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I had a dream a couple of nights ago where Chris was my science teacher. He put an iPod and docking station on the front desk and asked me to pick a song. So I went to try and find TiRO, it was the instrumental version. When it came on the class all jumped up and started singing and dancing to it like they'd choreographed (dunno how to spell that :chuckle:) it and practiced it 50 times! But there was one girl still sat on her stool at the back. Chris went to talk to her then let her pick a song. She got up happily ran to the iPod. She played Justin Beiber! 3 seconds later Matt dropped from the ceiling yelled "FUCK OFF YOU CUNT" then chucked the iPod out the window.



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I had a dream a couple of nights ago where Chris was my science teacher. He put an iPod and docking station on the front desk and asked me to pick a song. So I went to try and find TiRO, it was the instrumental version. When it came on the class all jumped up and started singing and dancing to it like they'd choreographed (dunno how to spell that :chuckle:) it and practiced it 50 times! But there was one girl still sat on her stool at the back. Chris went to talk to her then let her pick a song. She got up happily ran to the iPod. She played Justin Beiber! 3 seconds later Matt dropped from the ceiling yelled "FUCK OFF YOU CUNT" then chucked the iPod out the window.




That's an awesome dream! :awesome::LOL:


Love Matt's random appearance from the ceiling.

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I had a dream a couple of nights ago where Chris was my science teacher. He put an iPod and docking station on the front desk and asked me to pick a song. So I went to try and find TiRO, it was the instrumental version. When it came on the class all jumped up and started singing and dancing to it like they'd choreographed (dunno how to spell that :chuckle:) it and practiced it 50 times! But there was one girl still sat on her stool at the back. Chris went to talk to her then let her pick a song. She got up happily ran to the iPod. She played Justin Beiber! 3 seconds later Matt dropped from the ceiling yelled "FUCK OFF YOU CUNT" then chucked the iPod out the window.




ceiling Matt wtf? D:


I had a totally random dream a few days ago but i cant remember anything :stunned: i just know that it was really weird... :/

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I've had the flu lately so I've been having little naps all day, and this time I fell asleep for about 10 minutes while listening to my iPod.

Anyway, I had a dream we were on an island and Matt was eating a live eel. :\


:LOL: I can actually see matt doing that too. Just reaching into the water, "LOOK, I caught a pwoper eel!" **takes bite**

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Back to Muse dreams :D

I guess it doesn't count as a dream but, well, do not care. :rolleyes:


I was in science class and we were supposed to pick partners, and I chose Hunter (one of my best friends). The teacher told us to lay on the table and take each other's pulse for 5 minutes, no talking whatsoever. I got onto the table and laid down while Hunter took my pulse...But 2 or 3 minutes into it I let my mind wander...and (okay this is bad) I was thinking about all of the things Matt could do to me as I lay there... and well XD needless to say, Hunter was like "what the hell, your pulse just sped up" and we're really close, and he leaned in and said "is it because I'm super sexy?" and i said "no." and he said, "oh, I see. Thinking about Matt again." :LOL: I'm like a book. :rolleyes:

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Had another Musey dream on Thursday night -


I was at my grandparents house - It's pretty fucking massive :LOL: - I was in the kitchen, just about to enter her front room when the door of it flung open before me. Dom is standing there wearing the kinda wet suit thingy he wore at wembley and Matt's behind him and for some reason there's like this Queen sized bed in the front room behind where Matt is standing :stunned:. I've paused for a second, seen Dom and made a surprised ohh noise, then I've seen Matt and gone ohh again and then I realise that Matt's all wet with a towel around him - he had just gotten out of the shower - and gone ooooohh! :D Anyway after that, Matt is suddenly dressed and him and Dom are chasing me around the bed playing a game and knocking stuff over and my grandmother has walked in and shouted us to clean up the mess, we just stood there exchanging cheeky looks! :LOL:

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I had a short dream today where my sister and I were trapped in this fancy room inside of a factory and there were a bunch of these prisoners walking by wearing a hot pink rain coat with a hood. So then, one of the prisoners WAS MATT!! And he totally raised his eyebrow at me then continued walking.

And then I was like, "OMG JORDAN THAT'S MATT!!! WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM!!" :eek:

I rushed to the 2 locked doors, picked them with a chocolate pocky stick and. . . uh. . . it was sorta like a video game from there on :stunned:

I had to walk across these 3 poles coming up from the ground with a little circle sphere things on top and I kept falling off :mad:

And whenever you fell off, you had to start over from the fancy room :rolleyes:

Then, I woke up.

