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That's probably why you're bothering some people here.


You're claiming your opinion is a fact while it's just an opinion like mine or anyone else here.


I don't claim it as fact. I type out a post that contains my feelings, which you can choose to ignore.

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Well to each his own.


I'm not a fan of Exo-G at all to be honest but I do admire the musical work behind it.


I don't see many "mainstream" bands doing that if you ask me since Muse is considered by many new "haters" or old die hard fans (and I'm one of them I've started listening to them in Fall 99 with Muscle Museum as single) "mainstream".


I don't get what haters want exactly, you want Citizen Erased on each album ? Don't think the band itself would enjoy cloning the same track and lyrics forever.


Some do though, but not Muse.


I see this NSC track as some gift, a present I was not expecting and I'm ready to enjoy it like it is : some fun track with some good riffage, sick bass line and epic drum work like the ones I've heard on tracks like Resistance on the album.


People should try to be see more positives in life nowadays instead of just looking for any single negative.


I suppose i'm a 'hater' in you eyes. No I do not want another Citizen Erased. I was perfectly happy with the change Muse made when they released Absolution, it was darker, it contained more softer elements and had some genuine rock out songs that had been touched upon during the Origin days, it seemed like a natural progression. With the BHaR era, the electronic stuff in Take a Bow and Map of the Problematique really appealed to me, what didn't was the all over the place nature of the album that I find makes it difficult to listen to, and some of the more cheesier elements getting a bigger showing in their work.

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I don't get the connection between disliking Muse new direction and wanting them to copy themselves


I'm just stating what I've read on various boards or last fm.


People are mainly complaining about the band not doing tracks like Citizen Erased and albums like OOS anymore.


Just because I don't like where Muse are heading doesn't mean that I want them to write variations of OoS. And did you even read the responses to your previous post? Please name one thing in Exogenesis that Muse hasn't done before.


You're free to not like Muse but do you think it's constructive or help the debate to bitch for the sake of it ?


Please name me the problem with Exo Genesis then.


What's so crap about it ?


Again name me an artist who is able to create something absolutely and totally fresh and new on every single of his/her album.


I'm very curious about that.

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lol i love how it must be that the haters are the ones who don't want the band to change! The three first albums are all different enough to keep it interesting. It's the irrationality from people on both sides from people unable un understand the opposing opinion that keeps these threads going round in circles.


There seems to be a lot of stereotyping going on. On one side you have people clutching a warn out digipak of Origin of Symmetry humming Citizen Erased to themselves who see the only use for a copy of The Resistance as a colourful missile to throw at the new people who don't know or care that Cave didn't have a video and think that every single Muse lyric written to date is a perfect map the lives of some shiny vampires so long as there aren't any of those annoying guitar riffs that ruin the song.


I mean, who here actually said "I wish they would release another song like Citizen Erased"? Granted there a few people here who probably do think this and should probably move on, this really has been a minor contribution to the discussion, yet everyone is all hung up on it.


Tbh, reading over this thread, neither of these extremes exist. People are trying to dissipate and dissect an argument that isn't really even occurring apart from a few misguided comments. Stop trying to put things in little boxes and just take things for what they are.


Besides. The most experimental thing Muse have done so far is probably Undisclosed Desires or IBTY.

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I'm just stating what I've read on various boards or last fm.


People are mainly complaining about the band not doing tracks like Citizen Erased and albums like OOS anymore.




You're free to not like Muse but do you think it's constructive or help the debate to bitch for the sake of it ?


Please name me the problem with Exo Genesis then.


What's so crap about it ?


Again name me an artist who is able to create something absolutely and totally fresh and new on every single of his/her album.


I'm very curious about that.

Stop making stupid assumtions. I like Exogenesis, all I'm saying is that it isn't experimentalm in any way.

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oh there is simply too many people like you, hypocrites. if you ever call a song shit [any song] and proceed to say why. just take it back and remember you said this.


There is a difference between saying I dislike a song for reason "X" and saying this song is shit and proceed to bitch about cheese.


Correct; Exogenesis isn't experimental at all :erm:.


It's ambitious, it's overblown, it defies genre to some extent but it is quintessentially 'Muse', in the same way that Butterflies & Hurricanes, Blackout, Take A Bow and City Of Delusion ape the whole classical-rock crossover.


Muse are a million miles from being experimental at any stage, innovative perhaps, though I'd maintain they simply take clearly defined genres and shove them together. It's not all that scientific :LOL:.


While it may be the "quintessential" Muse sound, it was experimental because this was the first time that Matt actually scored the whole piece. In interviews he said that he had never done such a thing and it was quite a task and difficult for him to do.


