews because he's got children. Touring with the band must take up a lot of time, so he probably just likes to spend some time with his family - I'm sure he loves us really, would be nice to see him around a bit more though. :)

I know and I completely understand that, but for example in the NME video he is right there, walking around behind Matt and Dom, drinking a Red Bull. And people always go :eek: when he talks, but thats only cuz he never does! Talk boy! I think he loves us he just doesn't know how to show it. In any case, I hate when bands go "thank you so much to our fans i love you so much" i don't know why I hate that but I do, so i guess I'm glad he isn't so affectionate.

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I guess i'm very talkative, someone who just doesn't shut up to the point that I end up saying stupid things....When I'm with people I don't know very well I'm always the first one to talk...I hate teenage girls, after they know you for a day they go "OMG I LOVE YOU!" and i'm just like :stunned: no, no you don't. I never tell my friends that I "love them" or give them hugs or whatever all the time, only after not seeing them for a while or if we're mad at each other. I guess I'm not very affectionate but if I like you you can tell. For instance, I am spending a lot of time replying to your message and just rambling, on that means I do not mind your company. :p


Yeah, I'm always the person who stands there awkwardly waiting for the other person to say something :chuckle:

I hate that too, haha. Plus, it makes things really awkward. When people hug me, with some exceptions, I'm just really awkward and stiff.

Aww, I'm glad you don't mind my company :happy: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! *virtual hug* :p

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