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I had a couple:

The first I had ages ago, and I have no idea who I played in this, ( I have a feeling I was one of their girlfriends :S) but Me (whoever I was), Matt, Kate, Dom and his girlfriend :confused: were staying in this centerparcs-esque apartment. Matt got angry that Dom and his girlfriend were pregnant aswell, and the fact that he didn't tell him until now. And then the whole thing turned up on a newspaper spread :LOL: Woke up quite confused but hey at least it was a Muse dream...


the second one I believe was on Thursday, right at the end, and I was suddenly in the studio at radio one for The Chris Moyles Show, and everyone in the team were there as well as Matt and Dom. I was also part of the team, and I was asking them questions that listeners had sent in. We were all just chilling out on this sofa having a laugh and it lead to me asking them whether Matt and Dom had shared a bed and it all got a bit awkward with Matt being iffy about personal questions and Dom laughing about it awkwardly. And then I mentioned something about Matt already being involved with a certain someone so were gonna have to go and find someone for Dom...and I woke up to my radio alarm :(


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Back to Muse dreams :D

I guess it doesn't count as a dream but, well, do not care. :rolleyes:


I was in science class and we were supposed to pick partners, and I chose Hunter (one of my best friends). The teacher told us to lay on the table and take each other's pulse for 5 minutes, no talking whatsoever. I got onto the table and laid down while Hunter took my pulse...But 2 or 3 minutes into it I let my mind wander...and (okay this is bad) I was thinking about all of the things Matt could do to me as I lay there... and well XD needless to say, Hunter was like "what the hell, your pulse just sped up" and we're really close, and he leaned in and said "is it because I'm super sexy?" and i said "no." and he said, "oh, I see. Thinking about Matt again." :LOL: I'm like a book. :rolleyes:


Wow. Just... wow :LOL:

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I had a short dream today where my sister and I were trapped in this fancy room inside of a factory and there were a bunch of these prisoners walking by wearing a hot pink rain coat with a hood. So then, one of the prisoners WAS MATT!! And he totally raised his eyebrow at me then continued walking.

And then I was like, "OMG JORDAN THAT'S MATT!!! WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM!!" :eek:

I rushed to the 2 locked doors, picked them with a chocolate pocky stick and. . . uh. . . it was sorta like a video game from there on :stunned:

I had to walk across these 3 poles coming up from the ground with a little circle sphere things on top and I kept falling off :mad:

And whenever you fell off, you had to start over from the fancy room :rolleyes:

Then, I woke up.


When the world breaks down, and becomes anarchy because of protesters, Matt WILL be one of those prisoners. You didn't have a dream, you had a premonition :LOL::p

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I had a short dream today where my sister and I were trapped in this fancy room inside of a factory and there were a bunch of these prisoners walking by wearing a hot pink rain coat with a hood. So then, one of the prisoners WAS MATT!! And he totally raised his eyebrow at me then continued walking.

And then I was like, "OMG JORDAN THAT'S MATT!!! WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM!!" :eek:

I rushed to the 2 locked doors, picked them with a chocolate pocky stick and. . . uh. . . it was sorta like a video game from there on :stunned:

I had to walk across these 3 poles coming up from the ground with a little circle sphere things on top and I kept falling off :mad:

And whenever you fell off, you had to start over from the fancy room :rolleyes:

Then, I woke up.


:LOL::LOL: "and he totally raised his eyebrows at me" is my favorite line.good dream though :D

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Had another funny Muse dream the other night...


For some reason Dom and I were dating and some womens mag (I think it was Cosmopolitan) decided to interview Kate, Kelly and I about dating/being married to famous musicians and they were asking the usual questions like "worst thing about the boys being on tour for months at a time" and such when they asked me "so you and Dom are the only couple who don't have a child together, do you have any plans for a mini Kuzara or Dominic soon?" and my response was "uh... well I'm only 20, and still studying, so for me kids aren't a priority until I graduate which is in 3 years time and plus I get to babysit for Matt & Kate or Chris & Kelly if they need a night away from the little ones so I have fun with that, Dom however... he's started getting clucky about babies which gives me the giggles, seeing a man getting like that"

There was also a glamorous photoshoot of us 3 ladies with the interview which was in black and white and I remember showing Dom and he thought "it was an extremely beautiful shoot" and we (Kate, Kelly & I) "looked amazing" (what he said lol)

and apparently I was still a forum member and I constantly got asked questions about tours, songs and even personal stuff by all of you guys it was so odd!!