It is also quite funny to look up the words INNOVATIVE and EXPERIMENTAL and look for synonyms, or the thesaurus for that matter. It is the same thing.

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There seems to be a lot of stereotyping going on. On one side you have people clutching a warn out digipak of Origin of Symmetry humming Citizen Erased to themselves who see the only use for a copy of The Resistance as a colourful missile to throw at the new people who don't know or care that Cave didn't have a video and think that every single Muse lyric written to date is a perfect map the lives of some shiny vampires so long as there aren't any of those annoying guitar riffs that ruin the song.


Tbh, reading over this thread, neither o these extremes exist. People are trying to dissipate and dissect an argument that isn't really even occurring apart from a few misguided comments. Stop trying to put things in little boxes and just take things for what they are.


Besides. The most experimental thing Muse have done so far is probably Undisclosed Desires or IBTY.




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There seems to be a lot of stereotyping going on. On one side you have people clutching a warn out digipak of Origin of Symmetry humming Citizen Erased to themselves who see the only use for a copy of The Resistance as a colourful missile to throw at the new people who don't know or care that Cave didn't have a video and think that every single Muse lyric written to date is a perfect map the lives of some shiny vampires so long as there aren't any of those annoying guitar riffs that ruin the song.



Spot on. Very few of those extremes actually exist! All this 'You just want Muse to write another Citizen Erased' arguements are quite funny. Just from viewing the board I can see the same people who love The Resistance also love Citizen Erased, shocking. Likewise some people who love Origin don't think Citizen Erased is all that. Amazing that people have, like different and diverse opinions

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''Neutron star collision sounds likes shit.''



''Man, Neutron star collision sounds like shit in my opinion.''



Which one of these is less offensive? In my experience both would attract a bunch of negative follow up replies.


''I like how this song is shaping up!''


What would I say in reply to this? Nothing, because the poster was not inviting a reply or a backhanded comment, it is a purely opinionated post that isn't inviting a 10 page discussion.


Treat others as you would like to be treated.

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Stop making stupid assumtions. I like Exogenesis, all I'm saying is that it isn't experimentalm in any way.


And stop acting like a whiner and arrogant musical integrist who pretends to know everything and anything about it.


And that includes you calling me "stupid" because of your lack of valid arguments.

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And stop acting like a whiner and arrogant musical integrist who pretends to know everything and anything about it.


And that includes you calling me "stupid" because of your lack of valid arguments.

What the hell? Whiner? You call that a valid argument? All I'm saying is that Exogenesis isn't experimental, and that I don't like the direction Muse are heading in.


You are the one basing your arguments on a very small group of people and then making huge generalizations.

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''Neutron star collision sounds likes shit.''



''Man, Neutron star collision sounds like shit in my opinion.''



Which one of these is less offensive? In my experience both would attract a bunch of negative follow up replies.


''I like how this song is shaping up!''


I think the latter statement is just more positive (but I would be curious to know what sounds appealing in the "shaping" of the track).


The basic "NSC sounds like shit" brings what to the table exactly ?


And how can you call a track "shitty" with only 30 seconds of what should last between 3 and 5 good minutes ?


That's my very problem with many "haters" of this track.


Treat others like you would like to be treated


Like not calling them "stupid" (this remark is not for you but for the person above you called my assumptions and remarks "stupid").

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What the hell? Whiner? You call that a valid argument? All I'm saying is that Exogenesis isn't experimental, and that I don't like the direction Muse are heading in.


You are the one basing your arguments on a very small group of people and then making huge generalizations.


Talking to people like you is like talking to a wall, the more you're trying to find sense inside them the less you get it.


I've stated I do think Exo-G is the fruit of a big musical work from different people and you keep bitching because it's not "experimental" enough so ?


You don't like the direction they're heading ? Fine , it's your very opinion and no one disputed it.


What I Was stating is that people tend to bitch for the sake of it nowadays and are making a fuss for 30 seconds of a very new track they've not heard properly yet.


Can you get that in your head now ?


And the small group you're talking about , you're part of it since you're seem to "hate the new direction" (hence the name "haters").

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Its not unreasonable for someone to be able to form an opinion of a song when given a 30 second sample of the chorus.


To me it makes no sense to call a song "shitty" based on 30 seconds.


It's like watching 30 minutes of a three hours long movie and claiming "this movie is shitty".

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Yeah it's pretty funny to see how people are hyper sensitive and going crazy for those 30 little seconds :LOL:


Like the girl claiming "I feel like i'm gonna stab someone after listening to this !" :LOL:


Four little hours and we will get the whole thing and this thread will explode like if 2012 is already here :)


Apocalypse Please !

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