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kasabian have three slightly similar but still great albums, muse could take a leaf out of their book..

Don't you know? Muse are obviously the only band in the world that would become boring if they stayed with one sound for more than one album. Or, now it's not even one whole album anymore.

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Don't you know? Muse are obviously the only band in the world that would become boring if they stayed with one sound for more than one album. Or, now it's not even one whole album anymore.


ah i see.. they're a special exception :LOL:

must put a strain on them having to change style for like every song :chuckle: soon they'll be changing part way through them..

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I love how some people look down on fans who know of Muse because of Twilight, Guitar Hero or Starlight... when chances are, that's how most of us heard of them.


Note how I used the words: some, chance and most. Obviously I know there are fans who knew of them long before they were popular.

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kasabian have three slightly similar but still great albums, muse could take a leaf out of their book..


Kasabian haven't made a consistent album at all yet imo.


There's good songs on all three and some awful ones as well.


They're a better of a one-trick pony. They've not changed their sound at all. They just happen to be good at coming up with Oasis-esque anthems.

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Kasabian haven't made a consistent album at all yet imo.


There's good songs on all three and some awful ones as well.


They're a better of a one-trick pony. They've not changed their sound at all. They just happen to be good at coming up with Oasis-esque anthems.


true.. pretty like hit and miss albums.. the same as muse recently

but at least they realise what they do well..

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true.. pretty like hit and miss albums.. the same as muse recently

but at least they realise what they do well..


Muse are at least ambitious though, even if they've confused ambition with "genre-dipping" recently. Kasabian are pretty generic to me.

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Now, I LOVE Muse. I listen to them daily, been following them since 2000, and soak up and generally enjoy almost everything they release on some level. With that said, I also retain my right to be critical of them, since I WANT them to succeed.



Undisclosed Desires and Exo-Politics are among two of the best songs to come off of the last two albums.


Hyper Music and Cave are kind of boring.


They will never top Absolution (although I'd love for them to prove me wrong).


While amazing live, the studio recordings of Plug in Baby and New Born are pretty meh (I've been too spoiled at shows I suppose).


Exogenesis was a little bit of a let down (Redemption for the most part).


Covering Back in Black was nearly as bad of an idea as playing Feeling Good. every. single. night.


Glorious should have taken the place of Starlight on BH&R.


They need to give songs like TIRO, Hysteria, SS and SMBH a break live. Fans will beg for their return and won't take them for granted as much (B&H and Bliss, anyone? We used to get those all the time).


Finally, Muse are starting to become sellouts. Really, it saddens me to think about it, but it's true. They need to wise up before they rapidly lose their cred they've worked so long and hard to create. Gotta snag that 14 year old fanbase, y'know!


Phew, flame away :LOL:


Oh boy, here comes the same old same old lecture here. Point one: Changing your sound doesn't make you a sellout. Having a song on a movie soundtrack doesn't make you a sellout. Having a song in a music video game doesn't make you a sellout. Muse haven't sold out quite yet. There's a fine line between selling out and changing/growing up.


Point 2- and I'm sure you've heard this 1000000000000 times- not all 14 year olds have bad taste in music. I found Muse by hearing Stockholm Syndrome in the 7th grade, when I was (or was close to) 14 years old. Look at me now, 5 years later, still liking Muse and having a very diverse taste in music because at 14 I was curious about music and loved it.


If a bunch of teens like your music for 2 or 3 songs, more power to them. And if they find Muse through GH or Twilight, who cares? If they like the music, they like the music. If they're "typical" and stick to the 2 or 3 songs, they're not a fanbase!

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Kasabian haven't made a consistent album at all yet imo.


There's good songs on all three and some awful ones as well.


They're a better of a one-trick pony. They've not changed their sound at all. They just happen to be good at coming up with Oasis-esque anthems.


Sorry, but how can you compare Kasabian to Oasis?


Oasis is straight up raw guitar based rock, Kasabian owe more to Primal Scream, Death In Vegas etc for their sound.


And why is it people complain when bands don't change their sound? No band has to, if a band is still making great music in that sound, there's no reason whatsoever to change apart from to impress somebody unintelligent enough to believe that "credible" music has to be completely different every time :facepalm:


I'm not the biggest fan of Kasabian, but comparing them to Oasis is just as retarded as comparing Oasis to The Beatles, The Beatles completely changed, Oasis never did.


Also, getting bored of the Muse are "changing" nonsense, when they are closer to becoming irrelevant, which is sad considering OOS was like nothing else in 2001, I can still remember my jaw hitting the floor when I first heard PIB and now they are becoming like a camp Killers/Coldplay/U2.


Oh, by "irrelevant" I mean like you don't see bands starting out trying to be like Muse these days, whereas I know plenty of people, including myself, who picked up instruments because of OOS & Absolution, rather than just being great music, it made people want to do something.

Edited by haze015
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Sorry, but how can you compare Kasabian to Oasis?


Oasis is straight up raw guitar based rock, Kasabian owe more to Primal Scream, Death In Vegas etc for their sound.



He means similar in terms of generically average pop/rock.

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Sorry, but how can you compare Kasabian to Oasis?


Oasis is straight up raw guitar based rock, Kasabian owe more to Primal Scream, Death In Vegas etc for their sound.


And why is it people complain when bands don't change their sound? No band has to, if a band is still making great music in that sound, there's no reason whatsoever to change apart from to impress somebody unintelligent enough to believe that "credible" music has to be completely different every time :facepalm:


I'm not the biggest fan of Kasabian, but comparing them to Oasis is just as retarded as comparing Oasis to The Beatles, The Beatles completely changed, Oasis never did.


Also, getting bored of the Muse are "changing" nonsense, when they are closer to becoming irrelevant, which is sad considering OOS was like nothing else in 2001, I can still remember my jaw hitting the floor when I first heard PIB and now they are becoming like a camp Killers/Coldplay/U2.


Oh, by "irrelevant" I mean like you don't see bands starting out trying to be like Muse these days, whereas I know plenty of people, including myself, who picked up instruments because of OOS & Absolution, rather than just being great music, it made people want to do something.


Well, notice that OOS was a big change from Showbiz, and in Absolution they changed even more.

They've never stayed the same. Who's to say that OOS is the sound that Muse is? What if The Resistance is? What if BHAR is? Every album is different.

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