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Well today, I had quite a weird dream concerning only Matt and Dom (sad, I know.)

And my sister and I were at an arena and Dom and Matt were being interviewed in the spotlight, obviously and well I realised something really odd. Instead of Matt and Dom sitting in chairs or just standing, Dom was sitting on Matt's back as he was on all 4s. It was really hilarious :LOL: They just acted like nothing was wrong. . . Ah, Belldom :3

Anyway, for some reason I kept walking away to get soda and Matt was saying how we were here for a charity fundraiser. That made my heart melt :happy:

And then randomly he said, "I LOVE GETTING DRUNK!!"

Dom agreed and started laughing but then said, "I always get the drunk girls who are like 'Marry me!' and 'Let's have kids, Dom.'"

And me: :stunned:

I remember hearing some girl in the crowd screeching in the crowd too saying "I'm one of those people!!"


And another BellDom-ish moment after that girls shoutout , was Dom ruffling Matt's hair and this random guy sat upon Dom's back, with Dom struggling to get him off his back saying "You don't understand!!"


But of course by then, I woke up :LOL:

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I totally forgot I had another Muse dream :eek:

HAARP seemed to bring me to remembering it though :phu:


So, I guess I was in school and bought lunch. . . and had 8 dollars remaining, but for some reason, I don't even know why I brought all that money with me in the first place.

Anyways, my best friend, Sloane, and I (and her stepdad) went to a store that reminded me of this futuristic F.Y.E. So, obviously knowing I'm in a music store, I go to look for any Muse merchandise and spot *angelic choir sings* THE MAKING OF SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE!! :awesome:

So then I'm like freaking out saying random stuff and yelling, "OMFG!!! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!"

It turns out it was $10.49 and remember, all I had was $8. So I blew it off saying, "I'll come back to get you, my precious. . ."


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Had another funny Muse dream the other night...


For some reason Dom and I were dating and some womens mag (I think it was Cosmopolitan) decided to interview Kate, Kelly and I about dating/being married to famous musicians and they were asking the usual questions like "worst thing about the boys being on tour for months at a time" and such when they asked me "so you and Dom are the only couple who don't have a child together, do you have any plans for a mini Kuzara or Dominic soon?" and my response was "uh... well I'm only 20, and still studying, so for me kids aren't a priority until I graduate which is in 3 years time and plus I get to babysit for Matt & Kate or Chris & Kelly if they need a night away from the little ones so I have fun with that, Dom however... he's started getting clucky about babies which gives me the giggles, seeing a man getting like that"

There was also a glamorous photoshoot of us 3 ladies with the interview which was in black and white and I remember showing Dom and he thought "it was an extremely beautiful shoot" and we (Kate, Kelly & I) "looked amazing" (what he said lol)

and apparently I was still a forum member and I constantly got asked questions about tours, songs and even personal stuff by all of you guys it was so odd!!


Nice :LOL:

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I had been playing sims all night a few days ago, and I ended up having a dream where Matt, Dom and some of U2, I think just Bono and Edge, were walking around in sim-form. It was really weird. Then it got even weirder when Matt and Bono started skipping through a meadow singing something that sounded like a mix of Sweetest Thing and Neutron Star Collision. :wtf:


Late night simming doesn't help your sanity. :facepalm:

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I totally forgot I had another Muse dream :eek:

HAARP seemed to bring me to remembering it though :phu:


So, I guess I was in school and bought lunch. . . and had 8 dollars remaining, but for some reason, I don't even know why I brought all that money with me in the first place.

Anyways, my best friend, Sloane, and I (and her stepdad) went to a store that reminded me of this futuristic F.Y.E. So, obviously knowing I'm in a music store, I go to look for any Muse merchandise and spot *angelic choir sings* THE MAKING OF SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE!! :awesome:

So then I'm like freaking out saying random stuff and yelling, "OMFG!!! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!"

It turns out it was $10.49 and remember, all I had was $8. So I blew it off saying, "I'll come back to get you, my precious. . ."


Hah! That would be a cool find... but the beetle is just a little out there, but yea, scary when in giant form.

I had been playing sims all night a few days ago, and I ended up having a dream where Matt, Dom and some of U2, I think just Bono and Edge, were walking around in sim-form. It was really weird. Then it got even weirder when Matt and Bono started skipping through a meadow singing something that sounded like a mix of Sweetest Thing and Neutron Star Collision. :wtf:


Late night simming doesn't help your sanity. :facepalm:


Oh, that game is addicting isn't it?! And yea, it can mess with your head!

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